It should pop up about every 15,000-17,000 miles. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - Chk coolant additive - At less than 14k I'm getting message check coolant additive. Nothing is currently wrong with your truck, just a prompt to be pro-active. Drain your system completely and refill, using a 50/50 mix. pH is the prime indicator for the overall condition of your coolant. Diesel in coolant resevoir. There is some test strips that are used to check the. 0L Power Stroke Diesel; 1999 - 2003 7. 9L) - Coolant additive - Hi, I posted a question a few days ago and some of you guys said to only buy a truck if the owner has used a coolant additive. , RED. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - coolant additive check msg - got the warning on the message center. The easiest way to confirm you are using the right coolant is to send your 2019 Ford F-250 to David McDavid Ford or give us a call at 8174207990. . scheduled maintenance information chapter, the coolant additive. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - Coolant Revitalizer VC-12 question - I was told by the dealership that after the second check coolant warning light comes on in my 2011 F250 (54k miles) to just add one quart of the Ford Coolant Revitalizer VC-12 to the system. 53 1. I understand I need to test the. 5. If nothing has been added to your coolant systems, the chances of testing positive for Nitrites is almost non-existant. Check Level - Determine the coolant / antifreeze level. SKU # 1277687. Using any other coolant may result in vehicle damage. 2 Per addition if required. (Can. Engine light is on, Code P2470, Exhaust gas temp. Anyhow, the Check coolant additive light came on during my most recent trip. 0L Power Stroke Diesel; 1999 - 2003 7. The coolant when new will protect down to -50°C. 7L Power Stroke Diesel; 6. SKU # 1277685. This is the first time I've ever tested coolant in a diesel engine so I really don't know what I'm doing. Quote: The coolant concentration should be maintained at 50/50 mix of Motorcraft® Specialty Orange Engine Coolant VC-3-B (U. As per P. 7. The video above shows you where the coolant reservoir in your F-250 Super Duty is located and how to check the coolant / antifreeze level. 08. No test of the secondary tank; no letting the unit cool, nada that the guide says to do. In order to get an accurate reading, your 6. 3L Power Stroke Diesel; Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. SKU # 136521. 3L Power Stroke Diesel; Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. 7 need to be capable of testing. I went to the dealer and was told the antifreeze has to be chemically analysed to make sure it is not corroding the aluminum in the engine. After reading the owners manual I think I need rotunda #328-00008(antifreeze coolant ELC contamination kit). 1 qt (14. DO NOT just add more coolant to the system!Checking Coolant Corrosion Inhibitor Additive Strength At specific mileage intervals of 15000miles (24000 km), as listed in the scheduled maintenance information chapter, the coolant corrosion inhibitor additive should be checked. to the cooling system. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - Check coolant additive - So at 39,000+ miles the check coolant additive message comes on. 6. Genuine Ford Fluid VC-8 Diesel Cooling System Additive - 16 oz. (VC-12) Do not confuse this additive with the older additive used on Nitrate based coolants. Somewhere around 2015-2016 they updated the coolant. ) or specification number WSS-M97B44-D and distilled water. Yes you can get test strips from the dealer (maybe) Rotunda or Accustrip. 4L Power Stroke Diesel - Coolant additives? - So I always thought in our 6. Add Coolant - Determine coolant / antifreeze type and add fluid. . Check coolant strength using the Rotunda Antifreeze Test Strip kit to determine if additive is required (Rotunda Antifreeze Coolant ELC Contamination Kit # 328-R071-ELC). Painted Horse · #3 · Mar 19, 2013. The check coolant additive is not a "low coolant" warning. When added to the cooling system, it works to reduce heat buildup in the engine and promote optimal. When your 2011-2016 Ford F250/350 is due for service, XDP has the Fluids & Filters you need. Canadian F250. any body seen this posted via DROIDEngine Coolant Check - 6. 6. To ensure that the right amount of additive is being used, coolant testing strips. