It will say on the packet how much you. org 01159 209 524. Easy Read Dental Booklet. Advocacy Advocacy is when you get support to have your say. Easy Read | Mencap Download PDF What is cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is when a person or group of people say things online to hurt someone. Your local council . Chair @ Reading Mencap Mobile | 07780 680 739 Email | [email protected]. An Annual Health Check is done by your doctor or a nurse once a year. Easy read booklet for people with Type 2 diabetes. 001c Contact information email: [email protected]. Download PDF Ideas to save energy Things to think about when you use your gas, electric and water When you get a gas, electric or water bill, it will tell you how much gas, electric or water you have used. Walking - It is very easy to fit in walking into your everyday life. Useful Tip! Always write as little as you can on your profile page when you join a website. This could include information about medication, appointments, treatment or their. is a human right. The guide also shows you the types of things you can do to keep safe online and warning signs that you may be experiencing online abuse. Guide 1: Easy Read Guide 1: Your rights when you are living in the community Guide 1 is about your rights when you are living in the community. There are 2 types of LPAs: property and financial affairs health and welfare Easy Read Equality Act: Black Lives Matter resources, including activists telling their stories: Learning disability and pregnancy- Easy Read We chatted to nine women with learning disability about their pregnancy and giving birth. feeling tired. Added 'Easy read' version of winter flu leaflet. All you need is a pair of trainers. Mencap has created easy read guidance to explain the rules (PDF) and Keep Safe has produced an exemption card (PDF) to help people with a learning disability explain why they are not wearing a mask. Autumn coronavirus booster. 2Mb) NHS: going to the dentist The Royal Mencap Society has developed an easy-to-read guide about voting and registering to vote. The learning disability register is a list of people who have a learning disability. We've split our advice and information into the different areas we get asked. The main side effects are: feeling achey or like you have a mild flu. Having a quiet place to wait can prevent people getting anxious and having to leave the hospital. Call 0808. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. Your social media account includes information about you, so it is important you keep your personal information [email protected]. The easy-to-read versions are made up of simple language paired with pictures and illustrations, making it easier for people to understand each party’s. 013 Voting for a mayor. There are some diffi cult words in this booklet. 1What is a learning disability? The answer is that it's different for every person who has one. The team at MENCAP have put together a helpful, easy-read guide to support someone with a learning disability in using. Or fill out the online contact Mencap form . org. With a selection of. Muting words on Android If you use the Twitter app on an Android phone or tablet you can mute words like this: Press your profile image in the top left corner of the screen. You may also be able to get financial assistance from other organisations. They are for people with a learning disability. Author: Zac. You can be cyber bullied by: Email Messenger apps Social media Phone calls, video calls, or text messages. Of the people who have Fragile X, nearly all boys will have a learning disability but only a third of girls. Energy is charged by the unit. There may be help available through Mencap or another local support provider. Mon, 04/04/2022 - 13:21 File 2022. Muting words on Android If you use the Twitter app on an Android phone or tablet you can mute words like this: Press your profile image in the top left corner of the screen. Easy read Strong leadership. For a group interview, you will go to be interviewed in person. Your doctor will take a closer look at how you are doing – making sure you’re healthy. Title. They decide how things like benefits, healthcare services, schools and social care work. org. Children of some women were taken into care. If you do not know the person in real life, then. Temp 'C Hig cap The voice of learning disability Easy read . Strong leadership. Category Mencap resources Tags cost of living crisis Domains for this resource Mencap. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ /[ ±· a; aMencap Trust Company Ltd is an independent, not-for-profit, discretionary trust service A service gives people what they need,. Make sure you check if. The Cedar Foundation. Pictures are usually added next to the writing. If you have a learning disability and would like extra help with your gas, electricity. An easy read guide is available on the website to help you complete the form. Press 'Mute'. ) This guide has been jointly developed by the Department for Education and Mencap, with help from parents and young people with a learning disability. Email. Housing – our easy read guide. behaviour. Challenging behaviour can include tantrums, hitting or kicking other people, throwing things or self. Click here for a full page of. An easy-read guide for parents is also available. Easy Read | Mencap Download PDF What is cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is when a person or group of people say things online to hurt someone. Brushing Our Teeth. Our approach to safeguarding Mencap have an obligation to keep the people with a learning disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. your arm feeling heavy or sore where you got the vaccine for 1 or 2 days. Since coronavirus came, some learning disability nurses have had to work from their home instead of hospital. You should not share your full address on social media. If you get side effects, you can rest and take some paracetamol to help make you feel better. Easy Read information about Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resources from Mencap; Resources from Get Checked Out, in partnership with Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust An Easy-Read Guide to the Covid-19 Booster Vaccine from the UK Government (PDF) Identifying people with a learning disability and diabetesNHS Knowledge and Library Services have worked with people with lived experience to produce two, new, easy read guides for people with learning disabilities. 6. Much has. EASY-READ EASY-READ This page displays documents about keeping healthy. guide about volunteering with Mencapfacts first by reading the other sections. What we know. Not all volunteer roles need an interview. Pictures are usually added next to the writing. 2. They must be downloaded to be read. All self-taught and self-managed. pdf Description. Download our easy read Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. For some people, cerebral palsy will affect them physically, making muscle movements more difficult. Children of some women were taken into care. This means you will use less electricity. We are the Conservative Party. If you have a learning disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. Click on a document below to preview that document in a new window in your web browser or to download a copy. Sorting. We also welcomed our new CEO, Edel Harris. Page 3 of 4 Will I have to do an interview? Usually we will invite you in for a short chat about the volunteer role. Easy Read publications. having a headache. Mencap has created an easy read guide so you can find out more, and you can use the communication tool below to tell people what your needs are. See our easy read guide about housing for people with a learning disability. » Access the resources. 