Funkytown gore victim. 1 / 4. Funkytown gore victim

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Dogs tore off his genitals. a. Then Funkytown by Lipps Inc starts up and the victim frees his right arm and waves it around, only for the dude with the boxcutter to hold it down, whistle to Funkytown for a second, then start cutting the victims arm off, causing him to. . AUTOPLAY Toggle. This isn’t a race thing any race does shit things like this. Bro the guy from funky town gore is allready dead. FunkyTown Gore is a video I'm which there's a man being tortured while alive with music in the background. 1. com, que nos muestra la cruel tortura a un joven por. 5 1 SHARE DOWNLOAD. Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in 2016, it's a Mexican cartel video depicting the grotesque torture of a bound and faceless victim. I. 6 years is a really long rime to survive being in that part of the cartel's operations now. Be a man leave the screen and the internet for a bit you need rehab seriously. The thing for me is, Funky Town is already a gruesome sight, the flaying and hand removal has already happened, the attempts at defense (with no hands) and screams. This video shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being. abinaya411 By. Published 11 months ago • 19K views. Reply. this may be late but thy say that the victim is julio cesar mondragon, alltought it's probably not him since he's body war tortured and everything of bad but he had his hands still on. Los Zetas was the cartel that started the gruesome torturing. Yeah, the Guerrero beheading (father) and flaying (son) for me is worse than Funky Town. There’s a Plagued Moth Twitter post of revisiting Funkytown Gore the video is censored of course but you can hear a cutting noise so that might be the reason he has no face and. It’s the most gore intense video I’ve ever seen Reply. 28. Funky town gore. Mexico. It's likely the victim was a cartel member that did the same thing Reply BrokenFetuses. Published 11 months ago • 19K views. Man skinned alive. Funky town gore. The mysterious yet jarring nature of the video has sent some viewers looking for answers to questions such as where this video was filmed. Fotografías con fines informativos y educativos. Many viewers consider FunkyTown to be one of the worst gore videos online. "Funkytown Gore" es un video de Shock que apareció en línea en 2016, subido a la plataforma documentingreality. 1:21. this person has had their hands traumatically amputated, and their wrist stumps are bound like w wire or zip. This was the funky town victim, who had his face ripped of and tortured to death, people assume he was part of a drug cartel but he was an innocent student with a girlfriend/wife. They all started doing it after Los Zetas started it. - This is why sometimes I'm. miami florida beach 1 day ago • 49 views epicfails. . That is subjective. Other videos. ago. This video was first published in 2018. Funky town gore. He just got cutted off hands and skinned face. One of the most brutal videos I’ve seen, dismembering people is made so extreme by the mere fact of the victim’s suffering, brutal videos published by the Zetas where they mercilessly assassinate their ex member for treason , the man cries while they continue cutting their limbs and bleeding, “Morena” would be the victim’s nickname. Funky town gore. abinaya411 By abinaya41. 28. In this video, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) removes skin from a living person, cutting flesh with a knife from the chest. But it’s pretty rough. a. Cjng is what is left over from Los Zetas. Manuel Alejandro Aponte Gómez alias "El Bravo" was the head of security for El Chapo On April 9, 2014, "El Bravo" was tortured and shot several times. Funkytown is one of, if not the most infamous gore video ever made. 5 1 SHARE DOWNLOAD. Sometimes there's song played over it. 09. Is funk town gore truly the worst gore video. They are designed for that, but the hammer The boys/men wanted to have "fun" and end. NSFW. ( similar to the rope that was mistaken for an iv that was used on the funkytown gore victim) unconscious Sometimes the dates on these videos are not accurate and video could have been much older meaning it was recorded in mid 2010s during the time funkytown gore came out. After the Sicarios stopped recording they were raided by Mexican Marines who killed the Sicarios. Funky town and videos like funky town are designed to cause fear in the enemies and people that watch it. Along with his other associates, his body was dumped in Sinaloa. Published 11 months ago • 19K views. Human body is endurable af and this guy didn't received damage to vital organs. Actually it is said that the Funky Town victim survived the ordeal. jonnywhoknows • 4 yr. A totally skinned person can survive several hours before bleeding out; with the only face skinned i guess you can even survive and recover if you get medical help and avoid infections. It was during a time of a big time cartel war between Sinaloa and Los Zetas. 1 / 4. there is a person lying on a white tiled floor. Published 11 months ago • 19K views. You white people owned slaves but yet you wouldn’t call yourselves an animal open you’re eyes your just as bad. Funky town still has #1 on my list of the most brutal gore video. 2021.