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - Coolant Additive Test Strips - I just got this message on my 2015 6. ? with the importance of these cooling systems. This is the best advice. 7L 3. Secondary system requirements. This type of product helps to protect your engine from corrosion and damage due to heavy use. General Diesel Discussion; 3. Its not an additive for cavitation or freeze protection, however its for corrosion protection. 2k 2024 F250/F350/F450 Order Guide. Any liquid used as a coolant relies on a physical factor called its specific heat capacity. A bad clock spring (also called a spiral cable) is a coil of wires that feeds power to the steering angle sensor, the steering wheel buttons, and the airbag. 1. 8722 Views 1 Reply 2 Participants Last post by richc22a,. Dealer replaced coolant and when I picked it up the bottle was more green than orange. Ford Rotunda 328-071ELC. 7l motor. 2017 truck. I understand it can be added twice before the system needs to be flushed and refilled. Your air filter needs to be changed every 15,000 to 30,000 miles or so. Does anyone know if the radiator in the 2015 is still the same as the one used in the 2012 etc discussed in another thread. 1999 to 2016 Super Duty 1999 to 2016 Ford F250, F350, F450 and F550 Super Duty with. 1999 to 2016 Super Duty - Check Coolant Additive - A few days ago my check coolant additive message start popping up, 14k miles. Posts: 256. you could have a blown head gasket, have a compression check done to see if. 60 months. 3L Powerstroke. To reset the Check Coolant Additive alert in the Ford F-350 first navigate to the settings menu. Called dealer. 1999 - 2003 7. FTE Chapter Leader. And really, once the coolant shows its needing additive, it's a good time to flush the system and put in motorcraft yellow. This item: Fleetguard Coolant Analysis Test Kit CC2602A. Whichever kit you get, it needs to be for the 6. The optional information display, if equipped, will also display the message CHECK COOLANT. Sponsored by:. This "Check Coolant" is a diesel thing and not a gasser check. VC-12 That's the stuff. green & Napakool in my '89 7. The additives have nitrate, silicate and defoamers which reduce the effect. Apparently the additive can break down and has to be replenished from time to time and the only way to know is with the test procedure and test strips. 32780 Views 36 Replies 19 Participants Last post by mg1098,. 7 Reply Like #74 11-21-2015, 02:49 PM Sailor Roy. 0L Power Stroke Diesel; 1999 - 2003 7. 5 - 1997 7. Engine Oil. could not keep it above 45 or 50. How do you reset the check coolant additive on a 2015 f350? If you own a diesel engine vehicle, it is important to make sure you are using the right types of coolant and additives. 3L Power Stroke Diesel; Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. This is just the opposite of past powerstroke engine which always had nitrates. It seems to only mention the adding of the additive VC-12 during the periodic coolant check process. What it means is I am supposed to purchase 2 testing kits and do some chemistry. Wait 10 minutes for the cooling system to cool down. 3's you put in 2 quarts of that particular additive with a complete change and it was specifically mentioned as part of the coolant change process. Per my 6. For diesel engines, a coolant additive is added with the coolant to help prevent corrosion and protect the engine from potential damage. You do a 3 way test first and then you do the ELC contamination test. At specific mileage intervals of 15,000 miles (24,000 km), as listed in the. Using proper Coolant & Additives can help prevent corrosion from forming in your cooling system. The testing of the Ford OAT coolant is a two part operation. 7L Powerstroke is 7,500-10,000 miles. Ford F250 Parts For Sale; Ford F350 Parts For Sale; Vendor Directory. MB Wheels and Cooper 34. It doesn't even meet min cavitation requirements right out of the jug. Part #: VC8 Line: MOT. 6. Taking off the coolant reservoir cap on a warm engine could cause the cap to up explosively and fluid to spray out of the reservoir. Compare. 11-21-2015 02:49 PM. Replace Cap - Secure the coolant / antifreeze reservoir cap. 6. I live in an RV, and haul it across the country doing contract work in healthcare. 6. 7L you need to test and add the VC-12 additive. 372. General Diesel Discussion; 3. If needed VC-12 is the additive to use but can only use twice in the coolants lifespan. 