Complete_Goose_3656 • 2 yr. Thanks Dank Memer for making Discord not boring, i truly appreciate you do that, but sadly i will quit this bot. They are activated by chance when issuing a command. tree, air, dresser, and dog are all really good. 2. after a certain amount of max interactions the adventure ends successfully. 10 to 20% to get a God Box when you succesfully wish at a shooting star. Zealousideal_Sink_51 • 1 yr. Star Fragment is a sellable in Dank Memer that can be obtained by doing the "Pepe Goes to Space" adventure, or by opening the 'Space Adventure' box. get 19 interactions. 5 which should be precise, but it seems base values have been changed from what they were on. BestInfinity. 👌 | Global currency game with over 30m…Adventure Voucher is a rare collectable in Dank Memer that can be obtained from crafting, or through market offers. Which is the best stat for a pet and why? (Attack, Defense, Hunting or Sustainability) Advertisement Coins. A Grind Pack is used to instantaneously give you some basic grind assisting items Do note that you can only buy this item from the shop once, after purchasing one, the item will be taken off the shop on your. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Each adventure gives different rewards. 👌 | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. yea they can. 55K subscribers in the dankmemer community. Survive. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. Achievements are lists of objectives in Dank Memer that you can complete in order to get rewards such as items, titles, or coins. Created Oct 5, 2017. When prestiging, the user would. To hunt for items, you can use the command /hunt. Events are randomly occurring events in Dank Memer. You can start a stream using /stream. 👌 | Global currency game with over 30m…Treasure Map is a rare collectable in Dank Memer that can be obtained from the market, from the Pepe Goes Out West adventure, or from opening an out west adventure box. it would be nice if it had some use. How to continue an adventure??? Pls help!!! 1. Higher level = more bank space, prestiging and using cheese helps this process. tree is the best place for searching becauss there are 0% chances of dying and it gives the most number of coins. 2k. What do you guys think? Max promotion is 20, I think this would be a tad bit too broken. Each achievements have different rewards, ranging from coins, items, and titles. Title Level(s) required Newbie 1 Re-poster 5 Memer 10- Original Memer 15 Total Memer 20 Dank Memer 25 Good Meme 50 69 nice 69 Kek Lord 100 Amazing Cute MemerTip Jar is a tool in Dank Memer. 1% chance that a user may get either a Kraken or a Legendary Fish by fishing. 12. . It can be obtained by trading or working as a Twitch streamer. Level 0: The chance that partner dies with you is equal to 5%. Close, it's actually 10/36 chance to win 1x your bet, 1/36 chance to win 5x your bet, and 25/36 chance to lose. whenever i try to do the command it says "You can't prestige during an adventure bruh" when im not in a adventure. Dig is a currency command in Dank Memer. We boast an in-depth and truly unique global currency system at the core of our bot that has entertained millions. I want to know how rich everyone is. Please note that with the. . Dank Assistant is your most reliable guide to the Dank Memer universe! From the most casual of players, to the most grindy of sweats, you will definetely find a feature that you need in this bot! Our top features:. You will get 9. Appears. Adventure is mostly luck. These commands have a very low cooldown and. 86% approximate success rate. I lost my trophy. It is a regular corndog with mustard as a condiment. The actual meaning of course, is to describe something that’s moist, clammy, musty, or cold. IT BROKE FOR ME. Outcome 2 - 40% of You take the torch, and try to perform tricks with it. Sometimes spam posts and the users who create them get downvotes. u die or something or u do like 21 interactions or something, whichever comes first. [deleted] • 1 yr. When users get nothing, the message "There was nothing in your tip jar, be. There are 5 types of robbing in dank memer. tl;dr - you use currency commands > you gain xp > you get bank space as you level up. Level 3: You can now both share money with each other without tax. With the /adventure command, you can go on various themed adventures to earn items, coins, skins, multipliers, and more. You can use a shooting star to change your current pet and transform it into any other type of pet. Fandom Muthead Futhead Fanatical Follow Us. Using the command /dig, you simulate yourself digging in the dirt and have a chance of bringing back an item, or you might not bring back anything at all. If you are looking for lots of coins quickly, do /work shift and /postmemes for More than 100k per hour. This game's best way to get money is gamble, and gamble is an addiction, and this game's only goal is to: get rich. "Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. 