She likes Rubies, Sapphires, and. He indulges his free-spirit by spending time in the wind above the trees, trusting emotion to guide him. Players must acquire a number of hearts of friendship with Kitty before being allowed inside of her home. 0 Release date, an update on Patch 0. Gifting. You can raise friendships by. Romance. The Equipment made out of sunite is among the strongest players can find and only few things can. Quests are set objectives that provide rewards when completed. To romance Iris in Sun Haven, you will want to give her gifts that she loves and likes. Currently, relationship levels are only shown for romanceable NPCs, all other townsfolk have no indication until the player reaches 5 hearts with them. 8 Events and Romance, and we have the list of adjuments. While Romana may look dainty, she pulls her own cart, and offers to wrestle the player if they offend her about her dress. . . Join. Wornhardt is the town's only doctor. There are five stages in romance: pre-dating, dating, engaged, wedding, and married. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). He loves Mashed Potatoes, Pot Pie, and Swords as gifts. Lives At: Liam's House. Image via Pixel Sprout Studios Marriage is one of the most important things you can do in Sun Haven. Clive's Taxi Service is the carrier for Deep Wilderness (east of Sun Haven). • 20 days ago. Jarrod has dark brown hair and purple eyes. This category lists all known Characters in Sun Haven. They have a “marriage update” on their game development road map for the seasonal update though, whenever that ends up happening (there are a couple other updates scheduled before that one. Romance / Keepsake issues. you can romance and go on dates with the characters, and they'll give you gifts based on how close you are, but you can't get married or have kids yet. Wyatt mentions that not all dragons are guardian dragons, and that is why he is so small. Today’s patch notes focus on 4 new season additions, which include the Music Festival, Summer. Romance is one of the features that players can experience while playing the game. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). Once you've hit these benchmarks, you can ask Wornhardt out, and then subsequently marry. He is also a notable quest giver. Then choose the one you want to marry to go to 20 hearts with your choosen. Lucius and Opal are both attendants to the moon, meaning the work they do for Nel'Vari is all done during the night. By default, all characters maximum Heart value caps at 10 hearts, after which it is necessary to use the Love Letter to start dating if they do not want a platonic relationship instead. ago. Catherine is Sun Haven's resident Amari witch. Arnold has a pink tail with matching hair and beard. He likes Sand Dollars and Spaghetti as gifts. Kraken Kale Seeds can be planted in all seasons and they take 4 day(s) until the crop can be harvested. 1x price multiplier. Personal top 5: Wornhardt, Donovan, Jun, Liam, Vaan :). #1. #1. He loves Chicken Noodle Soup, Sesame Rice Ball, and Spring Roll as gifts. To romance Iris in Sun Haven, you will want to give her gifts that she loves and likes. Plushies. r/SunHaven. 15K subscribers in the SunHaven community. Lynn possesses an often-nervous disposition. Best. . He likes Boots, Chestplates, Gloves, and Helmets as gifts. Facebook. In the game, you can also romance certain characters in order to strengthen your bond with them. Location (s) File:Music Festival. Some of the other candidates rarely seem happy or interested, even when talking romantically to you. Increases the rate in which the player gains relationship points. My thoughts so far…. Due to their constant and prolonged exposure to the night, their skin tone appears different than. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Arvel will. The addition of these three suitors has taken romance in Sun Haven to a whole new level, and any fans of these characters are definitely going to want to take them for a swim in the dating pool!Ready to romance Xyla The Royal Architect in Sun Haven? I’ve got the best gifts for Xyla, all dates, her schedule, and all heart events lined up for you in t. To romance Kitty in Sun Haven, you will want to give her gifts that she loves and likes. 11. But there are lots of different ways to "spec" your character, I went with ranged and my partner went with melee as. Item. (Full Review) Backstory: Sun Haven is a game that I have been looking forward to for months. You'll have a set number of dialogues to experience before your relationship advances in rank. For_Science! Oct 30, 2022 @ 4:37pm. In the game, you can also romance certain characters in order to strengthen your bond with them. He openly challenges others to measure their worth. Actually when Stardew was new (like Sun Haven is now) you could date every romanceable character and max out all hearts without your spouse knowing or caring. Sun Haven is a casual, multiplayer fantasy farming simulation game from Pixel Sprout Studios that released in 2023. Love or Like Item How to Obtain;If you need to know how to romance Anne in Sun Haven, we have a detailed guide! By: Christine Mielke - Mar 14, 2023. However he will react negatively if players decide to. While not the most humanitarian person, she is reliable. 