Mister Metokur. 7. That's why he started the pedo streams like four years [email protected] @SkyVerseNFT @SVSNFT @EnjoyerMk @nutkreker. Account functions will be unavailable. Go sub this funny shitposter. *Technically not his very last stream, but the. Threads 9 Messages 52. According to his 2019 tweet, he is 37 years. 11K. By offering early, long-form, and relatively uncontested coverage, Metokur was privileged to present a far-right reframing of COVID-19 that may amplify percep-tions of risk within an information-seeking audience. RT + Like this 3. DiversityDan79 • 2 yr. Share to Reddit. RT @METAKAWS: #NFT 7x WHITELIST SPOTS To enter: 1. I’m keeping 1 because I’m too lazy to grind. 600. Outro music: mr metokur, internet aristocrat, jim81jim, mister metokur. 22 Feb 2022You might think the Trump NFTs are a scam. But if you buy 45 pics of an NFT like Shotgun Trump or Wall Street Trump — so, roughly $4500 worth — you get a ticket for a "Gala Dinner with Trump"Mister Metokur []. Share to Facebook. Davey Crocko. GNN rates this claim as: NAWT TRUUU! Here Mr. I. ConversationOriginal Upload Date: June 30, 2017My Patreon: Patreon. Metokur about it, and Metokur found it hilarious that he was so proud of himself, and also thought said suit looked bad and ill-fitting. feels he might have to finish the job and k*ll cancer patient Mr. 27 Jan 2022See new Tweets. Was tweeting about e3 all weekend. 36 comments. “FACT CHECK: Ethan Ralph(convicted sex offender) sends a troll donation to Mr. By UKUSABubbleArt. to Twitter. Holy shit I had no idea, I love Metokur but I honestly know next to nothing about his personal life. 1. " Its all a cover up its not genuine " If I start with the assumption Mr Metokur is a pedophile and interpret everything to feed that narrative, I would be exactly like you. Mr. Randomercam, Alison Tieman and Karen Straughan. Metokur was Habermann's site whereas Habermann was a regular user on ED. VagueLuminary • 5 days ago. Alliterative Family: Jim and Jade. 12:43 PM · Jul 18, 2023. 4. I've never aligned with him politically, but have always found him. The key is to. Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know. “@RekietaLaw @QuarantinedCoof @theralphretort @PoweroftheTruth @AugieRFC”Lots of people first learned about Lewis from Mister Metokur's EXCELLENT video! to see the. Who is this: Mr Metokur, laughed so hard he got cancer. Mister MetokurTIME STAMPS LISTED BELOW00:08 - Thinkin Thoughts04:07 - RIP Eugene10:15 - It Was Bat Soup13:15 - J Curve18:00 - Fun at the Quarantine Camp27:48 - Bat Bite Eq. Looking way back, I think he knew a lot of his content was geared towards dweebish autistic NEETs that fell hard into the alt-right pipeline. Metokur’s life turned out better than most of the gamergate/IBS guys and he is literally dying of cancer. Metokur’s driveway. Jim is now on bitchute now NOT WATCH THESE VIDEOS HERE SUPPORT FREE SPEECH AND WATCH THEM. Rest in peace metokur. Give me money. The first metokur stream I saw was the first wu flu stream. God speed Mr. 1. Metokur describes the chronology of his sickness, symptoms, diagnoses, confused doctors, mystery illness. ago. Quote Tweets. Metokur get banned for this go? Twitter. 42. Visit & enjoy @wagmiworld: another 5 minutes to get 5 WL (Wagmi List) spots! ️ be quick! #notigang ⏺️ retweet this post ⏺️ follow @wagmiworld ⏺️ tag 3 friends!RT @PeekABooGameNFT: This frog ghost has some @toadstoolzNFT whitelist spots to give away To enter: 1. ; Badass Baritone: Jim's trademark "radio voice" comes from a combination of his dry wit, his smooth presentation style, the years he's. . Yes, he has an Asian girlfriend, but we all know that Asians are basically on the same level as whites. Figured the pedo streams were just regular disgust but knowing he’s a father now it makes sense why he was so unrelenting. “David Stay (Mandarr from the 80’s TV show Photon) has passed away. Share to Pinterest. His Metokur stuff is still entertaining, but I don’t think he’s really challenging himself like he used to. They found a listing of his childhood home on some reality website and found the same room he was standing in. Share to Twitter. Metokur’s driveway. ago. by. After Mister Metokur pressures Vee to embrace the Jewish Question, Metokur calls Jews a "cancer-cluster," says the solution is. Southern Africa. ”I just finished watching the Destiny-Mister Metokur debate. This. e-drama Metokur back on Twatter, Says he Prefers Poast anyway theTDC September 5, 2022 You may know Mr. 11. Reply. By FunnyThings1. Patrick OShaughnessy. Share to Facebook. 1. General forum about the Kiwi Farms and. ”RT @SpectraArt_NFT: We love what the team at @LucidPaths are building, so we’ve decided to team up for a special NFT giveaway ahead of the release of Shackled!In this conversation. How do you envolve your lingo and add lore in like 6 months?! At least the characters are still the same: Ethan Ralph and Mr. Mister Metokur (BitChute Archive) Addeddate 2019-12-21 11:34:46 Identifier mistermetokurbitchutearchive Scanner. But also there's been an internet war against Ethan Ralph and Nick seems to be defending him while Metokur is in the opposite. Mister Metokur currently Live on his last stream before he likely passes away from his battle with cancer. Metokur get banned for this go? Twitter. that stream was a shitshow in the best way possible. 