For patients who want the benefits of chiropractic care but are wary or afraid of strong spinal adjustments, Atlas Orthogonal is a great option. It is a procedure that releases the muscles and other tissues around the atlas which frees it, and contact with the atlas does not occure. What is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic? This specific Upper Cervical Chiropractic technique is a non-invasive, precision-based approach that addresses atlas misalignment. The Sweat Institute is The Pioneer, Developer, Fountainhead for Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Dr. This procedure is based on scientific and biomechanical principles. Roy W. Roy Sweat in the late 1960’s based on scientific. The orthospinology technique utilizes a similar percussive instrument for some types of misalignments, and a larger table mounted instrument with a slight. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is an effective approach. The C1 bone is called the atlas and the C2 bone has a part that sticks up (dens) that fits into the atlas:. Atlas Orthogonal Technique is an upper cervical chiropractic treatment technique created by Frederick M. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is a system of adjusting subluxations of the cervical spine by means of its uppermost vertebra (C1 AKA the “atlas”). It makes no sense and is not congruent with modern medical science. Johnston is a specialist in Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic and has the distinction of being one of only three. The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. The ATLAS ORTHOGONIST (or thog’ ah nist) is a doctor in the field of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio-mechanics of the upper cervical spine. The head. AO or Atlas Orthogonal is a system and technique used by specialized chiropractors. This technique is unlike standard chiropractic care, where manual manipulation is performed. Atlas Adjustment, also referred to as Atlas Orthogonal, is a spinal adjustment technique designed to ensure that the cranio-cervical junction is properly aligned. Roundy and Clark use special radiographic views to determine the extent and direction of spinal misalignment. 34K subscribers 18K views 10 years ago This short video explains the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure and topics including the spinal column,. The Atlas Orthogonal Program was developed with specificity in mind. Instead of using abrupt force that causes popping or cracking, the Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a gentle correction. AO or Atlas Orthogonal is a system and technique used by specialized chiropractors. The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique Atlas orthogonal technique. The ATLAS ORTHOGONIST (or thog’ ah nist) is a doctor in the field of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio-mechanics of the upper cervical spine. The Atlas Orthogonist has undergone extensive training specializing in correcting spinal misalignment by using the atlas orthogonal percussion instrument. The philosophy stresses that incorrect alignment of the spine might be the cause of all disease. For some background - I have had multiple concussions (four or so). The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique AO or Atlas Orthogonal is a system and technique used by specialized chiropractors. The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic treatment is thus able to safely restore good posture and cervical alignment without spinal manipulation or surgery. Schedule an Appointment Recent Posts Atlas Chiropractic Welcomes Former Patients of The Atlas and Spine Center of Greater Washington, PC 5 Top Weight Loss Apps for a New You This Year Atlas Orthogonal is an upper cervical adjustment technique that seeks to adjust the atlas back into its proper position, the orthogonal or neutral position. These scans allow chiropractors to be more precise with their adjustments. By doing so, we straighten the spine and allow the nervous system to function properly, thereby preventing or correcting many serious health conditions that have a significant impact on quality of life. Sweat in 1979. This is a precise and gentle method to correct the atlas misalignment using a special percussion instrument. The gentle force is the measure needed to adjust the atlas according to those that do the technique (I do not). This technique can address various health conditions. These practitioners believe that because the brain stem and spinal cord pass through the first vertebra that all problems arise from this area and are treated at this area, or some other bs like that. Atlas Orthogonal is not a dangerous technique. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. It was designed and perfected by Dr. It offers a gentle and precise correction to place the bone back into position and realign the spine. The main difference is that Atlas Orthogonal utilizes an instrument, whereas NUCCA is practice with a manual adjustment. The focus of the NUCCA work is the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck), the atlas (top bone surrounding the brainstem) and its influence on the. This procedure is highly safe and. There's no popping or cracking in the adjustment either. These practitioners believe that because the brain stem and spinal cord pass through the first vertebra that all problems arise from this area and are treated at this area, or some other bs like that. This led Dr. Atlas Orthogonal is a healthcare program for the spine, initially developed by Dr. Collins 1. Schedule an Appointment Recent Posts Atlas Chiropractic Welcomes Former Patients of The Atlas and Spine Center of Greater Washington, PC 5 Top Weight Loss Apps for a New You This Year The Atlas is a 2-ounce bone that supports the base of the skull, which weighs 9-17 pounds. Then the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment itself is performed to the upper neck, but instead of cracking or twisting the neck, Atlas Orthogonal uses a gentle percussive wave. Correcting the out-of-position Atlas can have reverberating effects on the entire body, supporting recovery from injuries, and can improve many aspects of a patient's health. The structural balance of the human body is maintained by the precise interaction of the muscles which, under control of the nervous system, permit the skeletal framework to move and flex in a relatively unrestricted manner. Atlas orthogonal adjustments are incredibly precise and safe. The