The process of splitting an atom weegy. Score 1 User: In order to digest food the human body requires. The process of splitting an atom weegy

 Score 1 User: In order to digest food the human body requiresThe process of splitting an atom weegy  Weegy: The atomic number of oxygen is 8, because oxygen has 8 PROTONS IN THE

B. D. User: Which of the following is an example of a fixed expense? A. fission. nuclear fusion. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear disintegration. nuclear fission. nuclear separation. 1 Answer/Comment. Comments. nuclear fission. nuclear fusion. nuclear separation. Expert answered|yumdrea|Points 62902| Log in for more information. nuclear fusion. D. New answers. There are no comments. nuclear separation. WHICH NONMETAL MAKES UP DIAMOND, GRAPHITE, AND THE MAJORITY. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. 9227|Masamune|Points 88144| User: Which of the following is accurate in describing converging and diverging lensesNuclear fission is the process is splitting an atom into two lighter atoms. D. nuclear disintegration. D. D. nuclear fusion. D. Question. nuclear fission. nuclear fission. nuclear fusion. Updated 3/28/2015 3:34:44 AM. nuclear disintegration. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. D. nuclear separation. nuclear fusion. C. D. nuclear fission. nuclear fusion. Weegy: The answer is A. Weegy: An object with a mass of 120 kilograms is moving at a velocity of 30 m/s. separation The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. Question|Asked by Haleyy. D. Weegy: A carbon molecule that has a different arrangement of atoms is known as a/an B. C. B. nuclear separation. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear separation. M. nuclear separation. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear separation. User: the atomic number of oxygen is a 8 because oxygen has. nuclear fusion. C. nuclear fission. nuclear separation. B. nuclear fusion. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. C. nuclear disintegration. nuclear disintegration. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. D. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear disintegration. D. Updated 88 days ago|8/29/2022 5:24:56 AM. nuclear disintegration. Weegy: Ultraviolet rays is the type of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluoresce. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear separation. nuclear disintegration. Excited by. B. Popular ConversationsThe process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. D. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear separation. Weegy: Adding up all of the atomic masses of all of the individual atoms within one molecule of a compound will determine the molecular mass of the. nuclear separation. nuclear fission. B. C. |Score 1|Victoria123|Points 127| User: Which statement is true about alkali metals?A. nuclear separation. D. nuclear disintegration. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. fusion. B. Weegy: Core conditioning looks to improve: stability that comes from the trunk. C. Updated 1/24/2020 8:55:01 PM. Popular Conversations. nuclear disintegration. nuclear separation. disintegration. nuclear disintegration. B. B. nuclear fusion. nuclear separation. nuclear fission. Updated 11/26/2020 4:58:19 AM. User: the process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear separation. nuclear fission. C. nuclear separation. nuclear separation. Popular. Expert Answered. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. C. nuclear fusion. nuclear fissionThe process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear fission. nuclear fission. Question. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. B. Question. Question. Weegy: Ultraviolet rays types of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluorescence. 0 Answers/Comments. C. Weegy: A gas is a form of matter that fills the volume of its container. Weegy: The involvement of an entire society in a war effort is known as total war. nuclear fission. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear disintegration. Weegy: Depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by:. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. D. Updated 10/9/2015 2:37:11 PM. nuclear separation. D. nuclear separation. nuclear separation. Weegy: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour is an example of Sumerian mathematics that still influences the world today. nuclear fusion. C. Updated 10/17/2021 2:08:48 AM. '; Popular Conversations. nuclear fusion. Question. C. nuclear disintegration. B. nuclear fusion. Weegy: In a transverse wave that travels through a medium, the molecules of the medium vibrate at right angles to the direction in which the wave travels. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. nuclear fission. C. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear disintegration. Weegy: Bernice cuts Marjorie's hair while she sleeps, and throws the braids in a car and walks down the street with her suitcase. nuclear disintegration. Updated 4/23/2022 5:01:42 PM. C. nuclear disintegration. Score . B. C. B. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear fusion. D. Question. Weegy: The most active of all the chemical elements is a halogen known as fluorine. Question|Asked by Haleyy. Original conversation. C. nuclear fusion. nuclear separation. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A.