1 2 3 Flu can be dangerous for me I would like a free flu vaccine pleaseWhat Mencap wants We want people with a learning disability to have a real choice about where they live and who they live with. Pictures are usually added next to the writing. pdf Description. Easy Read Accessible Information Standard . You will be interviewed by three or four people. a MENCAP ambassador who has a learning disability. org. Easy Read | Mencap Download PDF What is cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is when a person or group of people say things online to hurt someone. Added Easy Read flu poster. To use social media you will need to sign up for an account. But do not share your street address or postcode. Enter your details here to receive an easy read guide to setting up your own campaign group. The guide looks at different types of online abuse you can experience and what to do if you feel you are unsafe. We have created this Easy Read which explains more about privacy settings on social media, posting content and talking to people online. Mobile phone poster Easy read Free Ambrose House / LDHQ MRI Scan Easy read Glos Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Free In progress My End of Life Book Easy read – and online Health Facilitation Team Free Ambrose House HF Team My Health Book Easy read – incl long term health conditionsWith political parties gearing up to campaign for a General Election on 12 December, the UK’s leading learning disability charity Mencap and the Electoral Commission have produced an easy read guide to voting and are urging all political parties to produce easy read manifestos to empower the one million voters with a learning. They share some of the guidelines you should follow w. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. giving me some easy read information about what would happen. Mon, 04/04/2022 - 14:45 File 2022. We know that these are difficult and unusual times. 2Mb) NHS: going to the dentist Details You will find this guide useful if you are a child or young person and you want to understand how the changes will affect you and your family. This means making sure: • people with a learning disability. 15 August 2017. You can ask to be added to the learning disability register by contacting your GP surgery. It is quicker to wash clothes at 30 degrees than if you wash them at 40 degrees. Influencing policies and services Tel: 020 7803 1100. People may not be what they seem. Mencap’s website A website is a page you can go to on the internet like Google or YouTube. repetitive behaviour and routines. Your child's rights in education. A clear economic plan. Other things which happened also helped make people feel more positive about people with disabilities. By campaigning for change; supporting people with a learning disability to ask for what they want and. The information and the images used in this document are copyright to CHANGE. – they make sure a person's own voice is. What is Safeguarding? This document is a free resource from CHANGE. Mon, 04/04/2022 - 14:33 File 2022. Easy read: Tips to save energy. An easy-to-read guide to wills - information for people with a learning disability about writing their will A gift for the future - information about leaving a gift in your will to Mencap . Transition into adulthood. It is about finding out and knowing what feels right for you. org. 2 What is a CV? A CV is a document that employers will look at to see if you are the right person for the job. We have made ‘ Easy Read Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. move home. . Running – You can run on your own or with family and friends. was first published: 14/06/2023. Press 'Mute'. feeling tired. org. Easy Read information about Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resources from Mencap; Resources from Get Checked Out, in partnership with Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust An Easy-Read Guide to the Covid-19 Booster Vaccine from the UK Government (PDF) Identifying people with a learning disability and diabetes Mencap Easy Read Resources Resources to help with structure and keeping busy. He phones the health centre to make an appointment for a free flu vaccine. They can be contacted: By telephone. This guide has been jointly developed by the. 0 in March 2020, meant that suddenly I had an extended period of free time. Category Mencap resources Tags Voting Image Domains for this resource Mencap. Doctors use it to make sure that people with a learning disability get the right support in the right ways. Mencap and the Electoral Commission call on political parties to produce easy read manifestos to give equal access to the 1 million voters with a learning disability this General Election. We want the UK to be the best place in the world for people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives. If you believe you need support, the first thing you should do is contact your local authority and request a needs assessment. A downloadable easy read PDF. According to Public Health England, having a flu vaccine is the best way to stop people getting the flu. I regularly thank my lucky stars that he was born in. Having Your Teeth Cleaned. . register is a list of people with a learning. But there are some things that are true for everyone with a learning disability , and some common (and not so common). Mental Health Foundation. org. Mencap annual report for 2021 to 2022: Easy Read Cost of living crisis Get information and advice about the cost of living crisis. A CEO means Chief Executive Officer. It is important to know how to keep safe using the internet. org. We make a picture library featuring people with a learning disability as the main characters. Financial Conduct Authority: Easy read guide on everyday banking. He is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It also tells councils what they have to do if they know someone is caring for a family. Understanding job adverts. At Bromley Mencap, they have co-produced an easy read cookbook featuring delicious recipes for dinners and puddings along with useful cooking and food safety tips. Category Mencap resources Tags Voting Image Domains for this resource Mencap Stay up to date, join our mailing list. 09 MB; Download. consent. It can help you to get the care you need in an easier to understand way. Info rea quartz Large Large print makes theWhat is voting? - Easy Read. using positive behaviour support to help people change how they behave and how they are supported Hello. Vaccines. An easy read downloadable pdf. Filling in application forms. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. , we want to be led by the things people with a learning disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. In this short film, volunteers from the project Getting It Right - From The Start talk about easy read.