Stop worrying about thinning the skin. For me the soothing cream has helped soothe, soften and. Then, sexual relations also became painful due to cracked skin, and bowel movements became excruciating (the pain of going to the bathroom had a strong association with giving birth). New. After months of various visits to several different OBGYN's, dermatologists, natural paths, alternative med docs, etc. sarb73328 Sunandstars. By Emis_Moderator. Patient Access. 90 USD ) (194) Topical symptomatic relief for resistant skin conditions: Lichen Sclerosus, Dermatitis, Cellulitis, Psoriasis, Bed Sores, Hemorrhoids, Eczema, Fungal Infections, Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac and other itchy, painful conditions. LS is an inflammatory auto immune condititon and the aim is tho reduce that inflamation. Lichen Sclerosus Has anybody had any success with Perrin's Cream Complete for lichen sclerosis??. Lichen Sclerosus is a disease that is very uncommonly found in pre menopausal women. Absolutely no gluten or milk at all for a week. Wrinkling of the skin. Thank goodness for this forum and all the incredible, strong people on here. It can start in childhood or adulthood, most commonly after menopause. Also alternate days with steroid one day and a healing salve. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Gut, bowel and stomach. I have had LS for about 10 years and it got to the stage. . I have had moderate success with using baking soda/borax, however last week was my first meeting with a dermatologist. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. ElleF sandra01720. I am post-menopause but I think my symptoms started around about the time my periods stopped or possibly a few years earlier. Surprised to find so many afflicted with this disorder, started reading the posts and learned about foods to avoid (went to a birthday party before flare up and consumed a large amount of cake and icing and even. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Community; Newsletter; More Community;. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. Hip Replacement Operations and surgical procedures. Community Women's health Lichen Sclerosus. Dear Charlotte , I have had LS for many years and this year my mouth erupted so I can understand your distress , I was given a numbing mouth wash to help when I ate , only eat very soft foods that won't tear , you might find that it isn't LS in your moth but oral lichen planus your dentist should be able to tell you by the white web like pattern on your. Community Women's health Lichen Sclerosus Emuaid cream Follow Posted. Ingredients: Organic aloe vera, grape seed oil, organic. You can also try yogurt which is a natural probiotic, sauerkraut, pickled vegs. It's a bit pricey but a little goes a really long way. I mix 2 cups at a time. Compare treatments taken by people with lichen. I feel for anyone with this condition as it can really take over your life at times and also it is an embarrasing thing to talk about plus taking. Please can someone give me some advice and let me know whether this does look like lichen sclerosus? I feel so embarrassed and ashamed and it’s affecting my mental health quite a lot right now. If it is an am bath, I put on coconut oil to affected areas, and my doctor. Am going to try emuaid to see if it helps the soreness. Lichen Sclerosus Lichen sclerosus Follow Posted 6 years ago, 6 users are following. Search. I personally (19F) haven't tried emuaid but i have been using the Emujoy Lichen Kit for 5months now and I love it! You may not necessarily need everything in the package, although if you are not worried about pricing it is great to test each of the products and see what works for you. Lichen Sclerosus Help. The long term affects of the steroid treatments prescribed for the. it's been a yeah and a half of pain and discomfort and today is. Lichen Sclerosus Please help. I have always been especially tender and sore aound one side of the vaginal opening but all my exams - 6 monthly - have been ok. Medicines, fabric softener, air freshener, new sheets or cushons, mattress. 0. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of. 0 out of 5 stars With diligent use: very effective. make sure it is EXTRA VIRGIN. 0 likes, 4 replies. Edited 2 years ago. Hello,. However, some will report, “the steroids did not help”. He suggested to do a pulse treatment with Clobetasol, applying 3 days in a row taking the rest of the week off then repeating the following week. 33beth. I mentioned getting paper like cuts on the perineum because the skin was thin but the doctor pretty. Hi , I received delivery today of emu oil , Can you advise me how often I should use it. //patient. Extra-genital involvement is infrequent,. Emuaid MAX - For LS is it safe to use? I have had LS for about two years now and its driving me batty, I wondered if this product is safe to use, Severe Lichen Sclerosus, 2oz Emuaid I had breast cancer in 2007 and was taken off HRT but now I'm on a . I also use emuaid ointment would you know if I. How so many of us suffer in silence as we rarely speak about it to anyone, no-one not experiencing it would understand. Hi, I am 29 and have recently been diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus. There is a patient leaflet on LS here which. They all work for a while (except Vaseline, it burned) but eventually they stop working. You may be referred to. Patient Access. It interrupts the itching cycle. