g. As part of your investigation, check to see if these companies provide credit monitoring which is one component of identity theft protection. Look up information about local hotels, park entrance fees, special tours, and specific points of interest in the park. 00:00. com, EZslang. Listen to the recording and choose the best answer for each question. ”. In this conversation, a man meets a woman at a health club. What is the maker of the shoe?historical background (where the music is from) the types of instruments used in making the music. Back to Easy Quizzes. Follow Randall: Easy Listening. classroom environment. La Tomatina in Spain. Use the Internet to discover five fun dating ideas in different parts of the world. Search the Internet and find out information on the specific laws for obtaining a license in your country and the steps to get one. Conduct research on two different credit cards offered online that are specifically aimed at students and compare them based on credit card fees, interest rates, and benefits of each. There must be ten here. , the receptionist who took your reservation misunderstood. Basic English Quizzes. Visit Randall’s other Web sites at DailyESL. A comprehension quiz that focuses on the main points of the interview. Many people have shopped online for different items including electronics, clothing, and books, but few have shopped online for food and groceries. Tags : ESL Listening Student Resources. You are thinking about going on vacation to these three cities: Paris, New York City, and Tokyo. Then, answer these questions: What is the name of the restaurant? What is the restaurant’s address? What type of food does it serve? What time does it open and close? What days of the week is the restaurant closed, if any? Are there reviews of the. It’s time to hit the road. A Day at School; A Fun Day Acting School and Movie Stars; Apartments for Rent Bookstore Shopping; Camping Gear; Casino Gambling Try More Free Listening at Dailyesl. Follow Randall: Easy Listening. Try More Free Listening at Dailyesl. Most people look for budget or cheap hotels when they go on vacation, but no matter whether you stay in a cheap hotel or a luxurious one, you can encounter problems when making hotel reservations. (3:40) Let’s get together at five after twelve. , language, food, transportation, etc. Use the additional words to add information to the message: You’re sick, and you can’t go to school today. Academic English Listening. “ My teacher can read students like a book. What concerns would you have in traveling to a new country (e. Idioms. Online Investigation. However, in dating relationships, what kinds of difficulties and problems can arise? What are the best ways to learn to solve such situations? What dating tips can you think of to ensure. Listen to the recording and answer the questions that you hear. Throwing baby teeth on the roof in some countries. Listen to the words below and consult a dictionary if you need a definition. “have a green thumb” = special ability at making plants grow well. Start a natural conversation with the person using a variety of small-talk questions and expressions. Choose a city that you want to visit and use the Internet to find three cheap, affordable accommodations (hotels, youth hostels, etc. objectionable (adjective): unpleasant, undesirable, or offensivePost-Listening Exercise. ”. org ), think of a comment or question you want to ask Randall about his son, Josh. Intermediate Listening. Post-Listening Exercise. Wife-carrying tournament in Finland. ) You have to study for a test and play tennis today. Fortunately, you can find more and more house cleaning services that will do the job for you for a fee. bad breath. Who are you closest to in your family: mother, father, brother, sister, or another relative?Post-Listening Exercise. ”. Although watching movies online from the comfort of one’s homes is becoming very popular, many people still enjoy the pleasure of buying movie tickets and watching a movie at a local theater. Oh, and I’d prefer to rent a furnished apartment. Find two different Web sites that sell flowers and compare their services in terms of price, delivery, variety of items, and product guarantee. Try More Free Listening at Dailyesl. What do you think is the likelihood that the story. Pre-Listening Exercise. recommended exercises for different age groups and people with certain health risks. Introduce yourself to several people (e. Then, compare prices, location, and amenities of each. com. These could include the following: a person’s driving record. Online Investigation. ”. “ James stole Maria’s heart with his powerful romantic music on his guitar . “ do something until someone is blue in the face ” = do something a lot without achieving your goal. As part of this, people get training or go to school to get an education to prepare them for their future profession. At the same time, many seniors want control over their own futures and want to live comfortably during their golden years. 00:00. Online Investigation. So, what are some common topics of conversation when you meet people for the first time?After you look over Josh’s Web site ( joshuascottdavis. Compare the following points: the cost of lessons. To this end, I created these video tutorials (screencasts) will help you learn how to use many of the features of this site for language study and teaching. You can talk to me about the product until you’re blue in the face, but I still won’t buy it . ”. Talk about the type of apartment Ann is trying to find. com. teacher-student relationship. There are many factors that determine the cost of car insurance. And don’t forget to scrub the bathtub. age, gender, and marital status. “ Tim hit the roof when he realized the hair stylist dyed his hair red . Online Investigation. “earn one’s keep” = make enough money to pay one’s living expenses “ I don’t make a lot of money, but I make enough to earn my keep . Then, review the script to this listening activity at the bottom of the page. A woman runs from the house screaming that her 1-year old son is still inside. Online Investigation. com. Groundhog Day in the United States. ”. Gap-fill Exercise. make sense (idiom): have