evendarkergrey. I rather liked having her in my party, and all of a sudden with seemingly no way to avoid it, she's serving. Wenduag Appreciation Art [1-7] Falling in love with the disaster that is Wenduag. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading,. I really enjoyed this character, even more so for all her troubles and challenges as a companion. Lann is a Zen Archer, a Monk class that specializes in ranged combat. Redirecting to /i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2Fdarkergrey_artPrologue: Choose Lann. The herald senses that one of the. Wenduag is one of the best Evil characters created by Owlcat, together with. 10 Regill. Return to Nexus (take a. The practice may involve sexual acts or just the verbal humiliation itself; it may take place in public or in private. ago. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . A Conversation with Lann is a Quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I see a lot of people IRL fighting for the aproval of abusive partners or parents - long after they ceased to "need" them in any material way. 1 18. Ember is a bit trickier, but I'd say that most party members realise she isn't completely harmless. I have the board game. You can get both at the end if you pick Wenduag first but Lann will only join until Chapter 5 and miss all of Lann quest. If you stick with her base build & class, you still have plenty of good options: Slayer or ranger with archery combat style; fighter 1 / Demonslayer 19 is a nice simple build with a pet. Wenduag on the otherhand betrays a Demonic cult for us,. 2) Wenduag quest: Passing a perception check with the merchant that wants to secretly buff Lann for the duel has NO NEGATIVE IMPACT, so feel free to. I almost reported it, annoyed that one of my main companions had just vanished off the board, but. In any case, whatever you. Wenduag Act 3 [Spoilers] (Please be as spoiler-free as possible with your answers. We’re not. That said, Greater Vital Strike made Wenduag a fantastic fight opener, especially with a max range Longbow to make sure that the party got the surprise round every time. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games. Running from his past, running from himself, and running towards anything that could put a coin in his pocket. Aeon Mythic Path (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous) Devil Mythic Path (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous) - Freeform. Choosing class among Fighter and Monk- Zen Archer i. How else would you be able to create the good-aligned party of your dreams and the evil-aligned party of your dreams in the same game?. Best thing about her is we get her at Level 1 and even if we don’t keep her, she will rejoin at the same level we left. Especially if you play a character who lightly tries to curb her actions towards good, rather than letting her revel in evil. I'm going to include spoilers for Camellia too, not just Wenduag -- fair warning) So, I recruited Lann in Act 1 and now in Act 3, I've done. So. But in order to do so, certain conditions must be met such as your character's gender, as well as. ago. 12 Arueshalae. Discover more posts about wenduag. If you pick Lanns way and pick the angel option she won't join you in act 1 apparently. I guess I'll just spoiler tag the whole thing. I've been thinking of making a dexterous two-handed weapon wielding dynamic duo out of my next character and Wenduag by making my next character an estoc wielding sword saint duellist who focuses on defending with loads of dodge AC and dealing piercing damage while Wenduag flanks with a focus on doing loads of slashing damage with an. Wenduag can join the Prologue, but if players recruit Lann instead, she appears in Act 3 during Lann’s quest. 20. That's all for now. Rowdy 9. Wenduag is a pretty good fit for a chaotic neutral demon who redeems themself and decides to renounce their demonic power in chapter 5 and remain a mortal. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture,. say you want to play that game and assert dominance over her in front of the Montgrels. Without respec mod, Arushalae is an archer with skill and utility that Wenduag can't match. Thank you for tolerating all the Wenduag art, I have another hundred drawings of her hidden away so there will be more. Once you do that, you'll get additional dialogue in act 3 after Wendu's tavern brawl. It's much easier to rationalise from a moral perspective than with an angel character, since they'll be less idiologically opposed to Wenduag's questionable tendencies. As such, he can be a valuable addition to any team. 5 35. evendarkergrey. Check out evendarkergrey's art on DeviantArt. The rest are Owlcat-made characters. Making Wenduag an actual character (rather than a named mook that the GM is told to basically have kill herself on the party) was amazing. 