👌 | Global currency game with over 30m users, stealing, pets…This is a list of items featured in Dank Memer. glovebox is goodish. 👌 | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. It is a golden bullet with an orange-ish brown-ish tip. Known in the industry as “fake tails,” these pieces, just like the best hairpieces for humans, are made from real hair and braided into existing locks to. A shaking, dark box with a dark blue base and a. i realized why i was so determined that it will be fun to do jobs for servers related to Dank Memer: addiction. Today Ill be going over 3 of my best tips to earn dank memer coins. If you get a trending meme, you will receive double the amount of loot in return. Whats todays trending game. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. Robbing 10k isn't hard, especially when u can just rob ur alt and get the money there. A treasure map is used to start a randomized mini-game that in exchange for successfully completing said game will give a random amount of coins. Using it will display the text: "You equipped your handy dandy compass. Reply. Kerdaloo • 10 mo. (I’m not so sure, though). Ammo is used to guarantee that the user will not get nothing from issuing the hunt command. Kraken is a sellable in Dank Memer. We boast an in-depth and truly unique global currency system at the core of our bot that has entertained millions. Pepe Medal is a collectable in Dank Memer that can be obtained by completing the 'Put 6 items in your showcase!' Achievement, by reaching Level 2,000, by crafting for it, by buying it from the Market, by choosing Urinate on the 'Pepe Goes to Space!' Adventure or by opening the following loot boxes: Patreon Box Pepe Box Santa's Bag A Pepe Medal. 4chan Antiantijoke Antijoke Blacktwitter Chucknorris Comics Create Discordmeme Facepalm Joke Meirl Meme Memeeconomy Prequel Pun Sequel. 1. How to get it is to search the planet that is giving radioactive chemicals from close. The first time starting your own farm, you are required to have at least a Hoe and a watering tool like a watering can, or a watering bucket in your. The use of this item was originally to craft a Golden Corndog,. Edit: Theres this bot called Shero. You can invite it or get in a server with it, and you will know the trending game for that day by just typing Dtrend in a channel where the bot is not muted. Fish is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can also choose to keep this item as a collectable, or you can try and profit from it by making a market offering for it. Our major features include: Virtual pets that you can level, breed, and fight with; 200+ unique items to collect, invest in, and sell; A global market system letting users trade coins. 0. rarest items let's golike and sub when100 subs whencomment video ideas whenjoin my server when - is a currency command in Dank Memer. ago. You'd eat it if you could. how to get rich in dank memer in 1 day,how to get all new items dank memer,pepe goes out west new adventure dank memer,how to get rich in dank memer,how to d. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. level 2. I believe Mel has been deleting a lot of duplicates as it’s gotten out of control and is really lowering the quality of the subreddit, but I see 13 posts still active asking if odd eye is possible from adventure. 👌 | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. It's important to note that you can't obtain an odd eye by "collecting it" during the Pepe Goes to Space! Adventure. Adventure Command. NotMizer • 2 days ago. i wan a odd eye but im too poor, so im gonna farm till 20k!! will keep u updated on milestones. Reply. Zapperofdoom · 5/16/2022. ) Snowballs can last for 30. Before you get the money make sure to eat a tidepod to get a. Snowball is a tool in Dank Memer that can be obtained by opening a gift box or Santa's Bag. I would recommend not to bring your best items, because you might lose it. Level 10: Chance of dying together is now lowered to 3%. ago. Reply. 