It's the basic one, you can extend it like you want. WooTheWinnerTTV. Shift lmb and space for mana, you really want to shift. What you will. วูซาฟาร์มโลวเทีย : Woosa low tier grinding skill. . ROTATION: Like other succession combos, Woosa succession is also short (Dont worry if. The Official Pearl Abyss - Black Desert Online NA/EU PC discord! | 83213 membersตัวละคร. As for the PvE skill rotations , Awakening Lahn is pretty flexible in. May 7, 2023 (UTC)Which Skill-Addons to pick for Dark Knight? I just hit lvl 58 on my DK and am looking for suggestions on which 'Skill Add-on' to pick? I tried searching but the only thing I found is almost a year old. 4. Credits Disclaimer: Since there are now 26 BDO classes, it is impossible for me to keep class guides fully maintained. Key inputs: Hold F (until cloudcarve) - W+E - E (until orchid) - SHIFT+RMB cancel it with SHIFT A/D then immediately SHIFT+LMB - SHIFT+RMB - Hold F (until cl. In this video, we're going to show you how to play WOOSA like a pro in 1H!WOOSA is a new class that just came out in BDO. These are just some combinations of skill add-ons that you can choose from. My Skill Combo for all types of PvP!!!!. My main class is Ranger and I don’t claim to be the best in any class. You should make sure to put some addons on meteor as it is a T3 skill which means it gives you the strongest form of addons and is a quite useful skill in group pvp. Add-On Kunoichi Awakening (PVE)เพื่อนๆผู้เล่นใหม่ที่อยากลองเล่นอาชีพ Kunoichiวันนี้จะมาแนะนำ Add-On (เฉพาะตัวเราเอง)ที่ใช้ตีมอนเตอร์ให้นะคะสำหรับตัวเราเวลาฟาร์มมอน. In this guide I will be talking about the PVE add-ons for Awakening Guardian. #blackdesert #pve #combo Woosa Movement guide: an endless Storm Cloud. 8K. BDO| How to Play Woosa Succession Like A PRO in 1Hour! - Part 1. Credits Disclaimer: Since there are now 26 BDO classes, it is impossible for me to keep class guides fully maintained. From the classes I have played/mained: Ninja has some non effective sustain on their skills (40 hp on hit, 59 awakening skill), Musa has 0 on base awakening skills but some on add-ons and 1 regen skill in pre awakened, DK has a regen skill but. BDO| How to Play Woosa Succession Like A PRO in 1Hour! - Part 1. So i'd like to know what you guys went with and why. Selected Skills. 1 / 12. You can choose 2. 1. . Main thing being having to spend $120 USD vs $60. Woosa Succession PvE skill rotation and add-ons. . #valkyrie #pve #blackdesert Please Subscribe + Like + Comment + ShareYou can support me with a new application to show that you like my Youtube content. Hi! You are looking for help regarding a class? Check out the following discords made by members of our community. • 17 days ago. She has good pack to pack mobility, decent damage, low cooldown on damaging abilities, good pulling abilities, and easy to pick up. The evasion could be changed to perhaps movement speed buff or debuff. Skill Add-ons. that which is where you have saved it. but really it should be in class forum . Skill add-ons refer to the additional effects you can “add-on” to certain skills to aid you greatly in combat. Day 1 Woosa PVE combo, grinds SE easily on season. This list may become out of date if any changes are made to the class. 5. All discussion related to BDO Gameplay. Here are the PVE addons that I personally use. 50 or. So the new add-ons are now released for a while but its still hard to find some infos about whats usefull or not. Notes about the addons:. แมวดอนผีบิน. . Yeah, and you can put 20% crit and +20 monster damage skill addons on F that you can keep up 100% of the time while grinding. . Black Desert NA/EU – New Update: Maegu's Raging Power of Foxfire | Pearl Abyss. #รัน. High AoE, skills flow smoothly into each other, easy mana sustain (no infinite mana pot for me). Woosa Skills List 12th Dec 2022; BDO Giveaway [Ended] 29th Dec 2020; Mysteries of Summer 2020 – Walkthrough Guide 21st Aug 2020; Support BDFoundry. My current addons are: Fireball +10 pvp-ak and +10% cs Freeze +15 def and +10% cs MMA +20 pve-ak and +5 pvp-ak. Musa Skill Add-ons. Musa Succession PvE Guide - Skills, Addons, Combos, Gear - NEWBIE FRIENDLY // #Musa #PvE #MusaSuccession Tholwaldor Dec 3, 2022, 10:00 (UTC) 2286 3 13 1#pve #woosa #blackdesert Please Subscribe + Like + Comment + ShareYou can support me with a new application to show that you like my Youtube content. Black Desert WOOSA COMBO PVE with skill addon enhancement Trinity Online YouTube Guide, Southeast Asia's leading anime, comics, and games (ACG) community where people can create, watch and share engaging videos. 