West bridgford u3a. West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. West bridgford u3a

West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep goingWest bridgford u3a  The Photography Group is active and will be returning to face to face meetings in September on the first Tuesday of every month from 2

West Bridgford. 1. Please note that the first few minutes of the meeting were unfortunately not recorded. Useful LinksWelcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. More Group. Please use the buttons or tabs above to explore our site Angels of Wellingborough. West Bridgford. West Bridgford. Group Leader Information. Family History. Meeting 24-09-2021: Reg Dennick presents "What is Cancer and can it be. 07760 458 791----- Are you interested in the origins of the words we use? Did you know that Mince Pies are so-called from the Latin word minutiae meaning “small bits”?Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. Barry Richards. To email the group organiser click on the Bluebird to the right of this text. We now have over 40 activity groups which are all led by u3a members who share knowledge, experience and skills with each other. Some of these have a Waiting List which members may join to wait for a space to become available. West Bridgford. The group leaders are Chris : Tel 07941 509357 and Phil: Tel 07505 513556. The group meets in West Bridgford Baptist Church Hall. West Bridgford. Alternatively, leave a message on our enquiries number 0115 871 1810 or use Enquiries email and it will be. Software notice: This site was created using the U3A Site Builder which is subject to the terms of the Apache licence. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. uk. The locations where the open meetings are held are shown in Appendix 1. It was founded in Toulouse in France in 1972 and introduced to the UK in 1982. 00 am. West Bridgford Baptist Church - Large Notice Board. We are not experts, but rather are just interested in history, particularly Nottingham history. If you have followed a link from another page, please return to it in the. West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. 30 -2. So, please send your stories, poems, pictures, information or memories to Pat: [email protected]. Poetry Appreciation. playing at Clifton December 2019. The venue is the Wightman Hall (Scout Hut) on Stratford Road. Open meetings take place on the 4th Thursday of every month at the West Bridgford Baptist Church with a variety of group tables available to review and then a speaker in the main Church. Introduction to U3A in West Bridgford. Read Story. Coronation. Hopefully you found it useful - I certainly did. Nominations For West Bridgford u3a Executive Committee 2022 In advance of the West Bridgford u3a Annual General Meeting on. “There is no lower age threshold for joining u3a. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. It was last updated on 18/7/2023Since it was formed in 1976, the West Bridgford and District. The 2 group leaders are: Peter (T: 07745995735) and Julia (T: 0115 923 4668) To contact us either phone one of the leaders or send an email via the BLUE BIRD. Welcome-----New Members please click: New members Start Here All Wessington U3A members are invited to comment on anything that might be of interest to the membership as a whole using the Today page. Inspired by a wish to encourage activity during the Covid restrictions – and. New members would be welcome, please contact. Normally, groups meet during the day at various venues around Hucknall. West Bridgford. Publications. See more of Long Eaton & District U3A on Facebook. Keynesian Liberal. org. We are affiliated to the national  u3a Trust  (the UK umbrella organization). Mrs B's. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. They are part of an international self-help educational movement for people from all walks of life who are no longer in full time work. West Bridgford U3A strummers: Home Information Chords & finger picking Songs A to H Songs I to Q Songs R to Z Photographs programme added for 14 September 2023. Most U3As are active participants in the Notts U3A Network organisation. Badminton. West Bridgford u3a Highlights This is your way to keep in touch with all our members. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. The group usually meets in West Bridgford Baptist Church Hall @ 10-12pm; in the summer the group might paint outdoors, weather permitting. Our next meeting will be on Monday 2 October 2023 when Mike Storr will tell us about "Masters of Mirth" - a look at some of Music Hall's laughter makers. West Bridgford. More than 50 different groups provide the activities all led by volunteers from the West Bridgford U3A, group numbers vary but with a membership of more than 700 the aim is to ensure. Leader: Joe Colls. More Group Pages; Architecture Active: Art - Painting: Art Appreciation:West Bridgford U3A strummers: Home Information Chords & finger picking Songs A to H Songs I to Q Songs R to Z Photographs Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. West Bridgford. All Our Yesterdays. 28-6-22 Kingsbury Water Park . More Group Pages;2. Meetings take place at the West Bridgford Baptist Church (intersection of Musters and Melton roads). 30 19 December 2019 at West Bridgford Baptist church to okay before U3A Xmas open meeting 2pm 2nd December 2019 Shrimpton Court, Off Elms Park Ruddington 2-3pm 10 December 2019 Clifton Methodist church Corner Rivergreen/Southchurch Drive NG11 8AU Riveergreen tram stop is opposite 2. This group will be restarting face to face meetings on 14th Sept 2021. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. Name of other U3A: PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTION: You may pay by CHEQUE or CASH (at an Open Meeting ) CHEQUE : Please make cheques payable to WEST BRIDGFORD U3A and RETURN WITH THIS FORM CASH: Complete this form and hand in with your cash payment to th e Tre asurer at an Open M eeting WEST BRIDGFORD April 1st 2023. Click on the cover page image below to view or print Document history: Updated 28 October 2020 (rebranding with new logo) West Bridgford U3A strummers Home Information Meeting dates Gigs Programmes Beginners information Development group Contact Links Updates Chords & finger picking Chords Chord Patterns Colin's chord practice Finger picking Songs A to H Songs I to Q Songs R to Z All Our Yesterdays At this crucial time in our nation’s history, the Learning team, working with Trust Volunteer Carole Chapman, are planning a new initiative to collect memories from members for a series of stories to share online. More than 50 different groups provide the activities all led by volunteers from the West Bridgford U3A, group numbers vary but with a membership of more than 700 the aim is to ensure we try. Beacon will evolve to meet the future needs of U3As. Wine Tasting. . We are a member led group. More Group Pages;Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. Material from previous presentations will be made available here. Such trips offer not only great experiences for current members, but also anWest Bridgford u3a Highlights This is your way to keep in touch with all our members. Charity no. This group has resumed face to face meetings, please contact Penny for details. Social events. West Bridgford U3A strummers Here is a list of the songs listed alphabetically on this page. West Bridgford u3a Annual General Meeting Agenda Thursday 23rd June 2022 at 2. has been active in the historical study of the local institutions, people and buildings. Currently keeping in regular contact via Whatsapp and email, and we are about to start zoom. They have therefore opened the trips up to. West Bridgford. 45 and return about 4. Notts 74 m on Relive!Hucknall and District u3a was launched in 2008. West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. Pat Green is the newsletter editor. Photography Group Photos. 30 to 16. Conference songs - Drinking Song . Create new account. Next Monthly Meeting - 13th July 2023. Share this: Twitter; Facebook;West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. The u3a (formerly known as the University of the Third Age) is a nationwide network of. West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. Members explore new ideas, skills and activities together. The u3a (formerly known as the University of the Third Age) is a nationwide network of learning groups aimed at encouraging older people to share their knowledge, skills and interests in a friendly environment. Our songs are varied, mostly from the last century and are increasing as members suggest new ones. Anyone is welcome to take a puzzle and donate puzzles too. West Bridgford. The following documents are relevant for the 2023 AGM. Advice and rules for using rooms at the West Bridgford Baptist Church (WBBC) can be found at WBBC Covid Rules or in the sidebar. Big emphasis on insects and the churchyard, as well as the colony in the tower. 4. This is a video of a Zoom meeting from London held by the u3a on 1 Feb 2023 where Ian Abrahams talks about "The Science Behind the COVID Lateral Flow Test". An Invitation from West Bridgford u3a West Bridgford u3a has organised two trips which will have to be cancelled if they can’t get more people to sign up. West Bridgford. Hiking group. So, please send your stories, poems, pictures, information or memories to Pat: [email protected]. More than 50 different groups provide the activities all led by volunteers from the West Bridgford U3A, group numbers vary but with a membership of more than 700 the aim is to ensure we try. the National u3a. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. uk/learning. Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry when I take you out in the surrey, when I take you out in the surrey with fringe on top!. If you have some drumming skill and kit and would be interested in playing with Greythorn, please contact Pete on 07828 647221 or email peter. Home. Silent Films. More details are available at u3a. West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. No need to be fancy, just an overview. West Bridgford. 30pm to 4. West Bridgford U3A strummers - Home This is the website of the West Bridgford U3A ukulele strumming group This site gives information: about the group when & where it meets the songs we play how to contact the group links to. Related documentation. David has plenty of guitars for you to try, all ready and waiting for you, lessons are at his home. West Bridgford. The group leader is Graham Tel: 0115 9232832 Time 10 o'clock start until approx. Edwalton and Gamston are districts on the eastern edge of Nottingham city. New wave of Rock 'n' Roll. 26 West Bridgford U3A (Beat The Drum) 27 Castleside Village Hall (BUTTE) NOVEMBER. The Company of Elders (left), made up of enthusiastic amateurs, was set up 20 years ago by the world-renowned Sadler's Wells theatre and is now good enough to give performances at home and abroad. West Bridgford. Create new account. Surrey with the fringe on the top. 6 different wines will be tasted in pairs. com WBU3A CORONAVIRUS TIMES! No 16 Boaty Mc. The group meets in West Bridgford Baptist Church Hall on the FIRST Tuesday of the month at 10. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. Next Events. Email – send a message via the BLUE BIRD on this page. The first course is due to finish in February 2023 and a new course is planned to follow Group Leader is Ron, tel 0115 9234176 Location is West Bridgford Baptist Church, in the Lounge Start time is 2. Bingham u3a was founded in October 2000 and comprises more than forty groups to suit all interests and capabilities - from ambling to. The group leader is Lorna: Tel 0115 9822546. uk/learning. Interest groups are self-managed and self-funded. West Bridgford. Please use the buttons or tabs above to explore our site (N. Author. 00 till 12. Latest edition of Highlights: Nov 2022 Highlights West Bridgford U3A West Bridgford University of the Third Age, known as U3A, is a thriving group of retired and semi-retired people with a zest for life and an enthusiasm to keep going. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. To access a song hold the. The group leader is Fran: Tel 0115 8789790. Do call Angela for the location. com by the 15th of every month. The Photography Group is active and will be returning to face to face meetings in September on the first Tuesday of every month from 2. Leader: Joe Colls. West Bridgford. Last year's activities included trips to local churches, Pierrepont and Thrumpton Halls, the Theatre Royal, and. Welcome Join Groups Events Committee Publications Contact Gallery Sitemap u3a. West Bridgford U3A. Group Leaders Summary. We welcome our new Treasurer – Jan Clarke-Humphries. West Bridgford. uk Remarkable.