New Post: Yancey Board of Ed 7/17 Agenda. The North Carolina State Highway Patrol troopers report said the crash occurred around 1:30 p. For Rent: Trailer: $500 a month, no HUD, no small kids…text 828-467-6398. Town council member Russell Fox filed for the mayor position as has Eric Klein. A $50 reward is offered. The Accident occurred at the intersection of 197 and Highway 19E near Glen Raven Mills. Saturday evening French Broad. 8:00am – 4:00pm each day. Just after 4:30 pm, Monday afternoon Yancey County Deputies were dispatched to a report of shots fired inside a residence in the Jacks Creek Area. (From Carolina Public Press) 2020 is a major elections year in North Carolina, with voters making choices for federal, state and local offices. Cost for camp is $30 cash. New Post: Seek Truth! Find Jesus Vacation Bible School. Again, mistaking the meaning of the clause. On Wednesday activity around the Chevrolet building on West Main Street spilled over to the Banks Family Square Shopping Center near the old Fred’s. Employers across the nation are feeling the immense strain caused by President Biden’s failed economic policies as they struggle to retain skilled workers they need. . He worked full time for 30 years at UNC-TV. December 30, 2021 Latest Updates, Local News. Third, all of us buy groceries, pay for transportation and utilities, help others who have it worse. High winds swept through Western North Carolina on Saturday afternoon knocking out power and causing numerous brush fires and wildfires. News Lexington mental health professional reacts to study saying teen suicide rates dropped during COVID-19 school shutdowns Updated : Jul. If found call Noah at 828-284-5382. The code orange alert actually covers 2/3 of North Carolina, from the mountains through the. New Post: Mitchell Commissioners Unanimously Pass Both Ordinances. In Burnsville a total of eight candidates signed up for the town election. Describing her life she said, “I think that my legacy is that I opened a new world for basket-makers. WTOE Radio, Goodtime Oldies in Spruce Pine, NC 1470 AM and WKYK Radio, Real Country Radio, BurnsvillThe North Carolina Highway Patrol confirmed troopers investigated a deadly crash last night in Mitchell County. September 28, 2022 Uncategorized. Born on November 5, 1938 in Mitchell County, she was the daughter of. A tackle box of fishing lures was lost at the traffic light at the Micaville intersection. “The timing of this grant could not come at a more important time in North Carolina,” said Patrick Woodie, President and CEO of the Rural Center. Phone Extensions. The wreck occurred around 7:15 p. February 22, 2018 Prayer Request. 5FM - West Jefferson, NC - Your Community Leader for Local News, Sports, and Information TRADING POST – WKSK – 580AM – 93. He was issued $50,000. 19 near Veed Garland Road. Congrats to Yancey County 12u team for winning the Tar Heel Leagues District 2 Championship and advancing. The breach was by an unknown and unauthorized party on an online forum. One person was killed and a 7-year-old was airlifted to the hospital after a multi-vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon. July 7, 2023 Opinions. New Post: Mental Health and Wellness. WTOE/WKYK Radio, Burnsville, North Carolina. Details Obituaries Services. As an independent my whole life I find it tragically comic that there are folks out there who need to hear xenophobic supporters of authoritarian regimes ‘splain the need for another perspective to them. Avery County is located at 200. ) Lauren Kelly McClellan 39, Of Green Mountain, NC Was Arrested On 07/15/2023 And Charged With Felony Possession With Intent To Manufacture Sell And Deliver Schedule 1 Controlled. Reading Is Alive! Join us for Reading Is Alive! This year’s program is Tale of the Pig and is produced in partnership with Attic Salt Theatre, Penland School of Crafts, and the Avery-Mitchell-Yancey Libraries. November 30, 2022 Obitiuaries. Call or text 707-4915. Spruce Pine Water Alert. The next regular meeting of the school board will be held on Monday, August 21, 2023 in the YCS District Office Board Room. Kenneth McCurry (new) Pray for the postal service. COVID News. Change Orders for STES & EYMS Superintendent Kathy Amos reviewed 3 Change Orders presented by Harper General Contractors. Contact: US Mail PO Box 744, Burnsville, NC 28714 Location 749 Sawmill Road, Burnsville, NC 1-800-962-5590New Post: Lost: White Cat with Gray Tabby Coloring on Ears, Back and Tail New Post: Lost: 2 White Anatolian Shepherd/Poodle Mix Dogs New Post: Connect @ Your Library New Post: Tent Revival at the Poplar Community Building New Post: SIZZLIN’ SUMMER SERIES – Fun for the Whole Family New Post: Yancey Health Department Donation Drive New. The FY24 NDAA saves taxpayers $40 billion or 5% of current defense spending levels. The theme is “Seek Truth! Find Jesus. $25 if interested please text (828)284-7580 Wanted: Beeswax, doesn’t have to be clean…Text 828 284 9878 For Sale: Oak church pew. No cause