8 a. Each assessor's primary objective is to ensure that all taxable property. Active Duty MV Exemption Form. The Assessment Department’s page on the Town of. Find Wethersfield residential property tax assessment records, tax assessment history, land & improvement values,. m. m. m. to 4:30 p. , Wethersfield, CT 06109 Phone: (860) 721-2810 Fax: (860) 721-2813. Wethersfield, founded in 1633–34, has its niche in history, being "Ye Most Auncient Towne" in Connecticut, as set out by the Code of 1650 — "Colonial Records of Connecticut. Application Process: Apply through tax assessor's officeApplication periods:Property Tax Relief Program 2/1-5/15Veterans Property Tax Exemption: 2/1-10/1 Documents Required:. Subscription fees are $150. Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2800 Get Directions. If you no longer own the above noted business or personal property assessed in your. m. For more information, call (860)721-2825. m. m. , Thurs. If the search by owner is available, you may want to enter only the last name such as Smith instead of the whole name due to how properties are registered in the Assessor's Office. 8 a. This is a fee-based service. All taxes paid after the due date will be subject to interest at the rate of 1. Perform a free Wethersfield, CT public property records search, including property appraisals, unclaimed property, ownership searches, lookups, tax records, titles, deeds,. The Assessor applies depreciation factors to. Office Hours: Summer Hours (June 12-August 25, 2023) Monday -Wednesday. m. Fax: 860-652-7610. m. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota. Hours M-F: 8am-4:30pm; Summer: M-W: 8am-4:30pm; Th: 8am-6pm; F: 8am-1pm; Area(s) Served: Wethersfield Fees: Please contact provider for fee information. Town of Wethersfield Assessor 505 Silas Deane Hwy. –Wed. to 6 p. The Assessor’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am and 4:30pm, excluding holidays. Fax: (860) 721-2203. m. 8 a. GIS Mapping Online. net. 8 a. We always provide a reply email for acceptance of time sensitive submissions. Taxable property includes land and commercial properties, often referred to as real property or real estate, and fixed assets owned by businesses, often referred to as personal property. Town of Wethersfield Assessor 505 Silas Deane Hwy. by . The Town of Wethersfield is excited to offer residents an easy and convenient method to view and pay their real estate, motor vehicle excise, and personal property tax. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MOTOR VEHICLE TAX PAYMENTS. 8 a. m. 00 service fee will apply to all e-check transactions and a 3% service fee with a minimum of $2. Property Assessment. before a Friday Holiday). Assessors are the only town officials in this state who routinely determine property values for taxation purposes. Wethersfield Alerts. 8 a. Asylum. –Wed. This project was the joint effort of the Assessor's Office and Vision Government Solutions Inc. Home; Our Community; Services;Hours M-F: 8am-4:30pm; Summer: M-W: 8am-4:30pm; Th: 8am-6pm; F: 8am-1pm; Area(s) Served: Wethersfield Fees: Please contact provider for fee information. Town of Wethersfield: Account info last updated on Jul 22, 2023 0 Bill(s) - $0. Welcome Filing Requirement. –Wed. to 4:30 p. South End Homes for Sale $224,962. A $3. 00 service fee will apply to all e-check transactions and a 3% service fee with a minimum of $2. Requests for an extension must be filed with the Assessor's Office no later than May 1st. This is a fee-based service. 505 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2800 Get Directions. to 6 p. A subscription is required to view and print documents online. Wethersfield Town Hall. Places of Worship. 00 Total: $0. Thursday 8:30 a. to 4:30 p. Fix. Application Process: Call or visit website for additional information. Get directions to this office . If you have any questions, please call the Assessor’s Office at 860-721-2810 during regular business hours. Property is assessed in each town as of the October 1st assessment date, pursuant to Connecticut General Statute §12-62a. Search the Town of Wethersfield GIS map for property information including aerial photos, wetlands, flood zones, soils, land use, zoning and census data by address or property ID. Declaration forms are available from the Assessor for businesses to summarize their property by type and year acquired. Requests for grand lists, commercial and residential mailing lists can be made at the Assessor's office. PAY BILL ». Wethersfield Heritage Walk [PDF] Zoning. My staff and I use MapGeo daily as a research tool. Eligibility Requirements: Please call service provider or visit website to learn more about eligibility requirements. Welcome to Wethersfield. Friday. m. [email protected] of Wethersfield - Town Code: 159. byAssessor: [email protected] for free Wethersfield, CT Property Records, including Wethersfield property tax assessments, deeds & title records, property ownership, building permits, zoning, land records, GIS maps, and more. Nicole Lintereur , Assessor. Home; Our Community; Services;Welcome to Wethersfield. to 1 p. New construction assessments should be verified with the Assessor’s Office. Additional Job Postings available in the region are posted on the. -7:00 p. If you are looking to receive Motor Vehicle Clearance, please be aware that payments must be made in cash in person. Home values for neighborhoods near Wethersfield, CT. The Assessor’s office is responsible for the maintenance of records on the ownership of properties. Public property records and maps. , Thurs. –Wed. Phone: 860-652-7600. government offices and private companies. 