a clear meaning or a sensible explanation. Intermediate Listening. Others like to buy DVDs either at a store or online. English Culture Videos. Post-Listening Exercises. bad acne. When you do take a call, be sure to repeat the caller’s name, number, and message before you hang up to confirm that you have the correct information. Then, post your questions or comments on Randall’s blog HERE: Suicide. Little did Emma know that amidst the sea of eligible bachelors, there lurked an identity. Intermediate Listening. “ You need to tell your adult children to move out because. “ hit the road ” = to begin or start your travel. “ My wife is much better at managing our finances, so she controls the purse strings . “ at the end of your rope ” = no longer have the ability or patience to do something. suite (noun): a group of connected rooms at a hotel. Language Games. access (noun): in this case, a method or right to view files on the Internet – I use a computer at the university to access my e-mail. Collect information on what fines or punishments are given to people who violate the law in such situations. Online Investigation. Online Investigation. ”. com. ”. Academic English Listening. Basic English Quizzes. using technology, specifically digital voice recorders and MP3 players, to assessing students’ speaking skills. Back to Easy Quizzes. com for more language practice. There is a person sitting next to you whom you don’t know (your conversation partner). Try More Free Listening at Dailyesl. – He didn’t have enough dough to buy the TV, so he borrowed money from his brother. the types of people with whom the music is popular (children, teenagers, young adults, mature adults, and seniors) See Listening Script. Pre-Listening Exercise. You can also. ] Randall’s mother has Alzheimer’s disease, and his family is trying to do the best they can to provide for her comfort. However, preparing for such experiences is very important. Basic English Quizzes. See Listening Script. an adventure in. dough (noun): informal for money. See Listening Script. “ She has a real green thumb for growing beautiful decorative trees . Online Investigation. Follow Randall: Easy Listening. Online Investigation. “ run in the family ” = physical or personality traits that are similar. Vocabulary Lessons. How do you feel about the forms of protection below? Which of these do you or would you use personally in your daily life? Which are legal forms of protection in your city or country? a gun. com, and Trainyouraccent. Follow Randall: Easy Listening. Man: […]Idioms. Language Games. Intermediate Listening. Try More Free Listening at Dailyesl. Woman: First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination. Follow Randall: Easy Listening. Idioms. Vocabulary Lessons. First, decide on a city of your choice, and then search around to find the best place for you based on location, price, convenience, and amenities. “ stick out like a sore thumb ” = very visible because something is different. Use the Internet to learn about a unique cultural tradition of one of these countries, or a country that interests you: Cheese chasing in England. Language Games. What kinds of donations do they accept? How are your donations used and what percent of your donation actually goes to people in need? See Listening Script. The bus fare to Seattle, Washington, is one hundred twelve dollars. “ She was decked out in a beautiful dress, and everyone was surprised . Travel and Sightseeing. “ drive at something ” = What do you mean or imply? “ Hey, what are you driving at? Are you trying to say that I’m a bad driver? “. )?Idioms. meet. Find information on the following topics and discuss your findings with a partner: serious health concerns in different countries and solutions to resolving these problems. , shorts, a warm jacket, sandals, rain coat, etc. “ This is a real dead-end job, so I’m thinking about quitting soon . hair loss. Here are some language games that are connected to the listening activity, Casino Gambling, but these activities can also be done completely on their own. Use the Internet to find out the cost of airfare and train/subway travel to get there from your current location. The bus to Reno, Nevada, leaves at 9:50 a. com, EZslang. Academic English Listening. General Listening Quizzes: Activities at Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab focus on everyday English comprehension skills at three levels based on content, voices,. See Listening Script. ESL Vocabulary Quizzes. a basic daily menu for a healthy lifestyle. Follow Randall:Pre-Listening Exercise. Summarize what you learn about the movie including information about the plot, the main characters, the visual effects, and the acting. You are considering the option of either buying cookies online or making your own. Use the Internet to find the cost of airfare and train/subway travel to get there. However, you always have to consider the costs and outcomes. if we want to arrive at mom’s house by noon . Try More Free Listening at Dailyesl. entrance requirements and exams. Idioms. “ call it quits ” = end a relationship. “ This dress was a steal. Difficult Listening. Imagine that are moving to Denver, Colorado, in the United States for a couple of years, and you are into gardening. ESL. What are some home remedies that you take for the following illnesses: a cold, the flue, a fever, a headache, nausea (a feeling of throwing up), and a sore throat. Difficult Listening. Difficult Listening. Make a list of all of the reasons why a person may not be able to take a call (e. Vocabulary Lessons. Post-Listening Exercise. A Fun Day. Try More Free Listening at Dailyesl. Using the Internet, search for two Web sites that contain a review of a movie you want to see. Laser eye surgery is becoming a popular idea for improving eye vision. Man: No, no. Marriage customs and traditions are different around the world, but developing good communication skills and expectations before marriage can help you resolve problems you encounter in a relationship. Use a local newspaper, TV news program, or the Internet to find a weather forecast of your area. See Listening Script. What dress would you suggest for going out in this weather (e.