has been listed at this time for the blaze. It’s a struggle, always has been for some, worse for others now. You think jobs are going. Send Flowers Website. Monday started as a code yellow air quality day but shifted to a code orange as the Canadian wildfire smoke continued to settle throughout the afternoon. Camp for 6th-8th grade is July 26th & 27th from 9:00-12:00. July 13, 2023 Latest Updates, Other, Yancey County Sports. The average salary at the company will be more than $51,000, and the project’s economic impact will be nearly half. 5FM – West Jefferson, NC NEWS & SPORTSA former Mitchell County renowned artist passed away on October 12th. Roger Carroll (new) Travis Dellinger. ”. Plans have been underway for 8 years and are expected to reach completion in 2025. August 2, 2022 Latest Updates, Local News. I wholeheartedly agree with the Court. These changes involved adding in areas of flooring and the. New Post: Fireworks & Town Wide Yard Sale in Mitchell County New Post: Yancey County Sheriff’s Felony Arrest Report 06/16/2023 To 06/22/2023 New Post: Yancey EDC Special Meeting 6/28 New Post: Yancey Commissioners and Library Board Meeting 6/26 New Post: Swap Shop Items New Post: Yancey Humane Society Spay / Neuter Clinic New Post:. The ones (WISE) that want to listen can get prepared . Updated: Jul. (Press Release from Yancey County Sheriff’s Department. June 21, 2023 Opinions. This is the first new school for Mitchell County in 22 years. Over a two. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Ed Wayson, Sr. New Post: Grandfather Mountain to host Animal Enrichment Day on Aug. Sports, music, news, audiobooks, and podcasts. The FY24 NDAA saves taxpayers $40 billion or 5% of current defense spending. “The Blood is Still the Only Way”- Heaven’s Mountain Band. William Kehler, emergency services director for McDowell County EMS said the EMS along with Ashford Fire Department and McDowell Rescue, responded to the. August at the Orchard. The groundbreaking for the new Mitchell Elementary and Middle School was held today at noon. Yancey County Health Dept at 828-682-6118. They finished the program last week with their Flagger Credential, and many many more job related. Elementary School Open House will be Wednesday, August 16, 4:00 – 6:30 p. Lost: Wallet. An individual citizen with a camera is not “the press” any more than one with a hammer is a builder, with or without “credentials. 2,733 likes · 22 talking about this. New Post: Mitchell Sheriff's Report. I don’t work for the public. New Post: Local Non-Profits Receive Funds From Mtn Air Community. The men are charged with seeking sex with minors. Tuesday Evening, hundreds of concerned Yancey County Citizens gathered at a special called joint meeting between the Yancey County Board of Commissioners and the Yancey County Public Library Board. Barbara Riddle Johnson, age 84, of Dale Road in Spruce Pine, passed away Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at Care Partners Solace Center in Asheville. Tickets are on sale now for “Grandfather Presents: David Sibley”. New Post: Tickets are on sale now for “Grandfather Presents: David Sibley”. 7 hours ago · New Post: Local Non-Profits Receive Funds From Mtn Air Community. I see some of your blinders are lifting but you still have some fog. The development will be set up with a Commons Building that will house a. He is survived by a brother, Eric Williamson of. Nora Nell Wayson, age 71, of Bakersville, went to be with the Lord on Monday, June 12th, 2023 at her home. 226 near Wilson Road when a 2004 GMC SUV traveling south crossed the center line and hit a. Victims, Suspect Identified in Triple Murder. . Mitchell County Board of Elections is located at 11 North Mitchell Avenue in Bakersville, call 828-688-3101. . C. On Tuesday, December 14, 2021, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) was requested by the Yancey County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) and District Attorney to investigate an officer involved shooting involving YCSO. The main misconception aka misinformation and disinformation pushed in the world is the Clause means to keep God out of government. Timothy Scott “Tim” Edwards, age 55, of Burnsville, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, July 20th, 2023 at his home. Work Session will begin at 5:30 pm, followed by the Regular Meeting at 6:00 pm. Hylemon arrested Waycaster for habitual felon status, possess SCH II, possess with intent to manufacture sell/deliver SCH II and felony sell/deliver SCH II on warrants issued by Yancey County. Power company crews from Duke Energy and French Broad Electric worked through the weekend to restore power. 