Because there are fewer Welsh-speaking communities than other Celtic languages like Irish and. Published by the Office for National. This figure dropped to 50% in 1895. 4 per cent). 1% in 2011 to 12. This could a possible increase in the prevalence of the Welsh language since the 2011 census. 94% Ceredigion 34,964 47. In Caernarfon and the surrounding area, 83. Main points For the year ending 31 December 2021, the Annual Population Survey reported that 29. supporting the Welsh Government’s vision of a million Welsh speakers by 2050, we will need to see a percentage increase of 7. How often do Welsh speakers speak the language?. According to the survey, the percentage of Welsh speakers who say they can only speak a little Welsh has risen from 16% in 2004 to 24% in 2019. 2%), Efenechtyd (53. Across Wales, the percentage of Welsh speakers fell from 19. the percentage of Welsh speakers. The Welsh language strategy Cymraeg 2050, clearly states that this target was based on census data and that progress towards this target will be monitored using future. 4% percentage aged 75 or over and can speak Welsh 16. 9 Welsh speaking GPs per 10,000 Welsh speaking population 8. 5%). Those with the ability to speak Welsh Area Able to speak Welsh % of those who can speak Welsh Cardiff 37,194 10. 5 cent (around 8,400) by 2021, in order to be on course to reach 30 per cent (around 10,500 in each age group) by 2031, and then 40 per cent (aboutIn successive census returns (1901 and 1911) Bethesda had the highest percentage of Welsh speakers of its respective shire (Caernarfonshire) and of any district in Wales (with 1,500 monolingual Welsh speakers in 1901). to speak Welsh, with only 39 left of the 71 wards according to the 2011 census. Welsh speaking GPs per 10,000 population 1. Increasing the use of the Welsh language 22. Main points For the year ending 30 September 2020, the Annual Population Survey reported that 28. . This compares with a population of 3 million in Wales. 2 percentage points lower than the previous year (year ending 30 September 2019), equating to 2,400 fewer people. A total of forty-four Community Council areas saw a reduction in the percentage of Welsh speakers. The percentage of Welsh speakers in Neath Port Talbot fell from 15. 7%),. 16. In 2021, there were just over 700 fewer Welsh-speaking Wrexham residents (over the age of three years) compared with 2011. 5% of people aged three and over were able to speak Welsh. 4%). Dr Simon Brooks said tailored policies are needed for areas with a higher density of Welsh speakers Areas with higher concentrations of Welsh speakers should be given powers to help preserve the. The majority of those communities with a high percentage of Welsh speakers are to be found within four local authority areas – Ynys Môn/Anglesey, Gwynedd, Ceredigion and Sir Gâr/Carmarthenshire. 9% of the total population (aged 3+). Gwynedd had the highest percentage at 69% with Carmarthenshire second with 77,000 Welsh speakers, 47. Paradoxes Map showing distribution of Welsh speakers, 2001 census. In 2001 that number had increased to 582,000 speakers, representing 20. 9%). 0% (182,200) less often. This was down from 92. Speaking in the Senedd, Mark Drakeford had said that he had. In 2013-15, the difference between theThe number of Welsh speakers continued to decline until the 1980s. 3. 5% (Angle) to 0. These targets provide a clear narrative for the Welsh Government. The census did not record Welsh-speakers living outside Wales. 3% in 2011 to 7. Achieving this would be a considerable feat. 6 percentage points lower than the same quarter in the previous year (year ending 31 Dec 2018), equating to 41,100 fewer people. Of the few. Here are a few key findings from our survey conducted in April 2021: 47% of people living in Wales cannot say ‘Hello’ in Welsh. This was the largest increase in the percentage of Welsh speakers of any local authority area in the country. On census day, 21 March 2021, an estimated 538,300 Welsh citizens aged three and over were reported as being able to speak Welsh – about 17. Theme 1: Increasing the number of Welsh speakers 6 Theme 2: Increasing the use of the Welsh language 26. 1% in 2011 to 12. The number of people who did not speak Welsh increased by 15,400. 