👍 Like & Subscribe 💛 Follow me on 📺 FB & Instagram💛 Coupon Codes, Guides, Discord, Apply Guild @ Instagram: Add-ons. Dehkia’s Lantern Guide. 21/08. But playing against rapid classes like. My main class is Ranger and I don’t claim to be the best in any class. The Woosa requires more thought in positioning when firing off her skills, but it's not a deal breaker. Addons: so much to be said for just how much they nailed her aesthetic. Woosa Skills List 12th Dec 2022; BDO Giveaway [Ended] 29th Dec 2020. Enjoy! Lets start with overall succesion pros: - easy 4 skill rotation with perma Super Armor (no need to worry about those KD's) - lots of AoE skills - Low ap requirements to be efficient - Fast and low efford. Save your build! Double click the skill icon to open it in the new tab. Maegu on the other hand might become my new "main" class. All classes in BDO follow the same progression for gear regardless of class. Araethel-SEA , Jan 26, 2023 (UTC+8) 0. Life Skill Game Play Deutsch Allgemeine Diskussionen Klassen-Diskussionen. . One shot combo as well as completely anti melee, speedy skills with instant stun/daze, skills with abnormal AOE, and one thing is totally absurd which is her tankiness. At her core, Woosa is an agile, strategic class capable of devastating crowd control with a versatile reach and can redirect damage. 49. Tholwaldor. The reason why I have those two as my primary skill add-ons is because I usually start my combo with. In addition, Sage is capable of moving from one point to the next by tearing open space. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. However, her ability to approach enemies in Succession has been. If I had to sum it all up in one sentence, Awakening Woosa is a mobile mortar strike just launching heavy artillery all over the place. Feb 10, 2023 (UTC+8). Skill add-on effects are grouped into 3 levels based on the skill’s cooldown time and utility. May 7, 2023 (UTC). A fast Woosa can throw a wrench in a lot of plans that include Orion if they were expecting violent. Skill Add-ons. Entire Menu. Required Points: 826. Woosa Release Celebration Hot Time Woosa's bringing the hot time for everyone!December 14, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance – December 28, 2022 (Wed) before maintenanceMonday 2:00 - Friday 15:59 UTC500%Combat EXP 50%Skill EXP Friday 16:00 - Monday 02:00 UTC1000%Combat EXP 100%Skill EXP2. 19 2. Join. Musa Succession PvE Guide - Skills, Addons, Combos, Gear - NEWBIE FRIENDLY // #Musa #PvE #MusaSuccession. . 3. set up your skill build and addons, save it on preset 1, change to preset 2 and set up a different build, save it on preset 2. She has good pack to pack mobility, decent damage, low cooldown on damaging abilities, good pulling abilities, and easy to pick up. Storm Maul – Critical Hit 20% & Attack Casting Speed +7%; Aerial Burst I – All DP -15 & All Evasion Rate -4%;BDO: [Solo Seasonal #Shai] Skill #Addons (#PVE and pvp?) Never know if it's sort of things goes in fan art or guides area, a video was moved here last time so. 2 Start the game once installation is complete. She calls the Land of the Morning Light home, and with her war fan in hand, she devastates her enemies with the power of. The skills are subject to change after. These are the skill add-ons i personally use. She is a mid- to melee-range class who can deliver quick strikes with her folded fan, or imbue her fan with her Do Arts, spreading it open for area-of-effect attacks. A lot of awakening skills have some hp regen but they are not has big as the classes I listed above. My main class is Ranger and I don’t claim to be the best in any class. I tried my best to correct mistakes. Join. Jan 26, 2023 (UTC+8) #PvE. Locked Skills 6. exe to install the Black Desert launcher. 