Planes usually go to multiple location to serve them, so it's probably somewhere inbetween. GMTC, Departed: 소포가 운송 시설을 떠나 최종 목적지 국가로 가는 중입니다. Other ZSGJ statuses associated with «in transit - arrived at the waypoint» — Inbound in sorting center — Arrived at departure transport hub — Arrived at linehual office — At destination country/region sorting center — Arrived at warehouse — Package accepted by the warehouse — Package arrived at facility of the local delivery companyGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Aramex on post tracking service PackageRadar. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Joom Logistics on post tracking service PackageRadar. No obstante, esta no se trata de una empresa de encomiendas como las otras, pues solo se ocupa de gestionar los paquetes mediante. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service La Poste of France on post tracking service PackageRadar. — Arrived at linehual office. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Arrived at destination sorting centerGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Joom Logistics on post tracking service PackageRadar. Miscellaneous » Unclassified. Se aparece 2 PCS, significa que adicionou 2 peças ao carrinho. Track your orders easier. Item processed at Russian Fed. GMTC, Arrived in transit country. Package status: In transit. China Post is engaged in the delivery of parcels and postal items in China and beyond. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service YANWEN international express on post tracking service PackageRadar. Track your orders easier. Number: SY13890203921 Package status: In transit Country: China -> Canada 2020-05-25 14:41, GMTC, Arrived 2020-05-23 15:06, HONG KONG, Departed HONG KONG Airport O que aconteceu com a minha encomenda? (1 reply) Track: RV276736351CN 2020-01-28 10:00 Zhengzhou 2020-01-04 01:55 Zhengzhou, entregue ao transporte aéreo 2020-01-03 19:30 Cidade de Zhengzhou, deixando o Centro Internacional de Processamento de Correios, a próxima parada "Air Pack Mail Processing Center" (via transferência) 2020-01-03 02:03 Cidade de Zhengzhou, "Centro Internacional de. Track your orders easier. Estos son los pasos claves para realizar un seguimiento de un pedido AliExpress de forma exitosa. GMTC, Departed 2020-10-02 14:01, GMTC, Arrived 2020-09-30 15:43, HONG KONG, Departed HONG KONG Airport 2020-09-29 23:29, CHINA, SHENZHEN, Departed Sunyou Facility 2020-09-28. Once it leaves the country of origin, it can no longer be tracked. Status do pacote: Em trânsito (47 dias) País: China -> Brasil. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Airline JieShou — Package Arriving at Air Hub of Sinotrans — Parcel returned to local warehouse,. GMTC, Departed transit country: GMTC, Arrived in transit country: HONG KONG, Departed Hong Kong Airport: Departed Sunyou Facility: Awaiting release from MalaysiaWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. GMTC arrived. GMTC, Arrived in transit country GMTC, Arrived in transit country Aliexpress Standard Shipping tracking parcel Other Aliexpress Standard Shipping statuses associated with «delivery attempt failed» — Inbound in sorting center — Arrived at departure transport hub — Arrived at linehual office — At destination country/region sorting center Todas las definiciones de GMTC Como se mencionó anteriormente, verá todos los significados de GMTC en la siguiente tabla. Because the item is only “passing through” it will not be subject to customs clearance. — Arrived at warehouse. What does 'GMTC Departed' mean in parcel shipping? - Quora. Item Sent to RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Item Posted Over The Counter to Russian Fed. jun 28 2021 11:26 pm china, shenzhen, acceptance, sent to argentinaשאלות נפוצות ופתרון בעיות · לפרסם בשימושון · להפוך לדף הבית · להוסיף למועדפים · להציע לנו קישור שימושי · לדווח על קישור 'שבור' · לכתוב לעורך האתר · אודות האתר · להמליץ לחבר על האתר · לשתף בפייסבוק致客服热线. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Arrived at Destination Country Airport —. Gmtc: un mensaje asociado con la llegada del paquete a la oficina de destino para su procesamiento. Track your orders easier. Looking for online definition of GMTC or what GMTC stands for? GMTC is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms GMTC - What does GMTC stand for?