Wotlk reddit. The only exception were the 3 dungeons released in a later patch. Wotlk reddit

 The only exception were the 3 dungeons released in a later patchWotlk reddit That’s awesome! 2 new WOTLK products being released in October can’t just be coincidence! Death Knights, Zombies, Spooky Skeletons everywhere… WOTLK would make a fitting Halloween release! Haha

Two 2. If you want to make gold, any profession can work, but Herbalism and Mining are recommended. Unless you speak Orcish you're gonna have a bad time. ago. so they clutch their. However, Jewelcrafting will get worse as the expansion progresses, while Blacksmithing will get better. What are you guys doing. i vividly remember the moaning about how easy wotlk heroics were; increasing the difficulty in heroic dungeons was probably the loudest request for cataclysm before it was released. Instead of 1 main and 8 max level alts. The scaling of enemy mobs basically means almost everything you kill is 10k~ HP. Though, I want to play a class/spec that's sought after, not played as much (not fotm PALADIN COUGH COUGH) so I'm unsure of what to go. There still existed some fluidity and flexibility. Many classes have previously been undervalued because they have less impact in 2v2. If you are EU then Earthshaker is a great Alliance realm. I was having fun until around 75 playing casually it’s just taking a while. - "buff consumables" is now ten times faster and lists prepop and infight potion usage. How's everyone doing in wotlk right now. fx88 • 1 yr. BM only (exotics) are lacklusters. those could actually be challenging to under geared groups, or people who ignored mechanics. A Feral OT brings everything that a Feral DPS brings, while also freeing up a raid slot for a good dps (like say another afflock). The type that think if they get the gear they will get the skill to utilize it. It also still does damage and is spamable. 1. Yeah as most have said 3/4 of the classes have good self sustain to some degree. Fit tigers fury in when you’re below 40 energy. During level you can aoe grind dungs for pritty good results. Realistically, 3. But you are hurting the rest of the raid by choosing to play a straight worse spec selfishly. Priest Smite. This is wrong wtf, they are ALWAYS top 3 dps if not top1 on some tiers / encounters. TripTryad • 5 yr. Go to wotlk r/wotlk • by Serious-Remote-9962. ago. I've played Preg a lot on Pserver and love that spec and love to be the support guy; but on Pserver you always have latest ICC gear while in S5 we will have much less powerfull gear. Just hitting level cap is quite the journey but you may be a fan of that. Paladins, mages, rogues (to a lesser degree and prob need gear). Revenge and cleave spam aoe shield slam devastate single target. Hi I am 2,8k+ Hunter in wotlk that is currently playing on a private server. The reason you want slow is because of A) Stormstrike/Lava Lash, and B) Windfury Weapon procs do more damage with slow weapons than fast weapons. 5 interns working on minimum wage + rice. By comparison there are almost a thousand demonology warlocks in the same bracket. Fresh will go the same way it always goes. Mage is a solid choice for a main. This is exactly how it works. Smart raid leaders will bring one for the raid benefits but less smart raid leaders will just want to stack pallys. Does risk potential bans though obviously. 1. ago WotLk is based around weekly raiding. Leatherworking: gives you access to Fur Lining - Spell Power worth an extra 46 SP. You can also use runes to refresh bone shield/swap to UH presence. Not just powerful, just like tbc it also has the lowest skill floor, as in it is the easiest healer to get 1800 with. I think WotLK will have a greater drop off than TBC after the initial honeymoon phase. No, some classes are always on top regardless of the tiers and rogue is one of these classes. I had a super productive day at work today and decided to make a spreadsheet with all mounts to help me keep track of my collection and progress towards 100 mounts. I presume it will take you a while to ding 80 from 1 and ToGC might be out by then, but Ulduar should still be relevant due to the hard mode gear. There’s a ton of tank swap fights in WotLK where Druids can shift into car form to stack bleeds for extra dps and also battle res and innervate people. For raids specifically frost is just extremely valueble. Their rotation isn’t too complicated, with 3 dots to. 5 of 25 raiders want to play, raids want 1. Wotlk probably has more players than tbc but is nowhere close to vanilla tbh. Either go fresh, or if you want an established server, Atiesh for West. So if you start playing now, you don't lose anything once Wotlk drops, but as the rest told you already, Wotlk