8 232. e. Wenduag tried to get Savamelekhs favor for years - while being young, desperate, feeling weak and dependent. I haven't even played the game and already don't like Lann just from his splash art lol. There are 4 mongrels with lines, and all are very different from each other. g. They both kinda suck tbh but I kinda prefer Wenduag personally. Spoiler: If you pick Lann in Chapter 1, and Wenduag joins you in Chapter 3, she will betray you anyways in Chapter 4. To start her romance, at some point in Chapter 3 she'll either approach you on her own, or you can approach her in Drezen and ask to have sex, which starts the romance. When Wenduag first disappeared from her usual spot at the Nexus, I wrongly assumed that it had to be a game bug. Making Wenduag an actual character (rather than a named mook that the GM is told to basically have kill herself on the party) was amazing. Wenduag and Lann is not difficult as Monk-Zen Archer has a unique set of abilities that would go with any type of build. Commander/Wenduag. Metaphorical Marriage: With Wenduag if they agree to take Savamelekh's poison. If you want to romance Lann or Wenduag, you have to pick them at the end of the shield maze. In general, you need to The first is The second is don't have sex with her The third is in chapter 4, after her quest. It works fairly nicely for an Angel. Hunter – Adds Lore (Nature) and Perception to her Skills. However, if players choose Lann, players will be able to recruit Wenduag again in ACT Five. Wenduag is evil because she's lived a shitty life where might makes right or you end up dead/enslaved so she adopted the only way she knew how to survive, while most of her tribe was okay with shitty birthrates (Lann mentions a brother who came out piece by piece via his mother's womb and another who had no nose and a weak heart) and getting. Wenduag on the other hand still suggests that we do so, but not by risking. And in 4713 AR, that meant a stroll through the Worldwound. Feb 19, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Darryl Mitchell. I assumed this was fine, and now she reappears in act 5 Drezen, but she's hostile, and I have no way to convince her to not fight. Small penis humiliation. In fact I'm going to do that. Wenduag is pretty smart actually. Speaking of her, she is a vanilla Fighter. 9 Sosiel and Trever. Wenduag Act 04 Romance 3. Woljif is a thief, scammer and a street rat, so makes sense if he deceives you and drags you into his silly schemes. He is Lawful Neutral, and is much more good-leaning than Wenduag. I also like darkergreys art but it whitewashes wenduag. Wenduag - To Tame a Predator (Fan Art) SilverPathfinder. You are an intelligent do-gooder, and you know that sometimes the evil choice will lead to the best outcome in the long run. She has lived her entire life in a very specific environment - where it's literally kill or be killed most days. Arue is alright too, Galfrey is an arrogant bitch, and Cam-Cam is even worse in all. Wenduag: Take her in the prologue (if you take Lann in the prologue you can't romance her). The Art of Making Friends. Wenduag creates conflict with everyone she speaks to, and in controlled doses, in a fantasy-rpg setting, I find a personality like that to be very interesting to watch interact with everyone. The hierarchy of strong and weak is just a pyramid for that position. Lann meanwhile is a loyal and grounded character that has a. . Join Log In. I feel like starting one more character specifically for Wenduag and see where that goes. Lann, Wenduag, Sosiel and Arueshalae are WoTR story characters. Fat Wenduag. Yeah by himself he won't out damage Wenduag, but getting a really. Take the battle, after which Wenduag will submit to you. Wendu wants power, lann wants to do his duty, sull is the most zen motherfucker on the planet and dyla is on the sigma grindset. Many of them do not display the bloodlust and kinslaying aspect of Wenduag. Find Savamelekh and Wenduag. can be ranged bow tank if youu need. Act 4/5 Wenduag. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. Wenduag - To Tame a Predator (Fan Art). Daeran even outright compares her witch powers to his own oracle curse. Stoping your comrade from going further while addressing her rage and trust issues. Wenduag is, surprisingly, the best romance choice. 6/13 normal companions are melee. Yes, she can because she's the type who will betray anyone for power. During act 4, after doing her quests and whatnot, Wenduag disappeared for a while. Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. None of the mythic paths should prevent a romance with Wenduag except (obviously) Lich and Swarm. She told me, that I'm her only master and such, but at Drezen she didn't talk much and all her dialogues seems too kowtow and discreet. Wenduag can be a melee Dex fighter, an axe thrower fighter OR slayer, an archer fighter or slayer, Ranger, or Cavalier. 19. . Want to discover art related to wenduag? Check out amazing wenduag artwork on DeviantArt. Being Zen Archer means he can add attribute points into wisdom meaning you can enlarge him, and cast the arrow spell from the ranger. fighter 4 / Hunter 16. Wendaug has poor pattern recognition skills. Where survival is carried by better position and comfort (or discomfort at some points) for both body and mind. Rowdy 10: Improved Snap Shot, Dispelling Attack. Wenduag can be melee too. Step #8: Speak with Wenduag back at the Nexus. tanaleth. User Menu. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions. Cave life seems to give you quite a lot of room in shaping your personality. In Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, you are given the option to have a romancable sequence with certain Companions and NPCs. A divine caster preferably one with sneak attacks like Cult Leader or Sanctified Slayer or a pet; e. Chapter 1. Her high Dexterity score makes her ideal for ranged combat, though her decent Strength means that you. There are several outcomes possible with Wenduag. As for story, Lann is Lawful stupid while Wenduag is stupid Evil. ago. Learn how to build your WENDUAG into a deadly MANTICORE SNIPER!With up to 12+ Attacks/Round, you'll be a true SPIKE MACHINEGUN!All thanks to one of the most. Even the Martial Qualities of Lann surpasses Wenduag. Lann is an Ally card, Wenduag is a Henchman card (you actually fight her in the board game) and Sosiel is the Cohort card. Lann is probably the strongest as he gets the most versatility. Lann with Snap Shot etc. This point has some merits. While Wenduag has a bit less options usually going slayer with her makes sense. Shes seen you kill 6 billion demons yet this time she decides 'hell siding with the demon is clearly the smart move'. Possible spoilers. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. Her gut feeling will help the Commander to find this demon and deal with him. Rowdy 11: STR +1. Y'all are showing a complete lack of awareness and imagination. Fail the Diplomacy check and she'll flatter you (Lann won't buy it); succeed the Diplomacy check to earn 180XP. Players can recruit Lann from the caverns underneath Kenabres. ///*spoilers throughout below here, although the art is relatively harmless*/// Wenduag is a challenging companion for a good-aligned character to get along with,. Step #7: Do Wenduag's chapter 4 quest after Wenduag talks to the commander in the Nexus, saying that Savamelekh is in the city. 6/12 with Wildcards DLC. 0 6. We take the single level of Rowdy at the beginning of the build just to have early access to Sneak Attack, which really has an impact on Wenduag's damage output in the early hours of the game. Contrary to seemingly popular belief, you have to indulge her S&M tendencies on this occasion. 50% off for a limited time! Get Core. Get Core Membership. Oct 16, 2021 @ 1:40pm Originally posted by GunStarX: Lann as a Hunter after 3 levels in Monk is a great companion. However, there exists the counter point of other corrupted mongrels. Exploring the city seems a good place. Chapter Text. When the commander of the Mendevian crusade brings her with her, it is with the desire to blunt the warrior's fang, to soothe her temper, to soften her ways. Namely, you must take the demon option by succumbing to the rage when you face Savamelekh for the first time in act 1. Seelah is a Pathfinder companion. By contrast her game art makes her look conventionally softer and gentler. A special feeling, which is perhaps a unique feature of mongrels poisoned with the vrolikai's blood, suggests to Wenduag that Savamelekh, her former master, is somewhere in Alushinyrra. Generally you can multiclass with Lann into classes that has Wisdom as mainstat, for example Ranger, Inquisitor, Hunter, or even Cleric. There are three points that affect the outcome of her romance. 3 - During Act 3, after completing Wenduag's companion quest, there is a little scene in Drezen where she assert dominance over the Montgrels. So, it is recommended to go with Lann as it is a balanced character whereas if you want to be extra evil and you are. Wenduag has been confounding people since launch. Up until about Act 4, she would regularly. Romancing Daeran in WOTR Like Camellia, Daeran Arendae comes from a noble background and suffers the same arrogance and flippancy that many members of royalty show towards the sacrifice of the Crusaders during the. She plays into the Henchman stereotype quite well. Yeah by himself he won't out damage Wenduag, but getting a really powerful animal, and support spells makes him a must have in my party #12. (Romance) There's a camp scene (you need to hit the camp button in a dungeon or wilderness location, not an inn/the citadel/the world map) if Wenduag is in. Lann is a wet blanket. Afterward, be sure to loot Fatal Mark from the chest on the east side of the mansion. Ascended Demon: She seeks to fully abandon her former evil and destructive ways and dedicate herself to making up for the evil she did as a servant of the Abyss. Wenduag is a devious, treacherous, and immoral huntress from the darklands, someone far too dangerous to be left without surveillance. By taking wenduag you can control her actions regarding the mongrels. See a recent post on Tumblr from @hieronymus-botch about wenduag. . Act 5 - Wenduag - Lots of spoilers. I never really got a 'victim of circumstance' feeling from wendu. Browse the user profile and get inspired. I'm coming to the end of my first playthrough and thinking up characters for future runs. I wasn't thrilled about his image either but I really ended.