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters. Decided to goggle "Causes of flare up with LS", from which I found this site. I'm 41 years old and I have recently been diagnosed with Male Genital (Penis) Lichen Sclerosus. I made a mixture of pure, organic coconut oil, a few drops. I used the clob for three months straight and it cleared things up pretty well for me, though I know it doesn’t work for everyone. I use a small amount twice a week. LS affects my anal area most too. I noticed little lumpy bits on my labia, no other symptoms for a while then itching but not around the labia. You may need a biopsy if your skin doesn't respond to steroid creams. Can't speak to the emuaid as I've never used it. Dr performed biopsy, came back with LS. EMUAID ® First Aid Ointment doesn’t contain steroids or other harsh, dangerous chemicals to stop lichen planus. It's been 2 weeks now and I def feel a difference! Report / Delete 1 Reply. I'm grateful and thankful it has opened our discussion on LS. Also she used the photo to show me exactly where to use the steroid and ONLY twice a week. No need to worry about Emu oil or coconut oil. How frustrating is this horrid disease. Search. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters. I am wondering if goimg in a pool has made my itch worse. Search. The LS is retreating and very faint after just 8 days! The naturopath said that although they don't know what causes the autoimmune reaction to start, they do know that food allergies and a vitamin D deficiency exacerbates the problem. Hi Friends- I tried to post an uodate on hiw my Dr. She said that i have lost quite a lot of the 'architecture. Maximum Strength Treatment. I was told it was okay to apply it to the clitoris. Sorry to about your flare up , I have extensive Ls all over my body and anus . The aim IS to reduce the thickness of the tissue- that has been thickend by the LS, (and blocks absorbtion of the therapeutic ingredients of the ointment. In the beginning it’s confusing and scary and hard. I'm currently experiencing a 'flare up' with a very dry/tight foreskin and white spots on my glans. This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Has anyone used Emuaid to treat LS? TOPICS HEALTH INFO. Appt went, but moderator must have ditched-. . Mild but persistent pain. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but. Try soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts every evening before you apply the steroid. EMUAID ® ’s ultra-nourishing moisture bar thoroughly cleanses, gently exfoliates, combats pathogens, soothes itching, eliminates flaking and moisturizes fragile, damaged, dry skin. EMUAID® First Aid Ointment 16oz. I felt like I was “ badting myself”. Fakespot Reviews Grade: B. Posted 5 years ago, 70 users are following. Below are various resources for Lichen Sclerosus from leaflets to useful web sites and recommended discussions. I have not met a doctor who says there is a way of prevention. . I started with emuaid, but became used to it so it didn't work as well. It works, and works quickly to relieve symptoms and to heal. $317. Im looking into other ways of healing though. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Hi, I was just dx with LS a few weeks ago from my gyno. Child Health; Heart Health; Men's Health;. However, a lot of women on this site have seen their LS go into remission for long periods of time and this can be especially true when premenopausal. I had read that Lichen Schlerosus is an auto-immune disease which did not surprise me as several close family members have auto-immune diseases - though no one has suffered with this that I know of. It's thought to follow a "relapsing and remitting" pattern, where episodic flare-ups occur between. This may trigger an immune defensive (which it should) and this may play a role in auto immune diseases . Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a chronic, inflammatory condition affecting the skin. To get on top of clitoris soreness I need to use steroid ointment versus the cream. After many years of suffering with a itchy vulva, I was finally diagnosed a couple of months ago by a fantastic GP with Lichen Sclerosus. It’s the swelling, burning, itching and general discomfort I feel. Stress triggers LS flares because it produces cortisol. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: Name: Natural, Pain Relief Ointment. Pain or discomfort in the affected areas. But you could stand in front of a fan. *Since then I had used the standard topical steroids cream/ointment + pelvic floor physical therapy. ( Prior to that I had yeast infection that would not go away and my perineum was tight and damaged with white shiny patches. I saw no difference in when i as usuing the creams to when im not. Search. Epidemiology. As a long-term skin disorder, lichen sclerosus (LS) calls for special care as it mainly affects the genital and anal areas. do21103. Sudden menopause is not good. Anyone can get lichen sclerosus but postmenopausal women are at higher risk. Emuaid | Lichen Sclerosus | Forums | Patient Emuaid Follow Posted 7 years ago, 10 users are following. I use the Emuaid First Aid cream. Then, sexual relations also became painful due to cracked skin, and bowel movements became excruciating (the pain of going to the bathroom had a strong association with giving birth). I was diagnosed June 11 and ised Emuaid Maxx for 10 days, then switched to Emuaid regular. I am 25 years old and this is devastating to me. Therefore, we are now planning an. nessieM. It's way too thick! That's one of the treatment strategies of clobetasol. Lichen Sclerosus. karen23320. . It's called a saturated solution. You just have to be a slave to the health of your vagina. . Ive had Group Strep B and it can cause lots of irriation. FormerMember over 6 years ago. Through use of Emuaid Maxx, Emuaid regular, coconut oil, moisture barrier ( aloe vera. although mine did first begin with an itch that i first put down to thrush, long term itching is not really my main symptom - soreness, redness, burning, skin tearing after sex are my main gripes with the occasional. Im_cracked. Let us know if you try this too. Perianal lichen sclerosus and extragenital lichen sclerosus are much less frequently seen in men than in women. I never got it looked at and it was only last year, about 5. Community Women's health Lichen Sclerosus Emu oil Follow Posted 6 years ago, 5 users are following. Tybear- I think everyone reacts to things differently. The condition causes itching, pain and scarring which. Lavender oil, evening primrose oil and essiac tea also. I also have some very small sores right above that area. I didn't think the cream was that expensive, not any more so. Well he did do some research amd tonight gave me some 'emuaid' that he had ordered online. Patient Access. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. I used Emuaid Maxx and Emuaid regular to heal the raw parts, then after they were healed I could use olive or coconut oil, yes, v- magic or emuaid to moisturize. 99% of bacteria in less than 1 minute. Important to note that emu oil alone WILL NOT cure or reverse lichen sclerosus but will be an amazing natural moisturizer. Ask them to be sure!I am betting that you DONT have herpes and the sores/blisters are all part and parcel of Lichen sclerosus. Within DAYS my LS appeared to almost completely disappear. Did you buy EmuAid or a different brand? Please share what kind you used if you don’t mind!. Search. I use it 2x a day for 2 weeks, then 1x a day for a week, then every other day for a week, down to once a week for ever. You can try eating shed loads of garlic / garlic tablets/ inserting fresh garlic bulbs (but that can really sting!). Search. Community Women's health Lichen Sclerosus Emuaid Follow Posted 7 years ago, 6 users are following. I understand this to be active LS, the same as the itching or tingling one might get on the vulva or perineum. Itchiness. Hi guys. I'm seeing a dermatologist about it, so I'm dealing with it. It’s been 9 weeks since my LS diagnosis. Search. "Lichen sclerosus (aka lichen sclerosis or lichen sclerosis et atrophicus) is a painful skin condition that typically affects the vulva and anus. Lichen Sclerosus. Posted 5 years ago. Ive tried everything. Posted 4 years ago. car1811 jules36856. You can see from this that fried or fresh onions might do something to your skin ecology to affect your vulva. Anyone tried Emuaid | Lichen Sclerosus | Forums | Patient Anyone tried Emuaid Follow Posted 8 years ago, 20 users are following. I do find Emuaid sometimes irritates my clitoris. Am so sorry for what you have been through since 9years. Twice a day to start. EMUAID® First Aid Ointment 2oz. Login; M-F: 8:30AM-6PM EST Sat-Sun Closed. Developing and practicing a good hygiene regimen may help patients with lichen sclerosus minimize the intensity. Take flakseeds 2 tablespoons a day and fresh lemon tea. Add another to the list, sucks. I have penile LS - which appeared at EXACTLY the same time as my Alopecia Barbae just over a year ago. Ihave pleasure in telling you that after my dermatology consultant prescribed Oliatum baths not only did my excema and Lichen planus clear up but I no longer had trouble with the L ichen Sclerosis. I've been told I have Lichen sclerosus and there is no cure for it. Dear Nancy and other posters, Thank you for your responses.