comes with class balance changes so your class may. ago. Having a more reliable kit and DPS to kill targets before they get a heal (especially armored) beats -75% healing received and piddling damage. I wanted to come on here and let you guys know I did the impossible my group and I PUGGED a 10m naxx with our top gearscore being a 3. submitted 6 months ago by wotlk-gold. Go on a established mega server. ago. Spriest survivability is incredibly high, roughly 40% leech from imp ve and dp, 50% physical dr from inner fire and shadowform and 15% magic dr from shadowform. like seriously, if you cant get glad in wotlk without shadowmourne, you weren't gonna get glad anyway even if nobody else had it. EducatingMorons • 1 yr. Early on, ret is pretty middle of the pack boss damage but still brings solid utility and good cleave. 6. State of Warriors across all 4 tiers in WotLK. depends how blizz handles the phases, nobody wants to do 4 months of wotlk naxx or 4 month of ToC. Play as many games as you can (usually 10 games with a partner before they bounce, cuz that's what you need to get points for the week) and then find a new partner. ReplyIn wotlk the main factions you want give you a tabard at friendly, you can then grind any dungeon and it will reward rep for the faction of the tabard you are wearing. 2K gold farmed per day. Raid leaders will suck your dick to get you into the raid for the first 3 raid tiers. It's a shame. The easiest way to max rep is to get max level then use the tabard for the given faction you are trying to gain rep with while grinding dungeons. 3 man's are better than duo because you get party xp bonus with 3. They tried to make all the professions have a similar +power value in Wotlk. Dont turn in the Quest "where in the world is Hemet Nesingwary" that you get in dala att lvl 76-77. I’ve also noticed that some guys use rend and some do not and that difference. I find hunter to be a bit faster than warlock, though they're both good as first chars on a new realm. With WoW classic you. You get a pet, a bubble shield, and reduced cooldowns on defensive spells, so even those "oh crap" moments are a little more manageable. In PvE you don't get sodomized by Rngesus when your autos chain miss. ago by Emfrenxo BiS Lists for All Tiers and All Classes I've seen quite a few requests for BiS lists since I shared the T7 a while back. It lowers the dmg of the target and has a threat modifier in it. Blizzard downgraded the Legion version into classic and have 2. WoW WotLK best classes according to players. Basic goal for any spec is to cast as many (blood: heart strike, frost: obliterate, unholy: scourge strike) as you can, and everything else is. This one makes their gold from #1, only it’s not direct. I used to shadowmeld priest fears all the time back Then, and in some of the Following expansions if i recall correctly. 3. Keep people at a distance and cc warriors. TwinHits • 1 yr. tbc: much tougher but not as tough as vanilla, the biggest reason for wotlk >>>> is that tbc doesnt have focus interface NOR debuff countdown on default ui so you are forced to use a third party interface. DPS classes can kill before mobs kill you, but only in open world. the gorilla is a tenacity (tank) pet that has access to +40% healing taken and a baseline ability to interrupt spells. You don't really pvp as fury, you go arms or prot. Now dragonflight is out so just chillin on retail for a while. If you dont have at least 600K gold saved up in tbc, you will have no chance in upcoming wotlk Naxxramas GDKPs and you will fall behind in gear, making you unable to enter Ulduar & ICC later. This is largely based upon their talent "howling blast", which is a cleave ability that does great burst dmg. For reference, in ICC logs it was sitting around 14. Destro ele hpal. misterrpg. 1 recently. In PvP you have so much more playmaking potential. Affliction will find an easier time getting a guild. Death Knight. You should also reset all. Only other thing you’d need gold for would be for GDKPs if you had any interest in joining them. Just CC the priest for a few seconds, it delays a go for a little bit but the enemy will just hold back from blowing their cds. Some guy found that if you stacked pure armor pen and just ignore the whole disease stacking mechanic and just spam obliterate and heartstrike, you can easily top dps meters. Feel free to say your level and how casual/comp you play. You are essentially a destro lock (minus chaos bolt) however you have: - Molten core (chance on corruption tick to give you faster/harder hitting incinerate/soul fire) - way more pet damage. You literally 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 every mob and they die behind you. You can play pvp but other content need Russian language. You will be playing Classic content from 1-60, TBC content from 60-70 and then you get to Wotlk content from 70-80. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. 4 we where not all prebis as well as our highest gearscore being dps. With 1000+ voters here is what you think is the best/worst WoW expansion! by GoatLord8 in wow. jonslashtroy • 1 yr. wotlk: still have to earn gear but a tad more casual than tbc, barbershop, achievements, better graphics. If wotlk releases in december, you still have enough time to farm the gold. Jewelcrafting and Blacksmithing are both valued for their flexibility. There are some uses to bring Warrior as a DPS like fights in OS 2D/3D to kill the whelps quickly, but I would still prefer Balance. Fastest you can possibly hit 80 from 5 man dungeons is 28hrs. It's a full damage/knockback absorb on a short CD while also having a pet to distract a second target. WotLK just has a few check boxes that you need to meet to get all the raid buffs. 5 million health. I remember Wotlk as the best expansion, but this time around, nah. The boss always drops a 22 slot bag if I remember correctly and if you go for the sarth+3 drakes it will give more loot and a mount (one for each raid size) so you'll probably find people who want to keep doing this boss every reset anyway. Join. Fun is awfully subjective, but almost every spec gets massive quality of life in Wrath. this is the full intro to affliction warlock guide that has a lot of tips I've learned from being a private server junkie. However, they have a better chance of retaining the population after the release of the official WotLK. Death Knight DPS. Here is some that i read already. 8k to troll. Gamer District is x2 and released 3. people ignored mechanics 90% of the time in these dungeons. That’s awesome! 2 new WOTLK products being released in October can’t just be coincidence! Death Knights, Zombies, Spooky Skeletons everywhere… WOTLK would make a fitting Halloween release! Haha. In vanilla you have 1-60 and in tbc you had attunements, long rep farm and in general it was just harder to get gear. Ez as a frost Mage. 3, before that, there was a "daily dungeon" NPC outside violet hold that gave a quest with a large badge reward. In WOTLK, obliterate removed diseases but for each disease that was on the target, the skill did more damage. ToGC is the hard mode of that raid. Holy priest isn't about HPS, it's about utilty and keeping people alive. There is an EU guild too but not sure realm. Games fun. Hi Guys, I have been trying to research the BIS TRINKET and WEAPON for Feral druid PVP, but I have seen a lot of options lately and not a common sense in WOTLK. Again just my two cents from my own personal experience. Feral dps, Aff lock, Spriest. One level, flame shock and earth shock will be best. I also have an enhance sham, pve and pvp. Like literally every farm spot is infested aroudn 3-6 bots. So if 1 > 24 in your mind then it’s true. Rogue, Mage, and Priest are hard to balance. Free portal to scholozar Basin. It’s not the best tactic but if you enjoy pvp it’s not the badest. So the answer is whichever you prefer. Specifically for Warriors. Rogues get 1k gold per hour in wrath though. It changes often. Every or almost every dungeon has a quest or multiple quests that award really really really good blue quality tanking gear. Rogue puts you in competition with hunters, enh shammies, ret pallies, feral druids, and arms/fury warriors. Dude, processing power is up like 5000% at minimum since wotlk came out wtf are you talking about. We are stronger on progression than we are on farm. Everything naxx is either gone entirely (quests remain) or reskinned. There are A LOT of spots where you can AoE grind and quest at the same time. It's amazing that so many random things are included in a single addon. Consumables for raiding shouldn’t be much more than what it costs you now. Do that enough, you might win some games and make a friend or two. Lordaeron is x1 and has buffed pve content but a lower pop. Use the rune tap glyph instead. They take common food as well. It may not be the arpen menaces of ICC, but it's top 2 caster throughout Wrath. Engi/JC or Engi/Tailor are what are. A lot of locks do this farm, but there's other places in icecrown that are pretty good for this kind of farm aswell. Mezlow • 1 yr. Dont bother trying to do damage as a holy. It's really easy. 6. yaboiclamchowda • 9 mo. Classes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic will earn a total of 71 talent points, allowing them to take talents from multiple trees, though most builds typically invest the majority of their points in one tree, while taking only select bonuses in the others.