4L you needed to test and add the VC-8 additive. But I am confused now. I think the coolant is red. 3 Way test (which appears you used) Ford Rotunda 328-2050. Part # AF6805. Buy Genuine Ford Fluid VC-12 Orange Specialty Revitalizer Engine Coolant - 1 Quart: Antifreezes & Coolants. 7PSD. I know there's a routine Check Coolant Additive message. I never heard of this until recently and hence never put any additives into the. hammong · #6 · Aug 10, 2015 (Edited) The coolant used in the 6. Schedule service online and use one of our copious coolant flush coupons to save today. Additionally, a quick search on google shows that 328-00001 is what is used with the coolant in the 6. Ford F250 Heater Not Working: Likely Causes to Check. Add 32 fluid ounces of Motorcraft® Diesel Cooling System Additive. If you do a great job of flushing the green coolant and SCA out of the cooling system, then replace with "gold" G-05 antifreeze and distilled water, then you don't need. I would rather not go to the dealer for that message. 5" Carli Starter System/Carli High Mount Stabilizer/XD Rockstar II Matte Black 18x9 5" BS/37x12. 4. Received 6 Likes on 6 Posts. 0L Powerstroke. SOURCE: 2000 ford f250 super duty 4x4 7. The kit contains two R071-ELC (Ford Rotunda Part Number 328-071ELC) tests and two CTS-3 (Ford Rotunda part number 328-2050) strips. " - Driving home from vacation today and the check coolant additive message came up on screen. 1999 to 2016 Super Duty - Check coolant additive message - OK, I got the message, ran the tests, all is well. 2k #8. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - Looking to purchase coolant test strips - Message about checking coolant additive came on the other day. You might do a coolant system pressure check for starters to check for cavitation, check coolant for oil and oil for coolant. Back when I had my 2011. 77 kg) A/C refrigerant compressor oil. 7 and got the message to "Check Coolant Additive". there is a removable access cover where it has the 7. The Specific ranges are as follows: Nitrite 0 - 3200 ppm. Learn more about our. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - Coolant Test Kit - Just got a check coolant additive message at about 13K miles. Wiring Harness Included: N. Check Coolant Additive light. 0L or 6. Limited-Lifetime Warranty. Should be done when they do your oil changes but comes on with mileage intervals. Today with 14,225. 2L Power Stroke; 3. 3's are the wrong test strips. My display just showed check coolant additive. Took to dealer for oil change, figured they would have checked the additive and resent the light. 3L PowerStroke - Hi all, quick question. #3. The primary system requirements. Check Coolant additive comes about every 12-14k miles. Petroleum contamination cannot be flushed/cleaned and requires the entire system be replaced including the tank, pump, sender, lines and injector. So how do you check the additive? The coolant level is easy enough to check against the full mark but I don't recall seeing anything about the procedure for checking the additive in the PS book. You can only add it twice (I think) before you need to change the coolant. 0L Powerstroke Diesel; 6. 7L Power Stroke Diesel - Check coolant additive keeps coming on? - 2015 6. If you suspect any. Back to. Warndbqe. None of the local dealers, repair shops or. 6. If the additive level is low, you can add "Diesel Supplemental Coolant Additive" up to TWO times, and. 2001 Ford F550 6. Or you can use the Donaldson (#X007103) or the Acustrip (#ACU2005). Where diesel cylinder cavitation is concerned, the bubbles are formed by the rapid flexing of the cylinder wall liners as the high compression, high energy diesel combustion process takes place. If you buy the coolant revitalizer, make sure you get the VC-12. 7L Diesel - Check Coolant Additive Warning Message - Service Tip. Volume: 16 Ounce. System check brings up the warning but I'm not seeing how to reset it. If the carboxylate strength with this additive up to two times before the cooling system must be flushed and refilled - Do not add Supplemental Coolant additive if Flush and refill. PRICE: 27. It’s pre-mixed 50/50. 27 oz (0. 0 fl oz (473 ml) 2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)6. during a coolant check mine needed the additive but it was on national backorder. $2149.