03 Dec 2022 11:00:55“@Komodoom @VikingOutofTime @LostLeanore Mr Metokur”Yep, Jade drained his nuts until he died of dehydration. Metokur. Did he get black bagged for his Corona Virus reporting?”Mister Metokur aka Daddy Jim aka some guy on the internet that grown men still look up to kinda fell off. 17. ago. The differences in how they're treated by. So Mister Metokur is retiring He did his final stream a bit ago, guess his health is finally gotten to him. RT @OriginsNFT: As we prepare to celebrate our 6 month anniversary, we want to say thanks to those who have supported us along the way. From $18. After all this time denying that it was Cancer AIDS, it turns out to be Cancer AIDS. metokur holds fascistic views. Metokur Gavin McInnes Alex Jones Who else?”I only know about them because Metokur laughed at them/collaborated with them. This video is satire. “@7Subby @MrBeast @Relolyn Suicide rate post op is 44%. Ralph less than 1 year ago tweeted he was going to camp in Mr. Mister Metokur Family. (50/50) @J3susB1ack @UddishM @Jtiitus_ @VentusValenza @sunsoutgunsout8 @stefanhochstoe1 @fourtykayyy @ashokv_3 @Ashuisawesome @Haig_eth @Rooobinho84 Thank you to all citizens who participated!!Comedy gold! Cure gout. T-shirts, stickers, wall art, home decor, and more designed and sold by. Mister Metokur update: 01 May 2023 17:27:54. See new Tweets. Sad to see him go and for someone who is also fighting fight cancer, it hits differently. KEEM @KEEMSTAR · Apr 23. In the early GamerGate days Jim (Internet Aristocrat at the time) had gained somewhat of a cult following and Sargon was more of a smaller figure that was part of his cohort. Profile Awards 23. Redirecting to /i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FRichardHananiaMister Metokur Livestreams: With Mister Metokur, Ethan Ralph, Andy Warski, Tonkasaw. 5K. Anyone similar to Jim. Meatball. 90,000 XP . Can also be used for other things dying, like a stream going offline or a TV breaking. This channel is an archive of all of Mr. ♥️ As a token of our appreciation, we are giving away an Origins Pass. i think it was after the e3 stream in 2014 if that helps like after it ended. 51. 4,857. Jim, better known online as Mister Metokur (formerly known as Internet Aristocrat or Jim81Jim), was a internet personality and YouTuber that produced content criticizing and mocking individuals on the internet who do controversial actions. Share to Tumblr. Audio/video from following s. Metokur and both of the grandfathers to Ralph's children who he's feuding with were all swatted within a few minutes of each other. mp4 download. Metokur fan. Share to Reddit. [email protected] @smolsharks @Styrb3 @nutkreker @maisl0l. Big fan, by the way,. Everyone gets banned. The post has been shared by 0 people. He's in the sky and in the trees and the green green [email protected] @nutkreker @Styrb3 @maisl0l. QuarantinedCoof is his Twitter handle. The Shadowman @Th3Shadowman211. . st/@porsalin00:00 - Intro15:59 - Stand Up Comedy49:57 - Homeless1:08:43 - Gofundme1:21:51 - Lo. 1. It's a friendly reminder that discord is run by furries and is reluctant to police. He will be very much missed. T-shirts, stickers, wall art, home decor, and more designed and sold by independent artists. He has a subscribestar as well but buying a hat is a sign of great support. 22 Jan 2022Found. It's a pretty specific room. 5. Metokur is a funny guy because he more than any of the other Gamergate era alt right influencers embodied the ideology of the cul de sac. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersBuy a hat. [deleted] • 3 yr. JimokurFrom $1. This "leak" is like 5 years old and I'm fairly certain was found to be just some guy that happened to have a similar name. . [2022-05-06] {Kino Casino Stream} MR METOKUR AND JADEN IN THE. This channel is a library for Jim’s edited content always has been always will be (or until I get banned) I don’t archive his livestreams because that’s not. Mister Metokur Baseball Cap. com/DVarchivedDisclaimer: I do not make any ad revenue from these videos, this is purely to keep delet. 17 Jan 2022Mr. Oct 29, 2022; sp3ctr4; Kiwi Farm. Mister Metokur Bucket Hat. RT + Like 3. Jim/Mister Metokur has revealed that he has Indolent lymphoma. . com/porsalinPOAST - poa. Lucas Roberts - Queen Keffals - sorrentihott: MtF Transgender Twitch streamer, Twitter addict, and internet policeman. — €h33s3βurg3rF@€3 (talk • stalk) 06:25, 9 June 2018 (UTC) We have his real name on the article now, maybe we. I joined a Debate on YouTube about false DMCA flags & got accused of working for the New World Order. J. Try again in a bit. Acceptable Targets: For Jim, "cucks", "soy boys", "beta males" and what he considers weak men in general who let people walk all over them (especially women) are also a. “GNN: Ethan Ralph(convicted sex offender) has been suspended for ban evasion on @KillstreamLive and shortly after, Mr. Show replies. Does anybody know if Jim has any other such friends? 48. He mostly just goes after low-hanging fruit, which is fine, I just think he’s capable of more than that. I went to peek into one of my past hyperfixation communities and I'm having a hard time deciphering what the fuck they are even talking about. Nick Fuentes said recently while defending Ethan Ralph versus Flamenco that flagging videos people you dislike make is alright. You both typically have some like minded ideas and thoughts. 21. 1.