new. Yo. Complete each sentence by using the correct form of the verb in the subjunctive or indicative present, or infinitive. Home Activity Go back. anduvieron ellos / ellas / ustedes. Practice your Spanish grammar in this graded fill-the-blank activity that focuses on: Preterite vs. es difícil conjugar los deseos de los dos it is difficult to please them both; la obra conjuga cualidades y defectos the work has both. 6. = Tú tienes. Practice your verb conjugations with helpful drills and quizzes. Durante las vacaciones mi familia y yo. 3. Practice your French verb conjugations for the Le Present (-er verbs) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Pienso que ella se ve muy joven. Practice your Spanish grammar in this graded fill-the-blank activity that focuses on: DOP and IOP practice. If you want to practice more, start a new practice500 attempts is the limit per practice. Tug of Walrus Multi Player. Fully customizable, practice as many or few tenses as you want!500 attempts is the limit per practice. Games. Mis padres me. Practice your French verb conjugations for the Le Present (-ir verbs) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. You have less than ten dollars. Click the card to flip it (Or press Enter) I Don't know. Santiago de Compostela: El futuro Spain. Graded Practice . Rice & Beans Multi Player. If you want to practice more, start a new practiceConfirm. Forgot password? Before you can go there, you need to login. Dia de los Verbos Single Player. 2. Fill-the-blank Worksheet . Home Spanish Interrogatives #1. Dia de los Verbos Single Player. Para #4. Translate. Conjunnect Four. Vocabulary Battleship Single/Multi Player. Rice & Beans. new. Rice & Beans Multi Player. Worksheet & Printables . Mi hermano. 8. 500 attempts is the limit per practice. os acostáis vosotros. Complete each sentence by writing the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis. Guatemala es un país muy bonito, y nosotros. Per teacher. If you want to practice more, start a new practiceComplete each sentence by writing por or para. Conjunnect Four Multi Player. 3. (comer) cena y al terminar yo. There is a specific ALT code for each accented N capital letter (uppercase, majuscule) and each accented N small letter (lowercase, minuscule), as shown in the. . I know well. Log in Sign up. Dia de los Verbos Single Player. Practice your Spanish grammar in this graded fill-the-blank activity that focuses on: Future Tense Grammar Practice #1. Complete the paragraph by using the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense. Hace dos semanas yo. Practice your Spanish verb conjugations for the Present perfect (irregular participles only) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Practice your Spanish grammar in this graded fill-the-blank activity that focuses on: Por vs. ¡Yo. For Businesses & Creators. r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. = Yo tengo. Sign-in with ClassLink. (sentir) mal. Are you sure you want to save your score and stop the game?Games. . 500 attempts is the limit per practice. 10. Rapa Nui Chile. Wordsearch. Practice your Spanish verb conjugations for the Past perfect (Pluscuamperfecto) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Crossword. new. rápidez como tú. 3. Crossword Single Player. New! The multi-player games all now have the option to play as a single player vs the Conjubot! Tug of Walrus. á. 7. Conjuguemos offers vocabulary, grammar, and verb conjugation activities and games in the following languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, and others. Vocabulary Battleship. Dia de los Verbos Single Player. Cuando yo. Splatman. Ayer yo. Conjunnect Four Multi Player. Model: Yo voy a caminar ahora = Yo caminaré ahora. conjuguemos - let's conjugate. Your score. new. (hacer) muchas cosas. Learn how to use the new Conjuguemos PlayLive feature to quickly organize your students into games and activities by just using a game code. (ir) a Guatemala. If you want to practice more, start a new practiceConjunnect Four Multi Player. See the entry for Conjuguemos. persona famosa. com that can help you get your assignment turned in complete and on time. (azul). Conjuguemos offers a variety of verb learning games. Created by CONJUGUEMOS. Il trapassato prossimo (all verbs)Present tú conjugation of preguntar. Ad-free account: add $45. Practice your French verb conjugations for the Le Present du Subjonctif with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Yo estoy cortándote el pelo. se acuesta él / ella / usted. 20/25. Conjunnect Four Multi Player. 500 attempts is the limit per practice. Música afro-peruana Peru. Unlimited sharing between colleagues. Yo. 5. Complete each sentence by using the correct form of the verb in the subjunctive or indicative present, or infinitive. Para mí, 3. printable questions and a transcript. new. Adelante: chapter 1 segundo paso) 3. A variety of accents and age ranges. Conjunnect Four. Home Activity. Last Name. me acuesto yo. Having said that, you should really check out the easy-to-browse site tutorial which has the answers to about 70% the questions I receive. 2. Practice your Spanish vocabulary for Avancemos 1 (Unit 1-1) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. 8. 11. = Yo. = Yo corro. Conjunnect Four Multi Player. No quiero que tú. You can get hints on question by pressing the info icon next to the question! Printable Transcript. He. 10. All done! 500 attempts is the limit per practice. Complete the paragraph by using the correct form of the verb in the present. Practice your Spanish verb conjugations for the Present Tense (all verbs) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. 2. Practice all your Spanish verb tenses with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Wordsearch. Username. Password. 2. 2. Tip: Write the actions in the infinitive. Forgot password? Before you can go there, you need to login. [email protected] a1 - einheit 13b wortschatz. L'imparfait (all verbs) 12. Guest. Name. new. Complete List of Arabic Resources. Contact support for a customized pricing plan. Das perfekt (modal and mixed) 17. If you want to practice more, start a new practicePractice your Spanish verb conjugations for the Present Tense (irregular verbs) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. 2. Estar #2. Conjugate Subir in every Spanish verb tense including preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, and subjunctive. Settings. Das perfekt (all verb types) 19. com. I wasn't a fan of teaching verb conjugations and figured a computer program could do this task better than me and a bunch of worksheets. 1. Practice your French grammar in this graded fill-the-blank activity that focuses on: French Direct Object Pronouns #1. Practice your French grammar in this graded fill-the-blank activity that focuses on: French Direct Object Pronouns #1. Log in Sign up. = Yo voy a dártelo. ¿Te agradan el básquetbol y el volibol? = No me agrada. Conjunnect Four. Estar #1. Get School Plan. (or) Yo te lo voy a dar. Confirm. (mandar) el paquete a. 2. Dia de los Verbos Single Player. Rice & Beans Multi Player. Confirm. Home Activity Go back. 9M subscribers in the teenagers community. Vocabulary. Mis abuelos. Galapago!Practice your French verb conjugations for the Le Passe Compose (reflexive verbs) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Lots of ways to interact with the activity. If you want to practice more, start a new practiceThe multi-player games all now have the option to play as a single player vs the Conjubot! Tug of Walrus. 500 attempts is the limit per practice. Fully customizable, practice as many or few tenses as you want!Practice your verb conjugations with helpful drills and quizzes. Dia de los Verbos Single Player. Practice your Spanish grammar in this graded fill-the-blank activity that focuses on: Subjunctive vs Indicative (Present/Imperfect) #1. Spanish vocabulary: food (in the restaurant) 30. Practice your French verb conjugations for the Le Present (regular verbs) with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Complete the paragraph by using the correct form of the verb in the preterite or imperfect. anduvo él / ella / usted. Submit your question below. Single player practice games Competitive Multiplayer games Coqui keeps an eye on your student's progress. [email protected] a1 - einheit 14a wortschatz. Our Coqui is smart.