9% speaking Welsh out of a population of 1. This was the joint second-largest decline (alongside Pembrokeshire and Powys ) in the percentage of Welsh speakers of any local authority area in the country (the largest decline was in Carmarthenshire ). 4 and 11. 1% to 4. In 2021, there were around 2,000 fewer Welsh-speaking Neath Port Talbot residents (over the age of three years) compared with 2011. 0% to 17. The Welsh language in 1878. 1. A survey by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) suggests 874,700 people. The percentage of Welsh speakers in Neath Port Talbot fell from 15. 8% (146,400) weekly and 6. The number of people who did not speak Welsh increased by 15,400. 8%) reported being able to speak Welsh, which is a decrease since 2011 (562,000, 19. S. 8 Welsh speaking GPs per 10,000 Welsh speaking population 6. 0%). Blaenau Ffestiniog is a predominantly Welsh-speaking community. 8%. Part 2. Meanwhile, the percentage of the population that is married fell from 51% in 2001 to 47% in 2011. 7 percent of the population of Wales aged 3 and over, were able to speak the language. Language of education. , the periods of sharpest decrease beingIncreasing the number of Welsh speakers 7 2. The endeavor of this new initiative is to increase the total number of speakers of Welsh in Wales to one-million by the year 2050. 5 million) who identified this way in 2001. However, Gwynedd and Anglesey in the north-west of Wales have the highest percentage of Welsh speakers at 76. 6% not able to speak Welsh. 0% since the last Census in 2011. Which language do Welsh speakers feel most comfortable using?. out of all regions, the North East and Wales had the highest percentage of people who identified as white British (both 90. Supported by the. 4% with white ethnic minorities. For the year ending 30 June 2022, the Annual Population Survey reported that 29. Almost a third of Welsh speakers reported having attended an organised event or activity held in Welsh in the previous 12 months, an additional 23% of Welsh speakers attended at least one event held using both Welsh and English. 1 percent of the population. If we examine the last century, census data suggests that while the population of Wales has grown, the percent of Welsh-speakers decreased significantly (down from 50% in 1901 to 20. 3. 2% in the number of Welsh speakers since the last census in 2001. 2% (489,300) of people aged three and over reported that they spoke Welsh daily, 4. published on 6 December 2022. 98 million Americans had Welsh ancestry, 0. 2% in 2021. 1: Transmission of the Welsh language within the family, 2001 - 2011. 3. 5% in 2021. Some 4 million - or 8% - reported speaking a different main language other than English or Welsh. Citizenship. Caerphilly had the lowest percentage. Language legislation and government strategy in Wales. the future vitality of Welsh-speaking communities as places that. 5% (45. The percentage of Welsh speakers in Neath Port Talbot fell from 15. 1% of the. Between Censuses the National Survey is used to monitor trends for adults. 4 million) of the total population in England and Wales identified their ethnic group as "English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", this is a continued decrease from 80. 1. 01). 9% to 18. Between Censuses the National Survey is used to monitor trends for adults. 1%. 4 percentage points higher than the previous year (year ending 31 December 2020), equating to around 9,200 more people. 5 26. In 2021, there were around 3,300 fewer Welsh-speaking Ceredigion residents (over the age of three years) compared with 2011. 9 with limiting long-term illness 440 21. At the 2011 census, 78. While there has been an increase in the percentage of Welsh speakers in anglicised areas such as Cardiff, there has been a. It is the most complete source of information about the population that we have. Welsh Language campaigners have challenged Ceredigion Council over the decline in Welsh speakers recorded in the 2021 Census results. 8%. The APS, which began in. But the number now seems to have stabilised. Census community survey, an estimated 1. 7% of the population. proportion for Welsh Wales is 6830% and, as Figure 1 shows, the level of Welsh-speaking generally exceeds this figure in two large areas: one is centred on Gwynedd and includes most of the old counties of Anglesey, Caernarvon and Merioneth; the other comprises most of Cardiganshire and Carmarthen shire, in Dyfed. 