Splatoon 3 terrible matchmaking. The matchmaking is terrible. Splatoon 3 terrible matchmaking

 The matchmaking is terribleSplatoon 3 terrible matchmaking  Myself, some

Splatoon 3. Either take that ranting energy and get better at the game, accept that you gonna lose often cause that's part of playing a videogame online, or stop playing cause you're not enjoying it. It's sad to see this game in such a state where the community is just as garbage as they were in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and I'm sure they will be just as terrible in 2021. There is absolutely some matchmaking going on. Splatoon 3 Matchmaking. I literally always play with people who are much higher level and skill than I am. Matchmaking and winnig a game is often only a. 2. 1. Terotrous 10 months ago #1. If they implemented SBMM, you'd be here ranting that everytime you have a good game you get punish by the matchmaking. If you are a player who inks a lot of turf each match and gets a lot of kills, you will consistently be put on a team with players not. Pretty much every match is the exact same. The first and easiest way to get out of the matchmaking process is by holding down the cancel button in Splatoon 3. Matchmaking is better in X rank, mostly because everybody knows what. I know matchmaking is always a little rough at the start of a new game but this is beyond anything I've ever seen. This is my first splatoon game and I think it is absolutely awful, matchmaking is terrible, salmon run is impossible, and the story mode thing is kinda lame, the only. Lots of average or simply bad players are ranking up through. To add to the conversation level is a terrible way of gauging player skill as smurfs exist. This is why you lose in Splatoon 3 because of bad teammates who only use missiles. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 3. If you've got bad players, you've got to play to their style. I've never had this many teams and lose almost every game. Once I was waiting for so long that the timer in the corner, which. Anyone else feel like matchmaking for splatoon 3 is terrible? (atleast for tw) There are a lot of matches where i would join a match and see that our team is like 4. Thebestplayerispatapete · 9/26/2022 in Splatoon 1/2/3. The matchmaking is terrible in 3. The connection errors are absolutely absurd, the maps are terrible, no action has been taken to fix common issues, the matchmaking is ass, the bosses in the story mode suck and are easy to beat, they. i never had teammates this terrible in splatoon 2 or 1. I put in hundreds of hours into Splatoon 1 in 2015 and 2016. also the map configurations for ranked modes are pretty terribly designed, especially clam blitz. Splatoon 3 stuck me into an absurd wait that at best clocked in at around three to five minutes, but sometimes took well over 10. Splatoon 2 (and 3, in certain modes) gave every player a hidden Glicko2 (or MMR, MatchMaking Rating). ALL POSTS. In splat 1 and 2 I've never had this many lose streaks. Poor you. They. I literally have 12 wins. Always has been. So I am quickly learning that Splatoon 3 is a great game!. All you need to do is to hold the button down for some time, and you will be out of the hair of matchmaking. You're probably not playing that good either if your mind is flooded with "it's all my teammates fault". Even when the matchmaking has separated out to some extent, Turf is still the casual/quickplay mode and tends to prioritize simply getting players in matches quickly. The matchmaking ruins Splatoon 3 and it makes me very sad. I think the new ranking system has broken matchmaking ranked modes by eliminating ranking down. yea same here. This is the same thing as X power. It is also quite easy for friends to jump into each. Matchmaking and winnig a game is often only a matter of luck. Myself, some. It's very early on, a lot of skilled/experienced players aren't entirely out of the same matchmaking pools as the newbies yet. I am much better now and wanted to try splatoon 3, but I've heard the matchmaking is awful? And that rank and the hidden MMR are all broken and basically you play with randoms all the time of all skill levels. Why is it suddenly like this? It makes me not want to play when almost every game is a loss. Splatoon 3 matchmaking is HORRIBLE. Splatoon 3 is by far the worst game ever to exist in the series, its even worse than 2. Eg, if they keep feeding try to back them up so it becomes a 2v1 and they're less likely to die. The way matchmaking works in these games is that each weapon is assigned a numerical value. Vote. . That I will never have a complete match in unless I'm losing. Posts 1 to 6 of 6. The matchmaking is terrible. Eguzky. So, I played Splatoon 2 for about a month, then I had to sell the game due to economic hardship. When it comes to turf war the non competitive mode I think the matchmaking is fine as. The button will be available as soon as your character is available for matchmaking. I. Everybody “fights” the same system and has the same odds of bad teammates. If you're getting loss after loss, take a break. Each match will have 3 good players, a. And teams are matched up based on having a roughly equal number value. And for the "git gud" comments I can assure you I have "got gud", but my teams have not. Not to mention it is RIDICULOUSLY hard to break out of a rank thanks to rankup battles having absolutely TERRIBLE matchmaking, so players who are higher skilled than the rank they're in. my teammates have been straight garbage the entire 3 days this game has been out. To start, I love Splatoon a lot. The problem is that the developers underestimate how useful some of these weapons can be and rank them lower than they should be. clam is legit unplayable for me due to terrible teammates and awful map configuration. Splatoon 3's matchmaking is much worse than Splatoon 2's and I would even go so far as to say worse than Splatoon 1's. This all sounds very simple. Wed 21st Sep 2022. Splatoon 3 has a major problem with matchmaking.