3). For Sale: Yellow locust firewood: long wheel base load, will deliver. Mental Health and Wellness Center To Open. May 9, 2023 Latest Updates, Local News The Local Government Commission (LGC) has approved more than $100 million in financing requests from local governments around the state for school construction and other facilities, to renovate town halls and to purchase property for public use, and nearly $270 million for water and. Wanted: To buy hay equipment…call 828-284-4237. ,. Spruce Pine - System Pressure Advisory--Cancelled 7/21. An early morning crash in the Limestone Cove community of Unicoi claimed the life of a North Carolina resident Tuesday, August 10th. The site is located across from the Mitchell County Central Office in Ledger. The hazy Conditions yesterday continue today across the Western North Carolina Mountains. July 12, 2023 Latest Updates, Local News. Spruce Pine Water Alert | WKYK, WTOE. WTOE Radio, Goodtime Oldies in Spruce Pine, NC 1470 AM and WKYK Radio, Real Country Radio, BurnsvillWest Kentucky Star's aim is to provide 24/7 constant local information updates for Paducah, western Kentucky and southern Illinois. Yancey Board of Ed 7/17 Meeting. “Properly advising and. New Post: August at the Orchard. For Sale: 1998 Dozer: 25” tracks and 10’ blade, 5342 hours. Party politics, new and old. Foxx Report –7/7/23. November 4, 2020 Latest Updates, Local News In the Mitchell County Commissioners Race Harley Masters was the top vote getter with 6,319 votes. A native of Yancey County, he was a son of the late Patricia “Gail” Edwards, who passed away in 2005. October 25, 2021 Latest Updates, Local News Friday evening, October 22nd as many in Yancey County traveled toward Asheville, some excited about the upcoming Cougar ballgame at Madison High School, they came upon traffic backed up for miles as a head-on collision had occurred near the bottom of Madison mountain near the carp pond. -because we are going to be in a class (struggling) that you own NOTHING and be HAPPY. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. New Post: Spruce Pine Water Alert. You need to take your own advice start carrying food and water . Vaccination Information. October 13, 2021 Latest Updates, Local News Yancey citizens have been waiting since the announcement was made in September for filming of the movie version of “The Peripheral” to begin. January 28, 2022 Latest Updates, Local News A large cross in Yancey County is causing quite a stir after claims of taxpayer money are being used to light and maintain the installation. COVID News. who passed away in 2018; a granddaughter, Dana Riley; sisters: Betty Wilcox, Doris Hoilman and. Russell was charged with Death by Distribution. News. Savings include: This bill also bans critical race. Both Mitchell and Yancey counties have local primary races. Birthdays. Mitchell Travel & Tourism 7/25 Agenda. A one vehicle accident on Thursday evening January 6th killed two people. Yancey Sheriff’s Office Felony Arrest Report 7/14 – 7/20/23. To rent a one-bedroom…call 828-707-6220. on U. A native of South Toe River and Celo, NC, she was the daughter of Resa Riddle Oakes and Larry Carver of Marion, NC and David Robinson of Celo, NC. FCC Applications and Files. Just after 4:30 pm, Monday, August 1st, Yancey County deputies were dispatched to a report of shots fired inside a residence at 44 Smith Johnson Road in Yancey County. George “Bo” Williamson Jr. 4). and the late Kaye Frances Griffith. New Post: SART Presents Golden. Local Non-Profits Receive Funds From Mtn Air Community. Lexington police: 19-year-old, 16-year-old charged in connection with Tazewell Dr homicide. I do take issue with some of what is going on in some. If y’all could post those articles, parents may not know what is happening with states passing laws to charge parents of a crime or having their kids taken away is very important information. Over a two-day period beginning on. While en route to the location, dispatch advised deputies that there was a report of one person with a gunshot wound. With any luck or by the grace of God these confused or evil people will be stopped before they actually commit treason, turning on their country and their brothers and sisters in arms. Don’t you see what is happening now when you go to purchase anything-it’s not going down the price will continue to rise. Triple Homicide in Yancey County. New Post: Air Quality Alert New Post: Empty Bowls Fundraiser for Mitchell Shepherd's Staff New Post: WIC Program Information New Post: Parkway Playhouse Jr Presents "Beauty and The Beast" New Post: You Are Invited To Jade Wellbeing Open House New Post: Shop Local Independent. New Post: Yancey Board of Ed 7/17 Meeting. Troopers said a Jeep was traveling east in the west bound lane when it struck a Kia vehicle head on. Sections; News; Sports;. Yes I’m a Hippie. One person was killed in a two car collision in a traffic accident in Burnsville early Thursday afternoon. New Post: Lost: Wallet. 2. Twenty-seven affordable rental housing units are coming to Yancey County on three acres of property at the end of Sawmill Hollow Road, east of Burnsville. Shame on people who pollute and u know who you are. Yancey Funeral Services. 7 and AM 940. Mitchell; Yancey; State; Federal; NCNN; Community. Jamie Waycaster, 43 of Spruce Pine, NC.