2b cash. MY BOT IS OFFICIALLY VERIFIED! Thanks to dank memer team for encouraging me to build. bot automation discord discord-bot dank-memer dankmemer dank-memer-farm dank-memer-farmer dank-memer-coins dank-memer-coin-farmer Updated Sep 24, 2022; Python; 6A31. You can use the command /crime to commit a crime. By logging in on your discord account, and then visiting either site, you can choose to vote for Dank Memer, and after doing so, you will receive a. ID (52013057034957620 2) On the 5th of January 2022, I got an email from Discord outlining that I had broken one of their ToS, which to my surprise was "joining servers in a fast manner. What happened? Well, you're about to find out!Arcade Hangouts [ Dis. Just your average snakeeyes. 8. Dank Memer started being literally 1984 in August 24 2022. Lasso is a collectable in Dank Memer that can be obtained by buying it from the market, by doing the "Out West" Adventure, or by opening the "Out West" Loot Box. EveningBlued • 8 mo. 👌 | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. When used, Dank Memer will request the user to send a valid user tag within 45s, if its done correctly, a. 2. Note that in order for this to work, your current pet needs to be at least prestige 5 to handle type transformation. Dank Memer is a unique bot for Discord. Boost your server's engagement, today!It's the chance of the number shown (1/100) x the chance of the jackpot number (1/100) so 1/10,000. I found an interaction where Dank Memer says: Trick or treat! and there are four answers you can click, there is: Treat!, Treat!, Treat!, Treat! pls update the guide. Boost your server's engagement, today!THE ULTIMATE ADVENTURE GUIDE | ALL INTERACTIONS + HOW TO GET RICH + DRAGOS METHOD!This video contains the absolute BEST ULTIMATE guide on EVERY INTERACTION O. Gambling is the most basic, which is just rolling dice. 👌 | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. Gamble, slots, blackjack, snake-eyes and scratch-off. DriftKing_YT • 1 yr. . It’s going to be a drop item based on other’s speculation but melmsie has not released the date yet. This thread is archived. ago. I do trade a lot of high value items but I’ll give an example of trophies since they’re semi-affordable for most. Use Lucky Horseshoe by the way. ago. I don't think it really matters which one you choose, bc it's random. pretty sure it just give some coins , no items. As you can see on the video it will make grinding so much easier. you can always do pls adv and check if you are in an adv or not , chances are you are , cause same adv can keep going for days. It is an ignited bomb with the coin symbol plastered in green colors on the side. In crime, you're given three types of criminal activities to choose one from, each crime with a different outcome message and possible rewards. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Note that you need to have a shovel in your. Long story short, it didn't end well. Tip if you get "Whaaaaaaaat?Shooting Star is a collectable in Dank Memer that can be obtained by doing the 'Space' Adventure, or by crafting for it. When something isnt being tested its usually offline. This thread is archived. Server engagement tools for giveaways and events from our currency. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord Bots and Servers as well as other spaces to discover DAOs. Dank Box is an uncommon loot box in Dank Memer that can be obtained by opening a box box, purchasing it from the web store, or through market offers. A god box can be opened by using the item, allowing you to win very valuable items, and a guaranteed coin rewards ranging. Most of the time you either win one object or, lose everything. Doing /daily for at least 1 month gets you a lot, getting at least 2 votes per day gets you 6m per month. Hunting works the same way as both fishing or digging, since it requires you to have specific item, in this case, a Hunting Rifle before you're able to use the command. pls weekly (gives you a lot of money, but has a 7d cooldown and must be executed on the official Dank Memer server) . 6K subscribers. . Dank Memer is a unique bot for Discord. ago. 4 good ways are: pls daily (gives you money, but has a 24h cooldown) . I mean i dont think there should be any deficit of interaction names, so im not suggestion them here. It is a cyan splash that resembles ectoplasm. Join a server that participates in trading (I recommend dank trades) Right now banknotes sell for around 80k, and Pizza, for the same price, you get 4 pizza and 4 banknotes every day by voting, that means you can get 640k. Has the bot on a channel called dank memer (or on discord, dank-memer) (6). The black hole is an annoying item so they can trade it to dank memer + no one wants to buy a black hole. It only lasts 15 minutes. My first to buy things are: Laptop, Cell phone, One of the pets preferably one that is capable of attacking . If you succeed the game,. 5 Comments.