I had a game where it reset to "destroy all plague hearts" and suddenly there was one more to do. You'll then be able to add any of your community members to your legacy pool. Next is the Trader’s, since you also have backup in the final fight and its potentially the only fight if you do the legacy mission. #1. I just changed maps so I was good on supplies. rockgod420 5 years ago #1. Legacy Goals: Warlord Might Makes Right. I have done all three of those things, even destroying and rebuilding a facility, and it still doesn't register as completed. It also gives Consumables and Explosives as well as Heartland specific items such. That’s an important point. 1 Answer. We know you're all excited for State of Decay 3, but we are not done with State of Decay 2! Tune in to our livestream on a special day, Wednesday, July 29th at 3 PM PDT, to learn all about our next update. If you save all your notes just bring it back and drop it/pick it back up. I have had that survivor specific one on other playthroughs. Choosing a leader will unlock a Leader Project, a large Facility upgrade, and one small Facility upgrade for building. 2) Move to another map to restart the whole legacy quest line (plague hearts and all). I may wait to see if they patch and slightly make those final missions less deadly or just give it a go and if he eats it. Note: Bringing your own Parts for the mission will also count, however you'll need to go to the location regardless. After doing that and a few other in-game stuff, my Sheriff finally gave me my final quests, but that could've been a coincidence I guess. All it says is 'continue to complete legacy goals' yet there's literally no other missions in my list. ago. whyyyyTry to loot military containers to find guns, ammo, and explosive to help you destroy plague walls which is the last mission. . If you put the gas can on the character all the way to the right when making a new game+ that's the one you'll control when you start the game. ) Sheriff is a better long-term boon, but it’s pretty terrible early game. On the positive side of things, this ensures that. 4. If you are just trying to knock down a legacy, go ahead and complete. Standing and experience. Ye, that worked for a while and then Wilkerson reckoning mission came up that goes bugged because it points you to the two Wilkerson stashes. Before you complete the game via Legacy mission, go back to base with your co-op partner. Say youve destroyed 4 of 12 plague hearts and your character reached hero status. Players can now recruit survivors from the Legacy pool to current communities. . Do Eagle Eye & Legacy missions pop up again? So, long story short, the game froze as I was driving to an Eagle Eye mission, I had to dashboard & restart. 11 months ago. Communities; Community members consume more food daily. Legacy character bug? SoD2. My Sheriff was ready to take on the bad guy base. In a short to mid range gunfight and in melee combat I get killed. Wyoming and Oklahoma are a bit far from the rest, but Cascade Hills is in Oregon, and both Providence Ridge and Trumbull Valley are in Washington State. everything. 50cal ammo in your storage at the start of the game. I'm scurred! The only ways I have beaten enemy NPCs in Nightmare were attracting zombies using my vehicle and sniping them from a distance. 1 year ago. From there it should be good. Op · 4 yr. If you take your old characters into a new game, but don’t get the map you wanted, don’t delete the file and try again, you will lose those characters permanently. Need help. State of Decay 2 - How to Get All 4 Legacy Endings in 1 Playthrough by Deleting your Saved DataMore State of Decay 2 Videos:died during final mission. You can just use the radio station ability at your base to move to a new frontier. Protection. if that fails, you may need to move to another county. due to the inconvenient of SoD2 modding method, so check full changelog detail before download, everythings is written. Zlad 3 years ago #1. C4, fuel bombs, bloater grenades, land mines all get thrown. Your out of reach of all zombies except jugs. The Steam version of the game uses Steam Cloud to synchronize data between Steam computers, while the Epic Game Store version uses Epic’s cloud-save system. State of Decay 2 is the ultimate zombie survival fantasy game made by Undead Labs. I got the little cut scene of the leader saying "we can do this anywhere!". We added some safeguards to protect missions against the case where you find a mission critical item, and then lose it before knowing its significance. Some people have unlocked it in as little as 5 in-game days. I killed two of them and then my leader died which canceled the mission. . If a facility or upgrade requires a skill. A New Coalition. However, by completing the Legacy mission, you’ll have. State of Decay 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. If you go to Apps & Features and find SoD2 and click advanced options, it'll let you reset the data. (Closing out old business for ProvRidge dontcha know. You also receive 200 Influence. I was hoping they would have