136. Looking through her page on the wiki stated: Prior to Early Access release, Cordelia was a romanceable NPC. Hello fellow farmers!! I am back with an update of my farm!! I’m currently in spring year 3 and this is my decorations so far (I am missing a few items but I’m closer to being finished!!) still working on my WG and nelvari farms (shop cycles are hell TwT) I hope you like my progress!! ♡҉٩. He came to Sun Haven to find a home for himself and his younger sisters and has adapted well but hides his. It has a puzzle. Recent Posts. gg/FN5BGk38SP #farmsim #fantasyRPG #indiegames #Steam #pixelart #NintendoSwitchThough the exploration tree romance provides loads of gold and tokens. He loves Chicken Noodle Soup, Sesame Rice Ball, and Spring Roll as gifts. To romance Nathaniel in Sun Haven, you will want to give him gifts that he loves and likes. Diamond – Legendary – 1. 1. From what I recalled from their Kickstarter, the 16th Romance candidate was Cordelia. Stat bearing equipment does not provide said stats when equipped in the cosmetics slots. Havenite is a epic gem found in the deepest floors of the Sun Haven Mines. Miscellaneous. She loves Creamy Beef Stew, Mithril and Sunite Bars as gifts. Purchase from Rex in Sun Haven ; Romance +1 Romance ; Purchase from Cynthia in Sun Haven ; Riches +100 Gold each day ; Purchase from Rex in Sun Haven ; Time +5 Dodge, +2 Attack. Romancing the stone heart. Wyatt is a chubby yellow dragon that wears dark. which would be 5 copper, 5 iron, 10 adamant, 15 mithril, 14 sun or whatever it is. Vaan is an Elven air mage living by his own moral code. Steam. Romance Keepsake is an accessory item for the player's Keepsake slot. He loves Chicken Noodle Soup, Sesame Rice Ball, and Spring Roll as gifts. Most of its residents are Humans. To romance Vaan in Sun Haven, you will want to give him gifts that he loves and likes. Once you hit that point, if you can't marry yet it's because you haven't gotten through all their dialogue. Vaan. To romance Nathaniel in Sun Haven, you will want to give him gifts that he loves and likes. DeadDandelions • 8 mo. He likes Cookies and Wheat as gifts. ginandcats Aug 1, 2021 @ 6:30am. You have the option to propose to a character after you have hit the 15 Hearts relationship level cap. Basics. You can definitely date more than one! Right now two characters think I'm married to them and at least. The Romance Keepsake is a Keepsake that will grant the wearer a bonus in their romantic pursuits. Sun Haven is a stylishly charming farming RPG. 2x price multiplier. 3 GIVEAWAYS! RTX 4090, STARFIELD. Sun Haven – The Best Stardew Valley Games. Players need to talk to Donovan in order to retrieve it. You only get one opportunity to ask them. She loves Prickletot Pears, Small Mana Tomes, and Spicy Ramen as gifts. One of the advantages for which this title is praised is precisely the interesting. I have a feeling you won’t get to date everyone in the new update. At a glance, the most striking thing about Sun Haven is its medieval art style full of magic, mythical creatures, and an enchanting cast. I really want to see how Claude’s dates play out since I have him full hearts too. Arnold is a body-building obsessed Naga, although he tells the player the muscles are only for show and wouldn't do very well in a fight. 233. She likes Animal Food, Cinnamon Apple Pie, and Fish Tempura as gifts. increasing you relationship requires constant communication. She loves different colored rose bouquets, berry and mushroom tarts, carrot cake, blue moon pumpkin fruit tart, carrot juice, blueberry salad, and Glorite and Sunite showering cans as gifts . XBK One Chance, Romance Record is a Record players can aquire during the Music Festival and which plays the same music that is played during Kittys Performance of the main event. Sun Haven is a game developed by Pixel Sprout Studios, in which we can farm, perform various tasks and meet NPCs. Published Mar 28, 2023 Dating a character is a big part of Sun Haven, and here's how you can marry anyone you want in the game. In the game, you can also romance certain characters in order to strengthen your bond with them. The player does not currently get this item from any NPC. Originally posted by Cerasza: Like, polyamory is totally fine as long as everyone involved is okay with it, so as long as it isn't like your character is tricking everyone they're dating into thinking it's an exclusive relationship, I'd say it's totally okay as-is. I just started dating everyone because I was like ehh whatever. You can date as many characters are you want. Curious about Sun Haven romance? You’ve come to the right place! Romance systems in this genre are often a little grindy when it comes to leveling up your bond with specific characters. There are 2 main types of keepsakes obtainable in Sun Haven: Introduction Keepsakes, which can be obtained from the very beginning/early on in the game. . You need to go through a series of dialogue before you can date (hence before you marry) and those can take a few days. This article is part of a directory: Sun Haven: Complete Guide Table of contents Quick Links How To Date Characters In Sun Haven How To Marry A Character Romance Candidates Sun Haven romance is pretty in-depth and can get confusing on how to reach the marriage stage successfully. Love or Like. Gifting this record to her leads to a positive reaction from her. Sun Haven is a casual, multiplayer fantasy farming simulation game from Pixel Sprout Studios that released in 2023. She loves fishing items like Angel Fish, Blue Gill, Blue Tang, Carp, Eel, and more (see table below) as gifts. The Origins of Sun Haven and Elios books that the player can find randomly (in the Sun Haven Mines) provide some background on Sun Haven's beginnings. He's by-the-book and disciplined as a doctor. Iris's Enchanted Totem is an accessory item for the player's Keepsake slot. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Elios is the guardian of Sun Haven and sits as its Guardian Deity. Happy Valentine's Day 🥰 If you like romance, Sun Haven's got you covered: -16 Romance Options (humans, elves, demons, elementals, animal races) -Go on dates in cute spots -Give your partner a Promise Ring 💍-Get Married!(even to your IRL partner) #datingsim #ValentinesDayA sneak peek at Sun Haven Patch 1. Romance help? I've only just started and I'm trying to pick which bachelor I should choose. Nivara is the World Dragon and acts as the Guardian Deity of Nel'Vari. It's the ideal spot for your decor and artisan machines. Once the Player reaches 10 hearts with a romanceable NPC, the Player has achieved the. Sun Haven. Also i heard if you have a tier 3 house. To romance Anne in Sun Haven, you will want to give her gifts that she loves and likes. He is a good man who enjoys being alone. And Romance Keepsakes, which you need to develop a relationship (earn hearts) with the given NPC to get their specific keepsake. These relationship hearts can be gained by doing quests (all NPCs) and giving gifts (only romanceable NPCs). That being said, triggering dates is still quite buggy. As you grow deeper roots into your community, your relationships will develop naturally as with anyone in life – we're talking about real friendship here!. Sun Haven features a diverse cast of characters each with unique personalities and interests. For anyone who prefers video guides here is a link to my video on my opinion of the best keepsake: And here is a link to my video showing the locations and the prices of all the keepsakes: Hope this helps!This means that if you are already in a relationship, or married, and are still increasing your relationship with other NPCs, you can date multiple characters in Sun Haven. 4. As such, his presence ensures the safety of the town from Withergate and its monstrous residents. This habitual workaholic lives her life on a cycle of buying and selling. CuriousLumenwood. The 1. While on assignment, she is pretending to be Monsterfolk and will often make "monster noises" at the player, to play her part in her role. Here you can find discussions, fan art, and even never before seen content! Join in the fun today! 🗨️ discord. Claude is Sun Haven's reclusive genius. Porch complete with dog house and rocking chair. You can then participate in one or. Also dating opens up the relationship for marriage when it. Iris's House is available to the player all day (6AM - 12AM). There’s only marriage to NPCs currently. Nel'Vari Residents; Sun Haven Residents; Withergate Residents; Animals. Romance Romance in Sun Haven feels dynamic and interactive. A pretty heart-shaped gem that has been enchanted to increase the wearer's favor among their peers. 1: Selling price reduced. that is, if ya get the memory loss potion bug. Romance is enabled within the game among the 15 currently available Romance Candidates. ago. #1. Romance Candidates Arrive In Sun Haven. This item can be purchased from the Bernard at the Town Hall for 4,000 . No crafting recipe needs honey. Once, the World Dragon was the Guardian of a distant town of misguided Elementals. • 13 days ago. #SunHaven #Romance #CharactersCheck out my First Walkthrough of the game here- Sun Haven, there are many options to choose fro. I don't have a date for you on this just yet. instead of 10, 10, 10, 10 and 9. The player gains 12 Farming for each crop harvested. They have a “marriage update” on their game development road map for the seasonal update though, whenever that ends up. Sun Haven Romance Guide. I think that's the only step necessary to get her interested in your character again, but maybe someone can confirm that I've got the process right. Part of his duties as the administrator, is selling the player items related to NPC romance - like the Engagement Ring or aids the player in getting a divorce. Sun Haven - 1. 2. She loves fishing items like Angel Fish, Blue Gill, Blue Tang, Carp, Eel, and more (see table below) as gifts. I also really like the girl navari, shes nice and likes the plants and animals (:The Trusty Compass is a quest item required for the quest Eris' Compass in Withergate. It’s Bruce, the Director of Sun Haven! I have some great news, Patch 0. Much smaller, and much softer, than non-plushie cows. She eventually became the leader of the town, and although she admits to making "many mistakes" at the beginning,. Pre-configured BepInEx pack for Sun Haven. 0! Check out other helpful free guides here! Love Letter is a crucial item if a player wishes to date a romanceable character, such as Anne or Nathaniel. This item can be purchased from. His unique item is Jun’s Diary. Wornhardt has medium length silver hair and wears a white doctor’s coat and white gloves.