* Gmtc: indica que ha llegado al lugar de destino para su procesamiento * Envío a sucursal destinataria: el pedido va a entregarse pronto. Whether beginners, intermediate, or seasoned musicians, we've shown them how to take their piano skills to levels they've only dreamed of! Learn more. 5 中国 YunExpress-> 日本 3. GMTC, Arrived: Le colis est arrivé à un centre de transit. Você pode baixar o arquivo de imagem no formato PNG para uso off-line ou enviá-lo para seus amigos por e-mail. Arrive is an verb (used without object), arrived, arriving according to parts of speech. Track your orders easier. net 到着までの日数 – 実際に何日かかったか 届かないか? 遅いだけか? SunYouはサンプル数は少ないですが予定日数よりも早い、平均21日で到着しています。 配送状況が17trackで追跡してもあまり表示されないため、不安になりますが今のところ問題なく到着しています。 キーワードの翻訳 GMTC 経由国 (地)を意味します。 GMTC,Arrivedであれば、経由国 (地)に到着したことを意味します。 line-haul Germantown proud Germantown strong up the whiskey hickon moving right along 19144 荷物の追跡で表示される「GMTC」とは何でしょうか? 番号:SYRM10234* パッケージの状態:輸送中 国:中国 -> 日本 目的地: 発送元: 2020-04-24 14:29, GMTC, Arrived 2020-04-22 15:00, HONG KONG, Departed HONG KONG Airport 2020-04-21 23:13, CHINA, SHENZHEN, Departed Sunyou Facility 2020-04-19 13:20, CHINA, SHENZHEN, Acceptance, Sent to Japan 2020-04. — GMTC, Arrived in transit country — Returned to Post Office — Returned to consolidated warehouse from line-haul — Arrived in the sorting center — Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre — At destination country sorting center — arrive transit station — Arrived USPS Regional Facility— GMTC, Arrived in transit country — Inducted into Newgistics Network — Item received by Logistics Centre — OnTerminal — Order received — Picked up by logistic partner — Prispeće — PROCESSED — reached sorting hub — Reached sorting hub — Received at Branch — Shipmen has arrived at the station and unloadingOlá VL Costeira, SY15049403601: 2023-04-18 23:41 GMTC, Chegou 2023-04-16 02:18 Partida do Porto de Origem 2023-04-15 23:42 Chegada ao Porto de Origem 14/04/2023 23:36 CHINA, SHENZHEN, partiu da instalação de Sunyou 2023-04-12 15:53 CHINA, JINHUA, Aceitação, Enviado para o Brasil 2023-04-10 07:17 Informações pré. Status «Arrived at the office of destination». GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Buffalo on post tracking service PackageRadar. Track your orders easier. GMTC. — Package. — Inbound in sorting center. Also if you want to tracking Aliexpress Standard Shipping and get your package location updates to your e-mail, you can Register on our website. — At destination country/region sorting center. So werden Pakete nach Großbritannien durch den Eurotunnel befördert und müssen zu diesem Zweck von Deutschland nach Frankreich transportiert werden. Welcome to the Gospel Music Training Center! Please Note: GMTC moved to a new platform in April 2022. Track your orders easier. Εάν θέλετε, μπορείτε επίσης να κάνετε λήψη του αρχείου εικόνας για εκτύπωση ή. GMTC, Arrived: 2020-09-09 03:09:20: Departed from Port of Origin: 2020-09-08 11:09:48: CHINA, SHENZHEN, Departed Sunyou Facility: 2020-09-06 01:09:36: CHINA, SHENZHEN, Acceptance, Sent to Saudi Arabia: 2020-09-05 02:09:16: Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Saudi Arabia: Frequently Asked Questions about China Post. Şikayet. Puede hacer clic en los enlaces a la derecha para ver información detallada de cada definición, incluidas las definiciones en inglés y en su idioma local. You need to contact the seller to ask if there is another tracking number to track it when it's in the USA. Rate it: GMTC. Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Brazil: L'étiquette d'expédition du colis est envoyée au Brésil. 4PX Express — is not the only postal service that you can track at PackageRadar. It will be sent to your country in a. — Received in — Received by linehaul — принят в городе отправителя — Processing at sorting center — Обработка,Прибыло в место международного обмена — Return warehouse inbound success — Arrived in transit country/region — 到达 — принят на склад отправителя — Arrive at sorting center in destination country — Принято на сортировочном центре 5 Answer (s) Daisy | 6/4/2020 12:50:11 AM Reply Hi Flaps, It's sent by Shunyou Express. — Package arrived at facility of the local delivery company. GMTC, Arrived: 소포가 운송 시설에 도착했습니다. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Yun Express on post tracking service PackageRadar. Aliexpress Standard Shipping Tracking Packages. 3 中国->シンガポール経由->日本 3. greenich mean time conservatory. Currently observing IST. Irish Standard Time (IST) is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). GMTC, Departed: Le colis a quitté une installation de transit et est en route vers son pays de destination finale. Ambos números corresponden al estándar S10 de la Unión Postal. Filter by: Sort by: Popularity Alphabetically Category Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of GMTC? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: 荷物の追跡で表示される「GMTC」とは何でしょうか? 番号:SYRM10234* パッケージの状態:輸送中 国:中国 -> 日本 目的地: 発送元: 2020-04-24 14:29, GMTC, Arrived 2020-04-22 15:00, HONG KONG, Departed HONG KONG Airport 2020-04-21 23:13, CHINA, SHENZHEN, Departed Sunyou Facility 2020-04-19 13:20, CHINA, SHENZHEN, Acceptance, Sent to Japan 2020-04. AliExpress Standard Shipping es una empresa perteneciente al grupo Alibaba cuya función es encargarse de la gestión y envío de las compras que realizan los usuarios a través de las plataformas de Alibaba o asociados. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service YANWEN international express on post tracking service PackageRadar. Post navigation. It arrived in the USA on October 10. Globe Maritime Training Center - Manila Inc. Tránsito a sucursal de destino: avisa que ya está en el país y falta menos para la entrega. Olá Denis Willians, É enviado pela SunYou Express. Filter by: Sort by: Popularity Alphabetically Category Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of GMTC? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: Réponse 1 / 2 Meilleure réponse Afrikarnak 14 141 14 juin 2022 à 08:58 Bonjour GMTC = Greenwich Mean Time Coordinated, en bref cela signifie UTC ( Temps Universel Coordonné). Number: SYWH008738413. Package status: In transit. Que veut dire GMTC,departed s'il vous plait. Track your orders easier. מה זה אומר? מתי צפוי להתעדכן הסטטוס הבא? להערכתי הסטטוס הבא אמור להיות: GMTC Arrived. L'étape précédente était GMTC,arrived. Please pay attention to detailed tracking information, if your item has arrived its destination country, we'd advise you to track it again within 1-2 days and observe the latest updates to ensure a smooth receipt of the package. You'd better wait for more days to get update. Options. Our website support tracking China Post final delivery information in following countries (All tracking results are translated into English by our smart server): Todas las definiciones de GMTC Como se mencionó anteriormente, verá todos los significados de GMTC en la siguiente tabla. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service YANWEN international express on post tracking service PackageRadar. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — lastmile acceptGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service DHL Global Mail on post tracking service PackageRadar. PLEASE do not use this login page if you've already used the newer GMTC, which features the new course,. 4 シンガポール->日本 3. 2020-04-12 15:05, Canada, Arrived at destination country airport. GMTC Meaning. Dudas frecuentes sobre el seguimiento de AliExpress y otras consultas relacionadas. Estos estados corresponden con cualquier tienda online desde la que solamos comprar siempre y cuando esté emplazada en china, por ejemplo dealextreme, focalprice, aliexpress, etc. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Inbound scan depot — Arrived at — Arrived at Tbilisi International airportSi el envío de paquetes y envíos postales se realiza en Rusia, a la parcela se le asigna un número único de 14 dígitos que consta de dígitos y cuando se le asigna un número de identificación de 13 caracteres (números y letras del alfabeto latino) al envío internacional. GMTC. Normally $37 for first 30 days. Track your orders easier. 2 中国 China Post -> 日本 3. You can search for this package multiple times as it progresses along its journey for free and you don't need to log in or signup to use this service. Also if you want to tracking Aliexpress Standard Shipping and get your package location updates to your e-mail, you can Register on our website. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service 4PX Express on post tracking service PackageRadar. — Package accepted. GMTC, Arrived in transit country YANWEN international express tracking parcel Other YANWEN international express statuses associated with «package information received» —. Track your orders easier. Se você clicar neste link, irá para a versão em português. Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed. 곧 목적지 국가로 향합니다. Track your orders easier. Country: China -> Canada. MOQ: Significa “Mínimum Order Quantity”, ou seja, o número. Principais significados de GMTC A imagem a seguir apresenta os significados mais utilizados de GMTC. Statuses of the Aliexpress Standard Shipping courier. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service CJ on post tracking service PackageRadar. If you joined after this date, please use the new login page and bookmark for direct access in the future. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Aliexpress Standard Shipping on post tracking service PackageRadar. Pick Up. Country: China -> Canada. — Acceptance. Que a encomenda chegou ao país. This time zone is a Daylight Saving Time time zone and is used in: Europe. Number: SYAE007841681 Package status: Pick up Country: China -> New Zealand 2021-10-28 07:05 New Zealand, Delivery in Progress 2021-10-22 22:40 New Zealand, Departed Regional Facility 2021-10-22 22:40 New Zealand, Customs Clearance was completed 2021-10-22. Academic & Science » Campus. Track your orders easier. Track your orders easier. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — lastmile acceptGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Aliexpress Standard Shipping on post tracking service PackageRadar. 2020-04-09 13:51, GMTC, Departed. It arrived in the USA on October 10. Other 4PX Express statuses associated with «package in transit». GMTC, Departed transit country: GMTC, Arrived in transit country: HONG KONG, Departed Hong Kong Airport: Item dispatched out KIEV PI-1: Pre Alert to UKRAINE: Item Arrived at Russian Fed. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Принят на транзитный. отправителе O que aconteceu com a minha encomenda? (1 reply) Track: RV276736351CN 2020-01-28 10:00 Zhengzhou 2020-01-04 01:55 Zhengzhou, entregue ao transporte aéreo 2020-01-03 19:30 Cidade de Zhengzhou, deixando o Centro Internacional de Processamento de Correios, a próxima parada "Air Pack Mail Processing Center" (via transferência) 2020-01-03 02:03 Cidade de Zhengzhou, "Centro Internacional de. It finds its origins in Middle English (in the sense ‘reach the shore after a voyage’): from Old French ariver, based on Latin ad- ‘to’ + ripa ‘shore’. Your package has arrived at a nearby pick-up point. Se você é um webmaster de site não comercial, por favor, sinta-se livre para publicar a imagem das definições do GMTC em seu site. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service La Poste of France on post tracking service PackageRadar. Track your orders easier. Track your orders easier. Seasonal Sales and events. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Arrived at destination sorting centerGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service UPS on post tracking service PackageRadar. Track your orders easier. 2020-06-19 14:32, GMTC, Arrived. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Gateway transit in — 物流接收,已扫描,. GMTC, Departed: The parcel has left a transit facility and is on its way to its final country of destination. Track your orders easier. jul 07 2021 06:06 pm gmtc, departed. — Package arrived at facility of the local delivery company. Número: SY15028815607. 1 中国 -> マレーシア経由 -> 日本 3. There is no tracking information for it after May 25. Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Brazil: 소포의 배송 라벨이 브라질로 발송됩니다. O que aconteceu com a minha encomenda? (1 reply) Track: RV276736351CN 2020-01-28 10:00 Zhengzhou 2020-01-04 01:55 Zhengzhou, entregue. In general, we can say that orders of small value (less than $5) are usually sent by regular mail (no tracking), and even if they have a tracking number of their own, if they show any movement when tracking it will be only while they are in China. eBay for Charity. Pre. “GMTC Arrived” means that the consignment has entered the transit country and will be unloaded from its current mode of transport and loaded onto another. Rate it: GMTC. Salut, Cela met plus d'un mois à arriver comme tout les colis en provenance de Chine sont acheminés par bateau. 追跡情報の「GMTC, Arrived」「GMTC, Departed」が中国ではない国(配送元が中国の場合)を経由したことの様です。下記の追跡情報の経由国は伝票で確認したところ「マレーシア」となっていました。GMTC is well known as a leading and variable supplier for high quality industrial tools, Padlock & Door Lock items, measuring instruments, threading and drilling equipment and accessories, workshop equipment,. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Inbound scan depot — Received by linehaul — The shipment has been processed in the parcel centerGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service J-NET on post tracking service PackageRadar. Vamos falar sobre os atrasos na entrega de encomendas internacionais, vamos falar um pouco dos fretes que causam mais preocupação nos consumidores, se você está com problemas com sua. 以前のSunYou Economic Air Mail は、経験上、1か月以上掛かった事がなかったのですが、トンガを経由するようになってから、日本への到着が異常に掛かるようになり、最長では60日間も掛けて届いた事もございます。. In history, you can see the processing points of the order in China, as well as the. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Arrived at Destination Country Airport — Airline JieShou — lastmile accept — Arrival. — Arrived at departure transport hub. — GMTC, Arrived in transit country — Item received by Logistics Centre — PACKAGE RECEIVED AT DHL ECOMMERCE DISTRIBUTION CENTER — Parcel arrive to our warehouse — Port of destination - Arrival — Shipment received at facility — The item is at the local sorting centre— GMTC, Arrived in transit country — Inducted into Newgistics Network — Item received by Logistics Centre — OnTerminal — Order received — Picked up by logistic partner — Prispeće — PROCESSED — reached sorting hub — Reached sorting hub — Received at Branch — Shipmen has arrived at the station and unloadingOther China Post statuses associated with «in transit - arrived at the waypoint» — Inbound in sorting center — Arrived at linehual office — Arrived at departure transport hub — At destination country/region sorting center — Arrived at warehouse — Package arrived at facility of the local delivery company — Package accepted by the. The service will display all statuses and movements that have already been. GMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Yun Express on post tracking service PackageRadar. Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed. Country: China -> South Africa. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — lastmile accept — Airline JieShou — Arrival — Arrived at Tbilisi International airportGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Wanb Express on post tracking service PackageRadar. Trading Cards Image Detection Feature. [MY,KUALA LUMPUR]GMTC, Arrived in transit country 2017-10-16 09:52:52 [Malaysia,MYJHBB]Send item abroad (EDI-received) 2017-10-13 06:50:00 [HK,HONG KONG]HONG KONG, Departed Hong Kong Airport 2017-10-12 15:28:08 [CHINA,SHENZHEN]Departed Sunyou Facility 2017-10-11 23:23:28 [JOHOR BHARU. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Arrival — Successfully arrived at sorting centerHi Manish, It's delivered to you now. When registering a postal item at the China Post, all packages are assigned a. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Arrived at departure transport hub — Parcel returned to local warehouse, inbound successStatus «Arrived at the office of destination». GMTC, Arrived in transit country Aliexpress Standard Shipping tracking parcel Other Aliexpress Standard Shipping statuses associated with «customs clearance denied» —. Gloria Material Technology Corp. 6 中国 YANWEN -> 日本 3. Le 5 mai à 8h30 le colis est à Liège : SINOTRANS-Liege-Linehaul Arrival:Arrived Liege. GameTech International, Inc. Technology. Areas with same time currently (UTC +1). — Inbound in sorting center. , Manila, Philippines. הסטטוס הוא: GMTC Departed. Track your orders easier. Package status: In transit. 2020-06-24 16:27, Peru, Arrived at destination country airport. — Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item — Parcel arrived to sorting center — Package Arriving at Air Hub of SinotransGMTC, Arrived in transit country status of post service Parcel Force on post tracking service PackageRadar. As long as the SunYou package is in China, it can still be tracked. Package tracking service PackageRadar. You should get it recently. מה זה אומר? : הזמנתי 2 פריטים מעלי אקספרס לפני שבוע וחצי ועל אחד מהם הדבר האחרון שנרשם במעקב היה לפני כמה שעות והוא "Arrived - GMTC" מישהוOther China Post statuses associated with «in transit - arrived at the waypoint». O que aconteceu com a minha encomenda? (1 reply) Track: RV276736351CN 2020-01-28 10:00 Zhengzhou 2020-01-04 01:55 Zhengzhou, entregue ao transporte aéreo 2020-01-03 19:30 Cidade de Zhengzhou, deixando o Centro Internacional de Processamento de Correios, a próxima parada "Air Pack Mail Processing Center" (via transferência) 2020-01-03 02:03 Cidade de Zhengzhou, "Centro Internacional de. . You can enter a tracking number, air waybill (AWB) number or reference number to track & trace a single international or domestic package, use. jul 02 2021 02:25 pm hong kong, departed hong kong airport. Track your orders easier. After China Post Parcel departures from China, more delivery information about the parcel should be tracked in the postal database of the destination countries. Limited time offer. Since the year 2000, we've taken great pride in teaching musicians from all over the world and from all backgrounds and skill levels how to play music by ear.