Atlas Orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic who, in addition to six or more years of education, utilizes a light force method of specifically adjusting the spine. The Technique. LIKE Upper Cervical Care - Upper Cervical Chiropractor. We precisely measure spinal misalignments. The Atlas Orthogonal system is a painless and safe spinal correction which restores body balance and increases the body’s natural healing ability. That is, the patient will be evaluated for misalignment of the atlas vertebra, or first cervical bone. Atlas Orthogonal is an upper cervical adjustment technique that seeks to adjust the atlas back into its proper position, the orthogonal or neutral position. Dr. We precisely measure spinal misalignments. I firmly believe in the miracle of the Atlas Orthogonal training and think Dr. Roy W. Atlas orthogonal technique. Atlas Orthogonal is a pain-free and safe spinal correction that restores balance and reactivates the natural healing powers of your body. Who Needs Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic? When most people think of Chiropractic they think of neck pain, back pain or muscle aches. It is a technique which uses a percussion instrument in attempts to adjust what is measured from specific X-rays and found to be a vertebral subluxation. When the atlas is in its proper position the rest of the spine will naturally align back into place. Roy Sweat in the late 1960’s based on scientific. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. It is a technique which uses a percussion instrument in attempts to adjust what is measured from specific X-rays and found to be a vertebral subluxation. We precisely measure spinal misalignments. An Atlas Orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic that has extensive training and post-graduate work specializing in correcting spinal realignment by means of an atlas orthogonal percussion instrument. When the atlas is in its proper position the rest of the spine will naturally align back into place. What is Atlas Orthogonal? Health Conditions & NUCCA; NUCCA, Pediatrics & Pregnancy; Pediatric and Pregnancy Chiropractic; Auto Accidents; Personalized Exercise and Stretching Programs; Digital X-Rays; Long Lasting Results; Other TreatmentsThe Atlas Orthogonal (A. This technique is unlike standard chiropractic care, where manual manipulation is performed. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. I took maximum doses of anti-inflammatory drugs. This is a precise and gentle method to correct the atlas misalignment using a special percussion instrument. What does “Atlas Orthogonal” mean? Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is a chiropractic technique that involves using a specialized instrument to adjust the atlas or the first cervical vertebra in the spine. It is a whole-body technique because it focuses on the atlas as a. These practitioners believe that because the brain stem and spinal cord pass through the first vertebra that. If you have ever studied Greek mythology Atlas was the guy who held the world on top of his outstretched arms. Dr. Sweat in 1979. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic in Dubai (AO) is Safe, Non-Invasive , Painless and Effective; it does not rely on manual adjustment. No manipulation (twisting or cracking) is ever employed or needed. These practitioners believe that because the brain stem and spinal cord pass through the first vertebra that all problems arise from this area and are treated at this area, or some other bs like that. Atlas orthogonal is a flavor of a a broader group called upper cervical. Even more specifically, practitioners of the Atlas Orthogonal technique concentrate on the Atlas vertebrae – the very first bone in the neck. He went on to receive his Doctor in Chiropractic degree with honors in research from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Gentle and Effective Chiropractic Treatment. What is Atlas Orthogonal?. The Atlas Orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic who, in addition to six or more years of education, utilizes a light force method of specifically adjusting the spine. The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. Roy Sweat, founder of the Atlas Method, created percussion wave vibration to reposition… The ATLAS ORTHOGONIST (or thog’ ah nist) is a doctor in the field of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio-mechanics of the upper cervical spine. (Atlas-Orthogonal). Drs. Best Add a Comment doctor_ben • 5 yr. Orthogonal means 90 degrees and in this case is specifically concerned with the relative position of the atlas in conjunction with the head and the rest of the cervical spine. The atlas is a critical factor, if not in alignment, that may result in many all too often. The focus of the NUCCA work is the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck), the atlas (top bone surrounding the brainstem) and its influence on the. Johnston completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Santa Cruz. instrument allows for an adjustment that requires such a light force that patients, who may expect more forceful manipulations as part of their treatment, find it. Vogel and Roy W. This technique is a painless and safe upper cervical chiropractic spinal correction of the atlas bone that restores a person’s balance and stimulates the natural-healing capabilities normally present in the body which results in the amazing byproduct of pain relief and. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and improves body functions through alignment of the Atlas vertebrae. The atlas is the first cervical vertebra (C1) and the topmost vertebra of your spine. O. ago. Atlas Chiropractic is a technique used to assess the upper neck and its relationship to the cranium. Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a great option for many people who have had a diagnosed herniated disc, back injury, or other back problems. In the adjusting head of the instrument, there is a solenoid that strikes a stylus. The Atlas Orthogonal system is a painless and safe spinal correction which restores body balance and reactivates the body’s natural healing abilities. The Atlas Chiropractic Realignment Procedure. It offers a gentle and precise correction to place. The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. Chiropractors can be accessed directly by visiting their centers. The fact that she feels both better and worse after the adjustments is a testament to the fact that the gentle force is making an effect, imho. The precision of the A. The atlas is a critical factor, if not in alignment, that may result in many all too often overlooked and untreated medical conditions. Sweat with the aid of engineers at Georgia Tech University. These main ligaments are: Alar Transverse Accessory Altogether, the elements outlined here work as a functioning unit to hold the skull onto the neck. Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is a chiropractic technique that involves using a specialized instrument to adjust the atlas or the first cervical vertebra in the spine. The Atlas orthogonal treatment takes a holistic approach to alleviating neck pain and treating a misaligned Atlas. The atlas is the first and top cervical vertebrae (C1), holding the head (occiput) and thus forms the atlanto-occipital joint (A-O). The Atlas is a 2-ounce bone that supports the base of the skull, which weighs 9-17 pounds. It sits directly under the skull. What the heck does Atlas Orthogonal mean? Well, the atlas is the first vertebra of the spine. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is the specific treatment that corrects the subluxations of the Atlas. The muscles that keep the atlas in its proper place are wired to your eyes in such a strong way that their fibers get. Dr. Atlas Orthogonal Technique is an upper cervical chiropractic treatment technique created by Frederick M. If you are struggling with PMS in Irvine CA, call Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic today for help. The. Atlas orthogonal technique. This video includes a explanation of: Why symptoms of atlas subluxationmay be felt in different ares of the body What your examine will be like How to the atlas orthogonal instrument is used The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. After a thorough history and examination, Dr. I usually see at least 50% improvement in 2 to 4 weeks using more modern techniques; diversified, ART, Gradton, rehab exercises. Are NUCCA and Atlas Orthogonal Treatments the Same? NUCCA is a gentle, non-invasive upper cervical chiropractic and atlas chiropractic approach developed more than forty years ago. O. Katie and Dr. Roy Sweat, founder of the Atlas Method, created percussion wave vibration to reposition… The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. AO or Atlas Orthogonal is a system and technique used by specialized chiropractors. Dr. By gently realigning this vital gateway, this approach aims to restore balance to the body's structure, potentially alleviating the debilitating symptoms of fibromyalgia. Information. Schwartz | Watch the videos below to learn what we do and why we do it. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is a system of adjusting subluxations of the cervical spine by means of its uppermost vertebra (C1 AKA the “atlas”). The philosophy stresses that incorrect alignment of the spine might be the cause of all disease. You are correct that some of the terminology is incorrect and is in need of revision, as some of the truth is lost in translation. I usually see at least 50% improvement in 2 to 4 weeks using more modern techniques; diversified, ART, Gradton, rehab exercises. Collins 1. This orthopedic condition can be categorized by hypermobility of the cervical vertebrae. Dr. Gregory received a Presidential Honor Society Certificate degree. Next is the word Orthogonal. When the atlas is in its proper position the rest of the spine will naturally align back into place. It is based upon the pioneering work of Drs. The Atlas Orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic who, in addition to six or more years of education, utilizes a light force method of specifically adjusting the spine. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. It is an upper-cervical based corrective procedure that is both gentle and painless. The Atlas Orthogonal doctor will evaluate the patient extensively for craniocervical misalignment and dysfunction. The Atlas Orthogonal Program was developed with specificity in mind. The Atlas Orthogonal Program was developed with specificity in mind. If you “have your head on straight,” thank your atlas. Roundy and Clark use special radiographic views to determine the extent and direction of spinal misalignment. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique (AO) is a specialty technique because it focuses on adjusting the atlas vertebra and studying its relationship to human anatomy and health. Atlas Orthogonal is a specialty in chiropractic; it can help relieve pain and suffering, promote healthy growth and development, and improve well-being - for both body and mind. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. Atlas Orthogonal Introduction (8:45) Watch this easy to understand description of the Atlas Orthogonal technique. We precisely measure spinal misalignments. Colavita serves as an FDA inspector of the Atlas Orthogonal instrument and has been a contributing author on many texts and educational materials concerning the atlas orthogonal approach and therapy. Atlas Orthogonal and Orthospinology are the other two orthogonal techniques, although one main difference is that Atlas Orthogonal always uses an instrument to adjust. This procedure is highly safe and. Owner and Chiropractor at Atlas Orthogonal. Sweat in 1979. The Atlas Orthogonist (or thog’ ah nist) is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio- mechanics of the upper cervical spine. This video includes a explanation of: Why symptoms of atlas subluxation may be felt in different ares of the body; What your examine will be like; How to the atlas orthogonal instrument is used; A brief history of the development of. The ATLAS ORTHOGONIST (or thog’ ah nist) is a doctor in the field of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio-mechanics of the upper cervical spine. When the atlas is in its proper position the rest of the spine will naturally align back into place. Atlas Orthogonal is a specialty in chiropractic; it can help relieve pain and suffering, promote healthy growth and development, and improve well-being - for both body and mind. The technique is taught in more detail in the Governing Vessel & Spine course, but here is a simple version you can try yourself. Atlas orthogonal is a flavor of a a broader group called upper cervical. The Atlas Orthogonal Program was developed with specificity in mind. He attends regular, ongoing training to stay up-to-date on the latest chiropractic techniques and medical knowledge.