this like heartland where it has its own missions but it seems like undead labs put in the traditional legacy missions (warlord, sheriff, trader, builder) and added Trumbull valley related missions as side missions. Load up your best base mods, skill books, weapons, etc, and give them each a rucksack of supplies. The other thing that happens when you finish a Legacy is that you will unlock the Legacy Boon for that Leader type. Hop into the extremely fast, exotic car and make your way to where the survivors are staying. try going to xbox settings and restarting your xbox from there. So I know when I finish the legacy mission my community goes into a pool for you to use on the next game this leaves me with 2 questions 1. On my Sheriff, I think the windows 10 reset helped. This is the order I would recommend doing since I did it this way and got all missions to work:Complete the mission, then wait for the legacy goal achievement to pop. ) It sucked. If there aren’t any in your town (I had one enclave. You can also load your friend up with rucksacks to. It will begin with a group of strangers arriving at your home. If it bugged out, you would have to restart with a new community. Legacy Boon: A advantage which a player receive after beating the game, it is based on the Leader Type. Crimsonhead4 5 years ago #1. Completing the game with each Leader Type can unlock you a different Legacy Boon. When you unlock a Boon it will be permanently available for. A ton of people are experiencing it regardless of the leader class. Your task is to travel to the Cannibals base and take out their leader. Nope this game is currently pretty bare-bones. . You must complete them to beat the game. I have a lot of awesome gear id like to keep so part of me wants to just switch maps. ago. Ray adopted this belief well; before the outbreak, he was actively helping people, including Lily. I really don't want to lose this Warlord. then get on your leader and look at the mission list on the map screen and make sure it says "define your legacy" at the top. Leaders provide a number of benefits to your Home Site and Community such as unique Facilities and access to Legacy Missions. State of Decay 2 is a deeply weird game. The game can, in fact, roll survivors that offer all 4 upgrade options since those options are based on their traits. If you don't have 3 ammo in your base storage, then it will damage facilities that will then have to. The missions should pop up once all the plague hearts are gone. Ray will call you directly and request that you meet with him in person. Characters in your Legacy. 4 types of leaders are there. XxDogePartyxX • 4 yr. ·. State of Decay 2. If you fail a legacy mission, does it ever show back up or is that it? I was doing a mission on my builder to meet with some people about moving. 50 cal rifles and 6 assault rifles, seeds, circuitry, 2 piles of parts, chemicals, and 1 gas can and 1 repair kit. Does this delete that save if not, if I delete it to make room will my legacy community still be in the pool 2. I did find it once before in the comments of a you tube video but can’t find it again. Instead, the game will autosave whenever the player performs certain actions. Samiam8883 years ago#2. Keep playing until you get a new enclave that you are friendly with, and Bob's your uncle, the mission the comes back. Help, legacy mission not coming back. Yeah agreed. One acted like a normal enclave and the other never asked for anything but had great stuff to trade. This is the weirdest thing. Jul 25, 2020. I heard that you can take up to three characters into a new play through. Captain Morgan Dec 2, 2020 @ 4:04pm. Leader types vary in difficulty and advantages; Warlords and Sheriffs are “easy jack of all trades” leaders, while Traders. After finishing up The Broker quest, you'll get a quest for Greed. If I complete the game for a second time will the new. There are a total of 9 Warlord missions that you will need to complete, starting from Weapons for All. I left my game running for hours on lethal because I was bored and I wanted new missions to do. Follow. 3. But my Sheriff completed all his quests and now I have no idea what to do now. Required Missions. Thanks!Atchod • 2 yr. All I'm getting now is to destroy infestations. Need help! Stuck at Legacy Mission. When using a silenced firearm, shoot and then move. grenian 5 years ago #9. A deadly band of killers are moving in, and they’re targeting every enclave in the area. From this update onward, players will have the option to remain in the same community after completing Legacy missions. I was having a bit of trouble with my Sheriff Legacy Mission popping; I had done everything including destroying the plague hearts, surveying every tower, and helping any survivors that called. This finishes the game and you can't go back to that community. Under the standing section you will have recruit, citizen, or hero. Update 10 launches at 12:01am PT on Wednesday, July 31 . It's a pretty hefty update as well, with major new features like legacy character recruits, save slot options and