8 per cent. FG indicator 37 (Percentage of people who can speak Welsh) The Census of Population is the main source of information for the percentage of people who can speak Welsh. This figure equates to 872,200 people. Results from censuses before the 1960s are in printed reports. 17% 18% 19% 21% 16% 24%. 6 million people in England and Wales spoke English (or Welsh in Wales) as their main language, around 91. Ever since, the question has been used to judge the health of the Welsh Language. 9% of the county’s total population 4 . The Welsh Language Census of 1901: Shewing the Population of Each Urban and Rural District in Wales with the Percentage of Welsh Speakers in Each. Language training in the workplace would create new Welsh speakers and. 4% (44. Persons able to speak Welsh Population Percentage change 1931 -51 Percentage change 1931 -51 Age 3 years and over + 2-8 + 4*6 + 3'i - 2-0 + 28-0 - 3*9 - 4*4 - 2*1 - 62 + 7*2 - 2-0 - 67 - 3*o. There has been a decline from Census to Census in Carmarthenshire, but in 2011 for the first time, the results revealed that the percentage of Welsh speakers in the county had lowered to under half (43. Which age group has the highest percentage of Welsh speakers? 4-15 age-The 70+ age-group scored slightly higher with 12. This is 0. 1 In speaking, or ‘transmitting’3. 5% - or 900,600 Welsh speakers. 8% of the population) said. In the 2008 U. This is 1. Cardiff was one of the few areas that saw an increase in the percentage of Welsh speakers (from 11. 5: Wales:. 5 languages. For UK censuses 1801 to 1991, printed data reports are available. The Annual Population Survey (APS) is a UK-wide survey conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Fall in proportion of Welsh speakers. co. Clark , May 22, 2023 In 2022, approximately 27. 0% of residents identified with Asian, black, mixed or ‘other’ ethnic groups, and a further 2. This is 0. The United Kingdom is, unsurprisingly, very English. You can still use the rest of it for. . Comparative statistics over the last three Censuses are revealing: In order to produce a million Welsh speakers by 2050,. On Census Day, 21 March 2021, an estimated 538,300 usual residents in Wales aged three years or older reported being able to speak Welsh, or 17. 0 dentists per 10,000 population 5. 6% of people in Wales aged three and over were able to speak Welsh. . 4 The results presented in Charts 1 and 2 follow a similar pattern of Welsh-speaking by age and local authority as reported by the Annual Population Survey and the 2011 Census. tDepartment of Geography, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN Revised manuscript received 8 January 2004 The aim of this paper is to present a preliminary analysis of unitary authority level data. Age Group % Welsh speakers 2001 % Welsh speakers 2011 Number of Welsh speakers 2001 Number of Welsh speakers 2011 All those aged over 3 years 3-4 years 19. 3 per cent of people (49. 5% (45,000) reported that they never spoke Welsh despite being able to speak it, with the remaining 71. 4%). This was down from 92. which provides rights for Welsh speakers to receive Welsh-language services, and a Welsh Language Commissioner has been appointed to oversee the implementation of these rights. But - if you take into account every Welsh skill (Detailed below), 759,155 people have a connection to the language, or 24. Increasing the use of the Welsh language 22. 31% of Welsh speakers reported that they had only attended English events over the past 12 months. However, the percentage decreased during 2019-20, at the time of the Welsh Language Use Survey 2019-20, to 24%. 7 per cent of Welsh speakers lived in electoral divisions where over 70 per cent of the population could speak Welsh. Between Censuses the National Survey is used to monitor trends for adults. Published by D. Toggle the table of contents. 8% bilingual). These figures mean the percentage of people aged three years or older able to speak Welsh in 2021 was at a record low of 17. I'm a Welsh speaker, and a 1st year at Cardiff, and as said it's 10%-20% of all students at most that are Welsh. 2% in the number of Welsh speakers since the last census in 2001. Fall in proportion of Welsh speakers. 98 million Americans had Welsh ancestry, 0. 38 8.