1K. I took your advice, I moved over to Trees, and I've just acheived my goal solo! Up next: Bartali book 10-15, and Magnus! Finished grinding the silver to craft after I got the nouver armor drop. The Wizard conjures a powerful fiery attack to descend, which can be used against enemies at close-range. Maegu Awakening All Skill &. If you are someone who only does group spots you can replace -4% evasion and -15 DP if your partner has skills that. Woosa New Update 12/28/[email protected]:01 the skill is "Cloudburst" not Kaleidoscope Flower @5:09 skill is Kaleidoscope Flower not Inkstroke, sorry for the inconvenie. Credits Disclaimer: Since there are now 26 BDO classes, it is impossible for me to keep class guides fully maintained. - Personal transaction unavailable. Below are some examples of PVE skill add-ons you can take. Woosa can be very strong on GWD as his main weakness (strippers) is a little less common than in arena. The best buff you can have on DK is Attack speed , hence my addons are mainly setup around attackspeed. But even though things have been relatively quiet, Pearl Abyss. Maintenance Schedule: - July 05, 2023 (Wed). Looking for a skill build? Use the skills that are used in the rotation and your passives. You can see I mainly have add-ons for Monster AP, Attack Speed, Accuracy, DP - Debuffs and Critical hit Damage. #woosa #bdo #pvpPlease Subscribe + Like + Comment + ShareYou can support me with a new application to show that you like my Youtube content. Blade Addons. This is personalized and gives me the most amount of damage I can deal with my combo. . Here are the addons thats I use: Even if the DP debuff does not stack , its nice to have multiple to have for sustained uptime and tag any mob that was not gathered together. Woosa’s Do Arts utilize a butterfly motif, as she can summon a huge storm. Woosa Skills List 12th Dec 2022; BDO Giveaway [Ended] 29th Dec 2020. Want to lower your ping? Use coupon code NO. The update also has several events linked to the class like a hot time event and extra rewards for hitting level 60 with the Woosa, and it also lets. Skill Add-ons. Woosa Le. Poliwhirl-SEA. * Woosa's Rabam skills, 2 Prime skills, and Magnus skill are planned to be released in future updates. skill preset will let you to change the skill in between preset number 1 and 2. You can get more skill preset slots by using the Skill Preset Coupon. 25/06/2021 15:23. Since its stats are capped everyone is on the same level which leads to way less gear checking to happen. Warrior Awakening - Skill Addon. Woosa Skills List 12th Dec 2022; BDO Giveaway [Ended] 29th Dec 2020. Rather you want to enhance your critical damage, accuracy, monster damage and attack speed. - Personal transaction unavailable. Hello, I have created this guide to show you guys basics of one of the best grinders which is lahn succesion. They both did very well in PvE grinding. Credits Disclaimer: Since there are now 26 BDO classes, it is impossible for me to keep class guides fully maintained. 30 VT. These are the add-ons that I use currently. Below are some examples of PVE skill add-ons you can take. After it expires, the last state of your skill set will be kept. Hellfire. # 1. The guards in the Maegu/Woosa intro video. Because let’s be real, if you aren’t playing a class that you think looks cool, then your time in BDO won’t last. . Mocez. You still have to manually switch them all out (for Memory Fragments! if u dont posses the Old Moon Book) every time you switch to a different preset. Feb 10, 2023 (UTC+8). Any fellow Warriors able to tell me which Skill Add on they will be choosing and which is deemed most effective for PvE/P. Below u gonna find skill builds, addons choice, recommended grind zones for selected ap/dp, basic PvE skill rotation and more. +5 - 25 Magic DP Increase. Maegu Succession Addons. Copy URL Facebook Twitter # 1. 319. Awakening 3. So s+e, s+f and cloud flower spawn clouds. Poliwhirl-SEA May 29, 2023, 15:15 (UTC+8) 398 1 9 0. The skills are subject to change after Maegu’s official class release on 18th January 2023. Maegu & Woosa Swap Awaken, Season Extended (PC) & New. but really it should be in class forum . The Human damage addon on. . 2242 1 1 0. BDO| How to Play Woosa Succession Like A PRO in. Woosa Skills List 12th Dec 2022; BDO Giveaway [Ended] 29th Dec 2020; Mysteries of Summer 2020 – Walkthrough Guide 21st Aug 2020; Support BDFoundry. My main class is Ranger and I don’t claim to be the best in any class. #วิซาร์ด. Below are some examples of PVE skill add-ons you can take. r/blackdesertonline. On the 28th Oct Update, we got a massive reworking on all skills addons. . 1765 1 1 0. Space becomes a double hit after 60 and can wipe packs with just dashing and pressing space both times. #maegu #bdo #pvePlease Subscribe + Like + Comment + ShareYou can support me with a new application to show that you like my Youtube content.