more. Does SoD2 have a soft time limit like the original did?Once all of the Cannibals are dead, the mission is complete. . Fill everyone's inventory with guns and resources. Once you've chosen the Warlord as your leader, the first mission you'll have is Weapons for All. Before you know it you have all 4 legacies in lethal zone. State of Decay 2's Heartland DLC revisits the original 2013 game's Trumbull Valley. The Legacy Endgames Really Suck. I assumed you had unlimited time to complete those missions so I was looting on the way there. When playing Campaign each survivor in your community has a chance to reveal their Personal Goal. After finishing The Call is Answered, you'll start the final mission in the game for the Builder. So before you restart or do something you might regret; try rebuilding (or building) your leader’s special facility. Try the locate a plague heart radio request, it reset the missions for me, starting with A New Beginning and then the first sheriff mission Gone Missing. One of my other survivors is threatening to leave if I do the mission though and I want to keep her. If you play on dread or nightmare your going to have a tough time,a long time,and a fun time. The first 4-6 days of in game time are filled to the brim with fetch quests. You can complete it by talking to him and select the option that says cancel mission in red text. Especially the crap you would normally leave behind. It was very strange. I didn't realize till I read a post regarding a re-imagining of SOD how much of a BLESSING a good ol' fashioned job board would be from the almighty game gods (hear our cries!) compared to this 'Enclave Delivery Driver'. These Goals are different questlines to achieve something important for your survivor, and can only be completed with the survivor coming up with them. I think I got a bug or something, I was told to make a facility or upgrade which I did and it leads me to a quest that I need to make a sniper tower which I successfully did. All Warloard Missions are not over, you can read our walkthrough on the Sheriff Missions or for more details on the game, you can read our State of Decay 2 Wiki guide. A recent thread suggested a job board - which is a standard feature found in classic rpgs and more recent action rpgs like Witcher 3. Legacy Missions are your endgame missions in State of Decay 2. Yes. The Legacy Missions are about leaving a legacy behind after having ended the game. I'm still surprised the game didn't announce a failed mission. ago. Choose a leader. Be aware that, while this car is VERY fast, it. . knight1014139 5 years ago #4. Might as well do the thing that forwards on your legacy goals/quests. Trader Missions. Constantly thrown 'missions' in SoD1 and requests from survivors felt overwhelming and unfun and for some reason that continues in SoD2. Arnster Apr 21, 2020 @ 10:46am. Final legacy mission failed . @StateOfDecay. Notice of Eviction. I had this happen on PC and I tried loading earlier saves and making a different. I usually keep plague samples, the guns from the warlord boon up to 2 . Boards. Goals are State of Decay 2's missions. The Bounty Broker Update introduces a brand-new mechanism for earning new gear, a brand-new weapon pack, along with other major. Yep, so what I do is I put the map difficulty to the highest and everything else to standard that way when I’m doing the legacy missions at the end all I. The team has broken down its 'Forever. These offer huge bonuses and really add to the replay value of State of Decay 2. You’ll have to help allies. You'll notice that you don't get to select a difficulty. DGer • 4 yr. And your community will. Action hero isnt part of the sheriff legacy though. Once you meet with him, Ray informs you that he wants you to drive him to deliver supplies to some survivors. Some goals are more common than. ago. Last task in our Lethal run - we need to kill one of each of the four specials on the map. Since the developers said that changing maps doesn't affect the progress of missions, I'm assuming it won't fix the ammount of Izzbee and lack of Mickey. Originally posted by Vexov: I gave lethal a shot, just finished playing, after 2 months away i think. To fix this, you're going to kill two of them and try and get information out of the last, which works. . end spoilers. So I just completed the primary goal to destroy all Plague Hearts and now on the part where I need to define my community's legacy. Try it and find out. 00:00 All Good Things06:50 Going HomeI had a similar problem with a game I was playing before the patch. There is no way to manually save the game in State of Decay 2. This is a clue-based mission and has you work with other characters nad locations to complete it. Or will it just skip forgiveness and go on to the next one. Once you complete the mission your community ends. 2 guides. The first order of business your Warlord is going to want to do is train up their troops. He can hook you up with a variety of bounties, but what are bounties exactly? Bounties are tasks you can complete in order to unlock items which are. 2.