00 will apply to all credit card transactions. Contact: Paul J. 8:00am - 6:00pm. com. Mon. A $3. You can combine selections like Residential Property Use and a location like Main Street. Remember to have your property's Tax ID Number or Parcel Number available when you call!This site contains the proposed assessments for the Town of Waterford, CT. 505 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2800 Get Directions. Town of Wethersfield GIS Mapping. m. 00 for 1 month or $250. West End Homes for Sale $449,900. -4:30 p. Town of Wethersfield, Connecticut Tax Assessors' Office . m. City, Town and County parcel viewers. Wethersfield Assessor 505 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109 860-721-2822 Directions. All land records can be accessed in the office. 00 for 6 months. gov. Recreational Facilities. to 6 p. *(4:30 p. m. Wethersfield Town Hall. Find Wethersfield GIS Maps, including: Wethersfield, CT GIS Maps online. If you would like to appeal your property, call the Town of Wethersfield Assessor's Office at (860) 721 2810 and ask for a property tax appeal form. Email: [email protected]. Wethersfield, founded in 1633–34, has its niche in history, being “Ye Most Ancient Towne” in Connecticut. m. m. MapGeo. Gorman, CCMA I. Heritage Way Bike Trail [PDF] Leaf Collection. , Thurs. If you don't select an item then it defaults to all. This declaration must be filed with the Assessor of the town where the personal property is located. 4. 8 a. to 4:30 p. Fix. The minimum interest charge is $2. If the search by owner is available, you may want to enter only the last name such as Smith instead of the whole name due to how properties are registered in the Assessor's Office. MapGeo. ,There are a wide variety of GIS Maps produced by U. Mon. 860-721-2810 . 8 a. Tax Bills;The I & E is due June 1st of any given year, and failure to submit will result in a 10% statutory penalty. m. Declarations of personal property shall be made annually. byThe Wethersfield land records index is searchable online. 00: View Cart | Checkout. 505 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2800 Get Directions. 505 Silas Deane Highway (860) 721-2800. Assessments are computed at 70% of the estimated market. Accurate property data results in fair assessments for all taxpayers. 00 per page. , Thurs. m. m. byThe Assessor is the local government official responsible for establishing the fair market value of all real property, personal property and motor vehicles for local property tax purposes. m. Active Duty Non-Resident - uploaded on 1/31/2018. All real estate taxes not paid on or before the first business day of the month following the due date are subject to interest. MapGeo. 5% per month (18% per year) back to the due date on the unpaid balance of the installment. 505 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2800 Get Directions. to 6 p. If you don't select an item then it defaults to all. You can combine selections like Residential Property Use and a location like Main Street. m. July 04, 2023 Tuesday, 23:46. Home Shopping Cart Checkout. to 6 p. 8:00am - 4:30pm. Mon. 8 a. m. 8 a. Wethersfield Mapping / GIS. These maps include information on population data, topographic features, hydrographic and structural data. m. Personal property taxes are primarily for the furniture, fixture and equipment used in businesses in the Town of Wethersfield, but they may also include unregistered motor vehicles. 505 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2800 Get Directions. gov. me (860) 571-8100: Building Inspection:. , Fri. Town of Wethersfield Assessor's Office 505 Silas Deane Hwy Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2810. to 6 p. Over one hundred fifty of our old, beautiful and distinctive Colonial homes stand as a symbol of the rich heritage which has been Wethersfield’s since the early days of its founding more than 375 years ago. Keeney Homes for Sale $395,000. Wethersfield,. to 1 p. Available state-wide for nights and weekends field/office work. Maps and data sets produced by the town's Geographic Information System. to 4:30 p. m. Free Search. 8:00am - 1:00pm See moreListing files in 'Assessor Forms'. , Thurs. . m. Find out why MapGeo is the premier mapping platform to connect civic departments with residents and local businesses. Copies of documents are $1.