Goku god disambiguation. A New Adventure Unfolds Goku (GT) & Pan (GT) & Trunks (GT) A New Story Unfolds Goku. Goku god disambiguation

 A New Adventure Unfolds Goku (GT) & Pan (GT) & Trunks (GT) A New Story Unfolds GokuGoku god disambiguation <b>ymene ot egamad esnemmi sesuac dna KTA sesiaR</b>

"The Secret of the Self-centered") is a very rare and highly advanced mental. For the whole saga, see Gods of the Universe Saga (disambiguation). Remaining Hope Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) & Trunks (Youth) (Future)/Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) - Great hard-hitter. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. Universe's Last Hope Super Saiyan 3 Goku & Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta; Miracle-Making Final Showdown Goku (GT) & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta; Limitless Radiance Super VegitoPotential Unleashed (潜在能力解放, Senzai Nōryoku Kaihō, lit. Autonomous Ultra Instinct (身勝手みがっての極意ごくい, Migatte no Goku'i, lit. For its predecessor, see Ultra Instinct Sign. Activates the Entrance Animation upon entry (once only); guards all attacks for 1 turn from start of turn; plus an additional Ki +1 per Type Ki Sphere obtained and ATK & DEF +77% for 7 turns from start of turn; ATK & DEF +120%; plus an additional Ki +1 per Type Ki Sphere obtained; chance of performing a critical hit +7% per Ki Sphere obtained; launches an. Goku (disambiguation) Main Information Rarity Element Type Ranged: Statistics Name Min. increased to 14. - Godly Power. This Category has extra benefits on these events. EZA. Born as Kal-El on the dying planet Krypton, his parents Jor-El and Lara sent him in a rocket to the planet Earth where he would be the. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. 6 Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Goku. A Friend Met in Space Trunks (GT) & Giru. - Max Super Attack Lv. • (Full 12-24 Ki Multipliers table) SA Lv. gif File:. Lv 10: ATK +10% when performing a Super Attack. Contribute today!This article is about the original character. can be farmed to raise Super Attack. Ki +2 for all allies when HP is 50% or above. Movie Heroes. As a result of this, the user enters into. Disambiguation Goku (Disambiguation) Main Information Rarity Element Type Melee: Statistics Name Min. SA Level can go up to 15, but only through Extreme Z-Awakening with special medals from the Extreme Z-Area event; click on any of. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. Ki +3 and ATK +150%; plus an additional Ki +2 and DEF +150% when HP is 30% or more; plus an additional ATK & DEF +50% when attacking; if HP is 29% or less at start of character's attacking turn, revives with 70% HP recovered by exchanging with Goku when the character or an ally attacking in the same turn is KO'd. increased to 135. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Gamma 1 in the game. His additional ATK & DEF +30% per "Super Saiyan 2" Category ally is calculated separately, resulting in a total boost of +130. Activating 100% of Borgos' Hidden Potential helps unlock a copy of Team Bardock. Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises ATK & DEF for 3 turns. They are in order of release, rarity and type. Greatly raises ATK [1] and causes huge damage to enemy. Consists of Super Saiyan 1 characters. He has a 1% of being obtained from the Z-Banner of the Hero Summon, and can also be obtained by evolution via Ultra Koku. His abilities include incredible super-strength, super-speed, invulnerability, freezing breath, flight, and heat-vision. Causes supreme damage to enemy; medium chance of performing a critical hit for 1 turn. ATK +120% and DEF +100%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +5% when performing a Super Attack per Ki Sphere obtained. can be farmed to raise Super Attack. For other characters with the name Black, see Black (disambiguation). Extreme Z-Awakened. Type HP, ATK & DEF +100%. 9380. 02:38 Disambiguation Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Vegeta in the game. ATK +100%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +70% when HP is 30% or more; "Majin Power" Category Extreme Class allies' Ki +1 when HP is 50% or more; Extreme Class allies' Ki. Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%. x3. Divine Experience. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. - Super Attack upgraded (only activates when SA Lv. Deactivates transformation when HP is 80% or less, starting from the. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Large Spirit Bomb. Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%. 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200%. This article is about the first part of the Gods of the Universe Saga for Dragon Ball Super. Goku, a novel by Shimaki Kensaku; Furinji Goku, the title character in the Goku Midnight Eye manga and anime series; Goku Black, a character from Dragon Ball Super;. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Burter in the game. 13220. This is a list of all Origins of cards from Dragon Ball. Total Potential Orbs needed: x5840 x3250 x308. Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes immense damage to enemy. Causes extreme damage to enemy. Disables enemy's guard and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy. Upon his introduction in Battle of Gods, Beerus, the God of Destruction, easily outclasses Goku's most powerful form at the time, Super Saiyan 3, in a. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. can be farmed to raise Super Attack. Step 6: - Max Lv. Kaioken x3 Kamehameha. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. "Potential Releasing Ability),, also called Ultimate Form is a powerful state accessible to someone who has had their latent potential unlocked, most often through Old Kai's Unlock Ability, which allows them to use their latent power at its highest level. Super Saiyan Rage!!! Greatly raises ATK temporarily and causes ultimate damage to enemy; disables enemy's action once within the turn. This Category has extra benefits on these events. A New Adventure Unfolds Goku (GT) & Pan (GT) & Trunks (GT) A New Story Unfolds Goku. . Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Hit in the game. Ultimate damage multiplier is 550%. This card dropped as an UR. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Gokua in the game. . Lv 1: DEF +10%. Consists of characters from the Universe Survival Saga. . - Leader Skill upgraded. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Fasha in the game. Golden Warrior. Causes colossal damage with a rare chance to stun the enemy. 13381. Causes supreme damage with a medium chance of stunning the enemy. Contents 1 Goku (Youth) 2 Goku (Saiyan Saga) 3 Goku (Frieza Saga) 4 Goku (Android Saga) 5 Goku (Cell Saga) 6 Goku (Majin Buu Saga) 7 Goku (Beerus Saga) 8 Goku. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. They are in order of release, rarity. "Realm of Gods" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +160%; or. For other uses, see Ultra Instinct (disambiguation). Power Spike. Universe's Last Hope Super Saiyan 3 Goku & Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta; Miracle-Making Final Showdown Goku (GT) & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta; Limitless Radiance Super Vegito; Shocking Absorption Ability Buu (Super) Unusual Pairing Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks & Piccolo; Icy Malice and Fiery Pride Eis Shenron & Nuova ShenronUniverse's Last Hope Super Saiyan 3 Goku & Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta; Miracle-Making Final Showdown Goku (GT) & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta; Limitless Radiance Super VegitoUniverse's Last Hope Super Saiyan 3 Goku & Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta Miracle-Making Final Showdown Goku (GT) & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta Limitless Radiance Super Vegitox1. The Super Saiyan Gods fought a long battle with the wicked Saiyans, however they only knew defeat as long as they existed - with only one victory to their name - and. Final Bullet Attack. Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises ATK & DEF by 30% for 9 turns. Double-Edged Sword. For other uses, see Ultra Instinct (disambiguation). This Category has extra benefits on these events. Universe Survival Saga. Transforms starting from the 3rd turn from the start of battle. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. ATK +5. GT Heroes. 14525. They are in order of release, rarity and type. This Category has extra benefits on these events. This Category increases drops on these events. Causes extreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Gohan in the game. 1. or. Superman, also known as the Man of Steel, is one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC Universe. Dokkan Festival: Goku (GT) & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta. Legendary Existence. This page is a list of all released cards of the same. Goku may also refer to: . For the incomplete transformation, see Ultra Instinct Sign. Evil Domination. They are in order of release, rarity and type. Extreme Z-Area. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Majin Buu in the game. Community content is available under CC-BY. Dokkan Festival: Tanabata (2023)Step 4: - Max Super Attack Lv. Max. The Last Instant Transmission. ↑ 20% chance to stun the enemy for 2 turns. Consists of characters who fight by making great use of their intelligence. SUPER SAIYAN GOD SS GOKU & SUPER SAIYAN GOD SS VEGETA [] File:GokuandVegetaBlueTURAGLThumb. Global won the challenge and received Goku. is at least 14) Step 7: - Max Lv. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. Step 6: - Max Lv. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. A Living Super Saiyan 3. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Zamasu in the game. Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy. His Active Skill is calculated separately, resulting in a total boost of ATK & DEF +376% within the first 8 turns, and ATK & DEF +320% starting from the 9th turn. They are in order of release, rarity and type. It was suggested that he be created in response to the destructive forces of the powerful Majin Buu, who had defeated most of Earth's strongest fighters, such as Gohan and Vegeta, and. increased to 13. Link Skill: Kamehameha. Unrepentant Battle. Extreme Z-Area. A Brand-New Super Attack Goku. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at. Legend Reborn Super Saiyan God Goku Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki. increased to 140. Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Demon King Piccolo in the game. Goku ( Monkey Typhoon), the main character in Monkey Typhoon manga and anime series. ATK & DEF +77%; ATK & DEF +15% with each attack received (up to 59%); Transform when conditions are met. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on. ATK & DEF +120%; reduces damage received by 30%; high chance of randomly changing Ki Spheres of a certain Type to Ki Spheres; plus an additional Ki +2 in addition per Ki Sphere obtained; medium chance of launching an additional Super Attack. Causes supreme damage to enemy, ATK +30% for all allies for 2 turns. Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%. Gotenks is first seen within the Majin Buu Saga. "Super Saiyans" or "Planet Namek Saga" Category Ki +3, HP +130% and ATK & DEF +170%. Causes supreme damage to enemy and seals Super Attack. 12 Ki Multiplier is 160%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200%. 9361. 6975. Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Super Class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn. Heavenly Arrow. It is initially obtained through a ritual involving six righteous Saiyans or special divine training. Extreme Z-Area. A Saiyan Raised on Earth. A Dream Come True Goku. Goku may also ascend to Super Saiyan 2. Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises ATK & DEF by 50% for 3 turns. 20 raises SA Multiplier by an additional 30%. Revive with 50% health when own health reaches 0. 2 Super Saiyan Goku. Consists of characters whose powers were granted by other characters or artifacts. • (Full 12-24 Ki Multipliers table) SA Lv. Clone Goku, mindless replicas created by Android 21. Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn [3] and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy. ATK & DEF +100%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +100% when attacking; plus an additional Ki +3 and launches an additional attack with 3 or more Ki Spheres obtained; launches an. increased to 14. EZA. Along with the destruction of Planet Vegeta, nearly all Saiyans had. . • (Full 12-24 Ki Multipliers table) SA Lv. He can be evolved using:. Disambiguation. . Step 5: - Max Super Attack Lv. "Movie Heroes" or "Fusion" Category Ki. Flaring Battle Impulse Super Saiyan God Goku. In this form, Broly has a massive resemblance to his Legendary Super Saiyan and Legendary Super Saiyan 3 forms, possessing the latter's hair length and greener tint and former's. Directory: Techniques → Supportive Techniques → Power Up → Transformation Perfected Ultra Instinct (身み勝がっ手ての極ごく意いの完かん成せい,. Tournament Saga. - Shattering the Limit. He is a member of the Time Patrol. Like other Metamoran fusions, God Fusion Goku dons a black vest with yellow padding, sporting blue armbands and pants and a white belt. 3% on a Super Attack or ATK +488. Causes huge damage to enemy. Transform starting from the 5th turn from the start of battle. Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +100%; plus an additional Ki +3 and ATK +50% when there is a "Pure Saiyans" Category enemy; plus an additional Ki +3 and ATK +50% when there is a "Hybrid Saiyans" Category enemy; turns into Giant Ape when conditions are met. Raises ATK [1] and causes immense damage to enemy with a high chance [2] of sacrificing 7% HP.